Obituary of Lysander L. Haworth


 Former Decatur Mayor is Paralysis Victim


Connected With Check Rower Company

Lysander L. Haworth, one of Decatur's oldest and most prominent citizens and at one time mayor of the city died at 9:05 o'clock Saturday morning at the family residence 437 West North street. He was eighty-seven years old last June. His death was due to paralysis which came on him suddenly last Wednesday. He had been mowing the lawn and after finishing that work he started for the house and fell in the yard. Persons who saw him fall carried him into the house, but his condition was critical from the first and he never regained consciousness.


 L.L. Haworth was born near Port William, O., June 18, 1831. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Haworth. The family moved to Springfield in 1853, and to Decatur in 1857. Here the father engaged in the grain business on East Cerro Gordo street until 1870. His four sons James W. Haworth, George D. Haworth, L.L. Haworth and John W. Haworth were associated with him. In the mean time George D. Haworth had invented the check rower and in 1870 they built the Haworth check rower factory which became one of Decatur's leading industries.

The father died in 1893. The sons continued to operate the factory until about eighteen years ago. L.L. Haworth led a retired life after the factory closed down. He was the last of the five brothers to die after reaching manhood, the first being Frank Haworth, who was killed during the Civil War.

 There were nine children in the family. Two died in infancy. The late Mrs. K.H. Roby was a sister. Mr. and Mrs. L.L. Haworth were the parents of three children, but all have died. The only remaining member of the family are his wife, Mrs. Julia Haworth and his sister, Mrs. George S. Simpson and one grandson, Haworth L. Brueck of Decatur.


 The family was always prominent in the business and social life of Decatur and in 1879 L.L. Haworth was elected mayor of the city and served one term. Mr. Haworth was a member of Macon Lodge No. 8 A.F. and A.M. He was known to all the older residents of the city and had many friends. Arrangements for the funeral have not been completed.

 The Daily Review (Decatur), 3 Aug 1918


 Services at Family Residence on West North

 The funeral of Former Mayor L.L. Haworth was held at 5 o'clock Sunday afternoon at the family residence, 437 West North street. The services were conducted by Rev. Freeman A. Havighurst, pastor of the First Methodist church, assisted by Rev. J.T. Finley, and were under the auspices of Macon lodge No. 3, A.F. and A.M., the members of which attended in a body and acted as an escort to the cemetery. There were many beautiful floral tributes.

 The pallbearers were J.B. Burrows, Dr. Lynn Barnes, Herbert Bush, Theodore Coleman, Haworth L. Brueck and J.W. Carter. The interment was in Greenwood. The Masonic ritualistic exercises were conducted at the grave.

Source: The Daily Review (of Decatur, IL),  5 Aug 1918

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