David Milburn Haworth's Civil War Diary

Notes: David Milburn Haworth was born on September 4, 1842, in Jefferson County, TN.   He decends from William H Haworth Jr., William Haworth, Richard Haworth, James Haworth, and George Haworth, our immigrant.

David's father was William Haworth, who was born in Virginia. His mother was Sarah Jane Daniel.  The family migrated with many Haworth family members to North Carolina and parts of what is now Tennensee.   Un-like others in our family, they did not move north to Indiana, Illinois, or Ohio.  Thus, when the war started, the family found themselves living in South territory.

David and his three brothers,  William Calvin, Isaac B, and John Leonard, (see John's family picture ) all fled north, where they joined the Union Army's Tennessee Volunteer Infantry.

The diary describes how the Union Army general asks David to sneak back to his home and gather information about the rebel army.  He was captured by the rebels near his home farm on the Holston River, and was to be shot at dawn, but managed to escape.  After over a month of running from the rebels, he returned to his unit, who thought he was dead.  He then took his family to Vermilion County, Illinois, where they would be safe (my family had moved to Vermilion).  The diary describes the death of his brother, Captain William Haworth at the battle of Resaca, Georgia on May 14, 1864.  David was wounded at that same battle.

On March 2, 1925, at the age of 82, David wrote a letter to his cousin, David Swan Haworth and his wife Mary Ellen (Fielden) Haworth.  This 1925 letter describes how he wrote the 157 page diary and how it was typed with copies given to his children, and others. 

David Swan Haworth, III, writes that at some date after the 1925 letter, the original hand written diary was given to his grandmother.   Currently, David has the original diary.   He writes that he enjoys comparing the original to the typed version.  He also writes that he has other family documents.  And recently, David made copies of the original diary on "flash drives" for preservation and gave copies to Carol (Haworth) Udel-Rodriquez and I.

We have included two civil war maps, here, to help put the dates and places in the Diary in better perspective. 

Gene Allen has recently authored the book "The Quaker Sergeant's War", covering the Civil War Diary of Sergent David M. Haworth.

  click on image to open information on the book.

At the 2013 Haworth family reunion on June 22, Carol (Haworth) Udel-Rodriquez presented a paper by Gene Allen and Nancy Allen Shively, on the four Haworth brothers.  That presentation makes a wonderful introduction to the Diary. 

Ron Haworth, Editor (update June, 2020)

David's March 2, 1925 letter

Civil War Reference Maps

Haworth Brother's War  (a prsentation from the 2013 family reunion)

David Milburn Haworth's Civil War Diary


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