Pam McCurry writes, "Out of all the male family members I have researched over the years, Richard Haworth stands out as the most honorable."
Richard Haworth, was born on 5 APR 1828, and died on 27 DEC 1894. He was born in New Market (Jefferson CO), TN, to David Haworth and Susannah Bales. Richard first married Sarah Brazelton who died about 1855. The only child from this union that we have information on was Seth who was born the year his mother died. Sarah possibly died from complications from the childbirth.
Richard Haworth, at the age of 34, enrolled on the 1st day of March, 1862, in Company F of the 1st Regiment of the Tennessee Calvary commanded by Col. Robert Johnson. He was honorably discharged at Nashville on the 30th day of March 1865. Richard had enrolled into service at Boston, Kentucky and mustered into service on January 1, 1863 at Louisville, KY. He was in the Calvary for three years.
While a member of the 1st Regiment in the line of duty at Stevenson, AL on about August, 1863, Richard Haworth was taken sick. He was treated in a field hospital near Stevenson, AL and then transferred to hospital #9 in Nashville, TN. He was 5' 10" (tall) weighed 160 lbs, and had sandy colored hair and blue eyes. He was discharged March 30, 1865 at Nashville, TN. He never completely regained his health after the war.
In 1879, at the age of 52, Richard married Laura F. Randle, age 19. She was the daughter of James E. Randle and Sarah Davis of Grainger County, TN. Their five children were:
Dora Haworth, born 1 August 1880. She died on 19 November, 1942.
Ladoska Lee Haworth (female), born 1 March, 1882. She died in July 1982.
Charlie Haworth, born 14 April 1885. He died in 1970.
Owen Lee Haworth, born 23 October 1887. He died in 1966,
Rachel Susannah, born 13 February 1891. She died on 11 December, 1928.
Richard divorced his wife Laura on April 12, 1894, just eight months before his death. He was suffering from Scrofula, a type of TB that he developed due to exposure during the Civil War. Richard was blind and confined to his bed when he prepared a document to leave the welfare of his five children to his nephew, Hugh Grant Haworth, son of his brother Jonathan. Grant Haworth was given custody of Richard's children. He was 28 years of age and unmarried at the time.
Transcribed from Richard Haworth's pension records, a document signed by Obed Bates, states that he was personally acquainted with Richard Haworth during his life time. He was at his house the day after he died and helped to put him in the coffin and take him to the burial ground and helped bury him. "It was an awful cold day when we buried him".
Pam McCurry provided the following pictures of this family: (click on thumbnail to open picture)
Haworth, and his five children. circa 1892
Haworth, Richard's brother
Hugh Grant Haworth, son of Jonathan
Bible Entries of Hugh Grant Haworth
Obituary of Mahlon Haworth, Richard's brother
Unknown Group (family) Picture. Who are these people?