Clinton County Ohio - Biographies of Five Haworth Men

Charles L. Haworth, Elijah Marmaduke Haworth, Frank W. Haworth

Isaiah Morris Haworth, and Odos L. Haworth


In 1915, B. F. Bowen & Company of Indianapolis, Indiana, published a detailed “History of Clinton County, Ohio, with two subtitles: “Its People, Industries and Institutions”; and, “With Biographical Sketches of Representative Citizens and Genealogical Records of Many of the Old Families”. Albert J. Brown was the Supervising Editor of this remarkable publication.  

Five of the “representative citizens” whose biographies and genealogical records are featured in this history were fifth and sixth generation descendants of James Haworth, son of George Haworth the Emigrant. These five gentlemen are: Odos L. Haworth, sixth generation; Frank White Haworth, sixth generation; Elijah Marmaduke Haworth, fifth generation; Isaiah Morris Haworth, fifth generation, and Charles L. Haworth, sixth generation descendant of both James Haworth and his brother Absalom Haworth. 

These biographies include far more genealogical information on both paternal and maternal lines than most biographies. Several of the biographies repeat details provided by Samuel Haworth of Thorntown, Indiana, in the paper he presented at the 1899 Haworth Reunion, but much new genealogical information is also provided. These biographies are included herein to make them readily available to interested direct descendants. 

It is interesting to note, that four of these men are descendants of James Haworth’s son George Haworth and Susannah (Dillon) Haworth. As noted in these biographies, this George Haworth and his brother, James, accompanied Daniel Boone on his second visit to Kentucky, their families being two of the six families making up the party that attempted the first settlement of Kentucky and were repulsed by hostile Indians. (See “Daniel Boone - James travels with …”) 

It is also interesting to note that it was Mahlon Haworth, son of George Haworth and Susannah (Dillon) Haworth, who led the expedition into Ohio in 1804 that included the widowed Jemima (Haworth) Wright and her large family of children who all bore given names beginning with the letter “J”. Note that in 1804 the widow Jemima (Haworth) Wright was 59 years old and her children ranged in age from Jesse Wright, the oldest at 35, to twins Joab and Joel Wright, the youngest at 15. The author of “Fair America” was either unaware of the actual ages of Jemima and her children or made liberal use of “artistic license” to portray the family as much younger than they were at the time of the trek to Ohio. (See “Daniel Boone – James travels with” … then click on “Jemima - a reading” ...     Note - click on the back arrow to return here.) Don Hayworth

click  on name to open the biography

Charles L. Haworth

 Elijah Marmaduke Haworth 

Frank W. Haworth

Isaiah Morris Haworth 

 Odos L. Haworth


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