George Chalkley Haworth Family
"To EO Hawks"
Michael Dyer wrote us, saying that he inherited an old photo album with Haworth pictures in it. One photograph had no names identified.
It has now been identified; George Chalkey Haworth, his wife Ann Simon, and young son Robert Elwood Haworth. The young woman is a sister of Robert, whose identity remians unknown, for now.
George Chalkey Haworth is the son of Mahlon Haworth, and brother to Mahlon T. Haworth. Michael writes that he was able to track down a granddaughter of Robert, who confirmed the identities, and in fact, she has the same photograph hanging on her dining room wall.
He writes: "The back of the
photo says "To EO Hawks" which would be Edmond Oscar Hawks, husband of Iva
Elzina Haworth. Iva was daughter of George Chalkley Haworth and Mary Emily
Hadley. Also, the cabinet card is embossed with the photographer's name
and location: Hooper in Washington, Kansas.
Marilyn W Totten had written: "Mary E. Hadley Haworth died in 1865 so this would be a subsequent wife, and probably mother of the 6 or 7 year old boy."
Michael Dyer reponded by writing: "George Chalkley Haworth did have a second wife - Ann Simon. They married in March 1867, and had at least six children. All were girls except the youngest, Robert Elwood Haworth born in 1884."
"Following the death in 1865 of
his first wife Mary Emily Hadley (Iva's mother), George remarried to Ann Simon.
George had many daughters with both of his wives. However, with his second wife
Ann, he had one son, Robert Elwood.
Robert was born in 1884. I figured the boy pictured
was about six years old, which, if this was George and his family, would suggest
that the photo was taken in approximately 1890. Based on the clothing, that
seemed plausible."
Here is a link to the headstone for George C Haworth: