Editor's Note: Rosetta Haworth Robertson was born on September 4, 1857, Rose Mount, IA and died on January 12, 1941, Oregon. She was the daughter of Ellwood Haworth and Matilda Folger. They first lived in the Vermilion area, and in the fall of 1854, the Ellwood Haworth family homesteaded the "Hickory Grove" farm, at Belmont, Iowa. In September 1866, they moved to "Quaker Valley", near Galena Kansas. The family history account reproduced below, ends as the family approached Galena Kansas.
Rosetta (Rose) married Frederick Eugene Robertson in June of 1899. They later moved to Multnomah County, Oregon. Note that she spells her father's name of Ellwood with two "l"s, which is different than shown by other writers.
A paper covering Erasmus Haworth, older brother of Rose, can be found on this web site. A picture of the home of Sylvanus Haworth, her younger brother, can be found also be found in this web site.
The following was transcribed as I found it, from an original document that was passed on to me from my father, Homer Donald Haworth. My father was a direct line descendant from three Haworth families living in the "Vermilion" area.
In April of 2010, a photo album of the Ellwood family was found. It includes a picture of Rose. Click: Ellwood, then picture 25. Ron Haworth, editor. March 2014
Being especially the lives of Ellwood and Matilda Folger Haworth and their children and grandchildren; following only the direct line of descent from George Haworth, the immigrant, James Haworth, and George Haworth.
George Haworth, born 1751, died 1837 at Quaker Hill, Vermillion County, Indiana. He married Susannah Dillon in Frederick County VA.
1.Mahlon Haworth, born 1775 in VA
2. John Haworth, born 1778 in NC
3. George Haworth, born 1783 in NC
4. James Haworth, born 1785 in NC
5. William Haworth, born 1786 in Green Co. TN
6. Mary Haworth, born 1788, Green Co. TN
7. Sarah Haworth, born 1790, Green Co. TN
8. Richard Haworth, 1793 Green Co. TN (* editor's direct line)
9. Samuel Haworth, 1797, Green Co. TN
10. Dillon Haworth, 1800, Green Co. TN
In 1773 when George Haworth was twenty-two years old, he married Susannah Dillon in Frederick Co. VA, where their oldest child was born: Mahlon in 1775. After this they moved to North Carolina, either Rowen, Davidson, or Davis county. Here they were living near Daniel Boone who had already made his first trip into Kentucky in 1769. With Boone the Haworths went further west into Caldwell or Wautauga county, settling on the head waters of the Yadkin river. At some of these places other sons were born: John 1778, George 1783, and James 1785.
Whether the Haworths and Daniel Boone purposely kept in touch with each other history does not state. It is the belief of some that the restlessness shown by some of the Haworths about this time was caused by the Revolutionary war. They endeavored to settle in the then wilderness of Tennessee and Kentucky to relieve themselves from duty as soldiers in the Colonial Army. Be that as it may, it appears that George Haworth and a brother - probably James - accompanied Boone on his second visit to Kentucky.
They were violently attached by the Indians and being discouraged the Haworth brothers returned to North Carolina.
The date is very indefinite in my mind, but sometime between 1785 and 1790, George Haworth went across the state line some fifty miles or more, into Green county, Tennessee and selected a place for a home. Here he brought his family on horse-back to a little log cabin in the wilderness. He engaged in the cattle and mercantile business , and seems to have been successful financially. Here the oldest son grew to manhood and married Phebe Frazier.
Just when the migrations were made I cannot say but it seems that the six children of James all went to Tennessee, and at least four of them later removed to Ohio. Richard and probably Elizabeth remained in Tennessee.
Again, the pioneer spirit impelled them to seek a new home in the unopened forest. In 1800 Mahlon Haworth made a prospecting tour into Ohio and pushed his explorations as far as the little Miami and Mad rivers. His father, George Haworth, removed to Ohio in 1803, accompanied by the families of John and James W. Wright, his brothers-in-law. Mahlon followed the next year.
Here again it has been suggested that conscience was the cause of the restlessness; that the Haworths went into Ohio to get away from slavery which obtained south of the Ohio River.
This time they moved in 4-horse wagons, driving cattle and other stock with them. George Haworth purchased 1750 acres of land in the William Duval survey, near Center meeting house. He was a worthy member of the Society of Friends and in the latter years of his life a minister. About the year 1807 he traveled on horse-back to Baltimore to attend the Yearly Meeting of Friends held at that place, as a representative from Miami Quarterly Meeting.
The land he purchased was a few miles north of where Wilmington now stands. George Haworth, his son Mahlon, and his brother-in-law, John and James Wright were among the earliest settlers north of Wilmington.
Here they remained for some twenty years; some of them for the remainder of their lives. Many interesting stories are told of their adventures with Indians, bears, wolves, soldiers of the war of 1812 and general "Hard Times" that often came knocking at the door.
Just when or where I cannot say, but at sometime the first wife of George Haworth - Susannah Dillon Haworth - died and he married a second time to one Joanna VanHorn - a widow - whose daughter, Rebecca VanHorn, and niece Anna Buckner afterward lived with him.
About 1816, when Richard Haworth (my grandfather) was about 23 years old, he married Susannah Henderson, in Clinton county Ohio, presumably in the neighborhood where he had already lived for 13 years. Here two of his children were born: Sarah in 1818, and Mary in 1820.
About the middle of May 1896, after having attended the marriage of my brother Richard Haworth and Louise DeWeese at Winona, Ohio (4/30/1896), I went to Wilmington, Ohio, to attend a Missionary Conference. Uncle James P. Haworth was also in attendance. It was at this time that Uncle James and I visited the old homestead of my Great-Grand father, George Haworth, a short distance north of Wilmington. The old house in which he had lived had been torn down and another built. However the old mill was still standing but was too dilapidated for use. Much of the machinery was still to be seen. I remember Uncle James pointed out the old mill stones that he supposed his grandfather had used. He pointed out the farm where he thought his father to housekeeping. He rehearsed stories of his father throwing a sack of corn across a horse's back and going to mill with it before breakfast.
In 1820, Richard Haworth, (my grandfather) emigrated from Ohio and settled in what afterwards was Vermillion county, Indiana. This was before the state line was located between Indiana and Illinois. He settled in what he thought to be Illinois. Later when the line was run, it passed through the house and about one third of the farm on the Indiana side. His cousin Jonathan Haworth Haworth moved from Ohio with him. Later his brother, John and two younger brothers, Samuel and Dillon came from Ohio, bringing with them their father George Haworth and wife. Still later, three more brothers, William, James, and George came out from Ohio and settled in Illinois. James helped lay out the town of Danville and George the town of Georgetown. Mahlon remained in Ohio, as did Mary who married Daniel Bailey, of Clinton county, Ohio: raised a family and finally died there. Sarah married Thomas Rees and later moved to Vermilion county Illinois.
Here in the wilderness, Richard Haworth (my grandfather) built a house in which the remainder of his children and a number of his grandchildren were born, and where himself and wife and his oldest son died. It was probably a very good representative of the architecture of the pioneer age in which it was built. The following description of the house is given by Susan Commons and Sarah March:
"The building was about 24 x 30 feet - long way east and west, front to south. The logs were of White Oak trees, smooth hewn by hand, about 12 inches in diameter when finished. The house was chinked and daubed with lime mortar. The daubing may have been prepared mud when the house was first built. I presume there had been a number of daubings before I was of the observing age. The first floor has three rooms - two bed rooms on the east and sitting room with large fireplace on the west. The second floor - it was a one and one-half story house - was in one room. Later a frame kitchen with porch was added to the north. This kitchen had a fireplace on the north. In 1855, Uncle Barclay Haworth and family moved into the house where they lived for 11 years. In 1968 the house was sold, torn down and the logs hauled away."
Here in this house about two years after the migration from Ohio, 8-29-1822, was born to Richard and Susannah Haworth a son whom they named William Barclay. About two years later another child was born - a girl whom they called Rachel. She died in early womanhood.
On the 14th day of the 8th month, 1826 was born to Richard and Susannah Haworth a boy named Ellwood. He was the fifth child in a family of seven; Three girls - Sarah, Mary and Rachel, and four boys - Barclay, Ellwood, George Fox, and James Pennington. The names of the boys would easily lead one to the opinion that the parents were Friends and acquainted with the early leaders of this Society.
The place of Ellwood's birth was Vermillion county, Indiana, about ten miles from Newport. A Post Office by the name of Quaker Hill was afterwards established in the neighborhood.
After father's death, a picture of a log cabin was found among his papers on which was written - "The house where I was born, near Newport, Indiana -------Ellwood Haworth." Supposing this to be correct, I had this picture enlarged and distributed among the family. But, it seems that neither the picture nor the inscription is absolutely correct. It is claimed by some who are acquainted with the circumstances that in later years the old house was torn down and many of the decayed logs thrown away. From the good logs a new and smaller house was built, which house is represented in the picture.
Very little is known of the early childhood of Ellwood. It appears that he was a very delicate child for the first few years, - pale and with no natural appetite. He formed a habit of picking the "daubing" from the cracks of the house and eating it. He also ate clay. His parents became alarmed at this and - fearing disastrous results, tried to prevent his doing so. But to no avail; so when some one suggested giving him tobacco, it was done. From the first taste he liked it. It did not make him sick. He used it constantly, grew to be a strong and healthy lad. Thus at the age of three years he became a tobacco addict.
About a year from this time the curtain is drawn and we have from his own pen the following description of the scene:
"The first I ever knew of my grandfather, George Haworth, was about 1830, when I was four years old. We heard some noise and looking out saw a man driving a yoke of oxen hitched to a sled. An old man was sitting on the sled who I learned was my grandfather Haworth. My father was sick at the time. After a while I heard something going on in the room where my father lay. I looked in and saw grandfather bowed at the bed father was lying on and praying for him. It made a deep impression on my mind that has never been erased." (from Ellwood Haworth)
At the time, his grandfather was about 82 years old.
Father often said he was sorry for us children because we never knew our grandparents; that one his most pleasant childhood memories was that of visiting this grandfather who lived near so that he visited him often. Of this he writes:
"The next memory I have of him is at the home his sons fixed for him on Uncle Dillon Haworth's place. He had a large armed chair in which he always sat. he took much delight in seeing and conversing with his grandchildren. He died near his 86th year, retaining his mental faculties well until the last."
Further than the above, I do not remember ever hearing father mention his boyhood or tell anything of what he did at home or at school. But think he must have attended school as other ordinary children did. I have heard him say that he and his brother Barclay were generally called Wood and Bark.
I think it was about ten years before his death that he told me the following:
"When I was about grown, in my early teens, I became very much interested in reading the Bible. There was no Sabbath School in our neighborhood at that time, and many of my boy associated had no Bible in their homes. So, I decided to invite these boys to come to our house on First day afternoons that I might read the Bible to them. For some time about a dozen of us met every Sabbath in father's barn and I read portions of Scripture to them."
The next I knew of father he was paying his respects to my mother. Unlike many young men who are engaged to many maidens and married to many more, I never heard that my father cared for any other young woman. He has told that when ten years old his father sent him to Asa Folger's to get some leather. His father was a shoe maker but not a tanner. He went on horse-back, the distance being about five miles. On this visit he caught sight of a little nine year old girl scooting around the corner of the house, and decided to some day make her his wife. She being unconscious of his decision lived in blissful ignorance for about nine years longer.
It seems passing strange that I have no recollection of my mother ever telling me anything of her childhood. The first incident I remember her relating was when she was seventeen years old she went on a visit with her father, brother Walter, and sister Lydia, to Union county, Indiana, the place of her birth. They went on horse-back, a distance of some two-hundred miles.
It was probably in the fall of 1847 that my mother, her twin sister Lydia and brother Erasmus entered school at Bloomingdale Academy. The principal of the Academy was Harvey Thomas, a single man. Mother and Aunt Lydia kept house for him. Uncle Erasmus boarded there also and did chores for his board. I think they each paid something, as their work was not considered sufficient for board and tuition. Mother seemed to have a very good opinion of Harvey Thomas as a teacher, but outside of books she thought his judgment sometimes faulty. She and Aunt Lydia were rather hard pressed for time to keep up their studies and do the house work. Sometimes they let the dough for light bread stand too long and get sour. When this happened Harvey Thomas would caution them not to bake so much bread at a time; saying when they baked so much it would sour before it was all eaten up.
Perhaps father attended school at this same academy, but not the same year.
Although mother and Aunt Lydia were very intimate in most things it seems they did not disclose all of their secrets. After returning from school they wanted to teach. It seemed there was only one school and Aunt Lydia insisted on teaching that , so mother was left out. The next year when she began making ready for her wedding and when it was generally known by the family, she told her twin sister that was why she wanted to teach the year before: she wanted a little money for her trousseau. Aunt Lydia said, "Why didn't thee tell me? I could have waited."
Mother and Aunt Lydia had other boy friends; but most of them had difficulty in telling the girls apart. Some of the boys engaged Uncle Walter's help in the matter. He by some slight wink or gesture at the critical moment relieved the tension and said swain marched bravely off with the desired maiden.
Mother never talked much of their courtship. She said that father always wore a derby hat. She had no engagement ring, and did not need one. They knew they loved each other without any outward sign or token.
So at last the time came for the wedding, 9-5-1849. Mother's dress was drab cotton warp with green silk wooff which had a very pretty changeable effect. The waist was tight - rather low necked with lace collar. The skirt was straight, plane, and very full. Underneath was a white petti-coat, lace trimmed, the lace showing a little all around below the dress skirt. Her father made the shoes. When almost dressed she found one shoe not exactly right. The hole was too small for the ribbon lace. So she slipped out, tripped down to the shoe shop and fixed it herself. Gloves and "plain" bonnet complete her wedding costume.
The wedding passed and Ellwood and Matilda Haworth went to housekeeping. Theirs was a perfect union. No quarrellings or misunderstandings, no jealousies; just that oneness which should be in Christ Jesus.
For some time before father and mother were married the discussion had been going on which resulted in what was know as the Wilbur separation. Aunt Lydia claimed to be a Wilburite while mother held to the Gurney persuasion.
Father and Mother had been married about six months when Grandfather Asa Folger died.
One cold morning in February, 1850, grandfather went to Georgetown six or seven miles distant to get supplies. He was bald and grandmother had knitted him a warm woolen cap which he usually wore under his hat when riding out in the cold. But this time he seems to have forgotten his cap. As there was much snow and wind he took a severe cold. Erysipelas developed and he lived only a week. His head and face were swollen so that he could not see or speak for several days. But a few hours before the last he was able to open his eyes and asked Aunt Mary to get him a cool drink of water. When the end came, father, mother and Aunt Lydia were in the room with him. As he drew his last breath he raised his right arm and pointed upward but did not speak. Aunt Lydia asked, "What is the matter?" Mother said, "He is showing us that he is happy and going to his eternal rest." And so he passed to the beyond, 3-3-1850, and was buried the next Sabbath.
There was a certain question about which Aunt Lydia had wanted very much to talk with her father, but his brief illness and inability to talk prevented. When she found that he was really gone and she would never be able to hear any word from his lips on the subject, she was overcome with grief and regret. Before the burial she came to a decision, and poured out her very soul in prayer to God that some one at the funeral services might tell her what she wanted to know. She said nothing to anyone about this but with the family followed the remains into the church yard. Here someone informed them that a "visiting Friend" was present, and although a stranger to the family, he would probably do most of the preaching. However none of the family spoke to him. In those days Friends had much faith in the leading of the Holy Spirit. The meeting convened and in time the "visiting Friend" arose and spoke at some length. In his discourse he answered Aunt Lydia's question to the letter. This, naturally, led her to the conclusion that he was a man of God, relying on the leading of the Holy Spirit for his sermon. Some years later in some of his publications, John Wilbur referred to this same "visiting Friend" and spoke very disparagingly of him. This article was the cause of Aunt Lydia changing from a Wilburite to a Gurneyrite.
This grandfather, Asa Folger, is spoken of as a large man, rather short, very active when playing with this boys - a thing he was fond of doing. In general he was opposed to corporal punishment, and sometimes argued against it with his neighbors who believed in a freer administration of the rod. When he did punish he had the ability of making the recipient feel that he deserved what he got. He seems to have been of a jovial disposition, loved singing, and sang and whistled much, and his children thought him the best preacher they ever heard. But the church refused to act on the matter because he sang and whistled so much at home. However the matter was at last taken up, and the final act of recording him a minister would have taken place at the Monthly Meeting just following his death. He always had a Bible reading and prayer every morning, and all company and hired help joined in this family worship. He used the plain language to everyone and always used it correctly.
On 7-20-1850 a little baby girl came to gladden the home of Ellwood and Matilda Haworth, - a black eyed, black haired, dark skinned baby, whom they called Laura. She seemed well, grew and was fat enough, but she had baby colic. Every afternoon from the time of her birth until three months old, from about 3 o'clock to 5 she cried, just screamed. Once mother gave her paragoric, but thought she was only worse, so decided never to give it again. She finally got over it and by the time she was a year and a half old she was a sprightly little girl, talking much and walking every where. Sometime during the first year of Laura's life the question came up as to what they should teach the baby to call its parents. Mother suggested pa and ma, but father made serious objections to being called pa; so baby was taught to say Father and mother, appellations which all of the younger children used.
Just a little more than a year from the time my parents were married, my other grandfather, Richard Haworth died, 9-13-1850. This left my grandmother, Susannah Haworth, and two younger sons, George and James to occupy the old homestead.
Father's occupation was farming, but he owned no land until after moving to Iowa some five years after marriage. He only rented ground and changed locations several times. I do not know where they went to meeting but suppose they attended services somewhere as that was their wont.
In the fall of 1851, they moved into Edgar County Illinois, where on 1-16-1852 a little boy was born. True to the Haworth family loyalty he was named for his grandfather, Richard Haworth. Little Richard was a 7 months child and for two months slept most of the time. It was with the greatest difficulty that mother wakened him to take nourishment. But after a while he wakened up, got hungry, and began to grow, and soon became fat and lively as ordinary children.
Probably mother's first case of punishment for Laura came in the spring when she was a little less than two years old. Mother was in the yard making garden. Laura was with her and Richard was in the house asleep in his cradle. After a while the baby wakened and began to cry. Mother, anxious to finish her seeding before going in, said to Laura, "Can't thee go in and rock the baby? Run along, dearie, and rock baby, and maybe he'll go to sleep again. Can't thee?" "um-huh", said little girlie, and jumped up and scampered away. Soon mother heard, as she thought, the cradle began to rock vigorously, and Laura began to sing. Back and forth, back and forth went the cradle, and strong and clear piped up the childish voice in song. But still little Richard kept squalling. Finally mother went in. To her surprise the cradle was standing perfectly still. Laura had climbed into a rocking chair and was rocking herself with all her might. Mother promptly spanked her good and hard. More than thirty years afterwards mother told me this story and added, "I have always been sorry that I spanked her. She was too little to really understand. She had seen me rock the baby in the rocking chair and was trying to imitate me."
In time grandmother, Susannah Haworth, and the boys grew tired of living alone and wanted Ellwood and Matilda to move in with them, grandmother feeling the need of a younger woman to help with the work. Mother's friends objected saying nobody could get along peaceably with a mother-in-law. Mother replied that she could get along with anybody and so the move was made.
While living here on 4-13-1853 another 7-months baby boy was born. Mother always thought if this had been properly cared for he might have survived. Women visitors came in and wanted to hold the baby. They handled him so roughly that mother spoke to them twice about it. They just laughed and said that it would not hurt him. He died in a few hours.
Having lived in several places, at Yankee Point, in Edgar county and in the house with his mother, father finally decided he wanted a home of his own. He did not have enough ready currency to buy much of a farm in the locality where they lived. Some of his uncles had already gone to Iowa and were reporting good land cheap there. Finally it was decided to move to Iowa, which was done in the fall of 1854.
While most of the Haworths seemed to love frontier life and were ever ready to push on further west, a few did not heed the call of the wild, but remained quietly in Ohio. My oldest great-uncle, Mahlon Haworth and my great-aunt Mary Haworth Bailey, married, lived and died in Clinton county, Ohio. All the others of this family moved to Indiana and Illinois. My grandfather was the first to leave Ohio (1820). He was followed by his younger brothers, Samuel and Dillon, who brought their father, George Haworth with them. Next followed John, and later William, James, George, and Sarah Haworth Reese. My great-uncle John was the first of the Haworths to go from western Indiana to Iowa. In 1842 he settled in Keokuk county, and lived there until his death. Samuel and Dillon moved in 1846, and settled in Warren county, about 100 miles further west. William and several of his married children moved in 1850 and settled in Cass county, still another 100 miles further west. George, James, Sarah and Richard lived in Indiana and Illinois the remainder of their lives.
In the five years of married life our parents had accumulated some property which was sold for $1,300 in gold. Father stowed his gold in a small trunk and put the trunk in the wagon with the other stuff they would take with them. With his wife and two children, and his youngest brother, "Jimmie" who went on horseback and drove some cattle, they drove through to Warren county, Iowa, without ever unloading the trunk or the money. He said that he depended on the Lord for protection, not only for himself but also for his property. He carried a hunting rifle, but so far as protection from robbers was concerned he considered himself wholly unarmed and depended solely on Providence. (Jimmie returned the same fall)
And so they came safely through to Uncle Dillon Haworth's. A log house had been put up in Uncle Dillon's back yard for Aunt Rebecca VanHorn and Anna Buckner. Father and family moved in with them. In time he found some unimproved Government land that suited him and bought 160 acres at $1.25 per acre.
Some time during this first winter father went into partnership with some men by the name of Griffeth, a father and three sons, in putting up a saw mill. This was a considerable undertaking as the steam engine, boiler, and other machinery were brought from Keokek, Iowa with ox teams. These things were bought mostly on time. The Griffeths were a rather boastful bunch, calling themselves Millwrights, Architects, etc., intimating that if they furnished most of the brains it was proper for father to furnish most of the cash. But for some reason they did not make a financial success of the mill, and finally the creditors took the machinery. However, while in the mill father hauled lumber to build on his own land and so in time got to living there. Father lost heavily, the Griffeths gave him a note for $200.00; a part of which was paid some eight or ten years later. When Foster Griffeth, the youngest brother, offered to give father a silver cased watch, worth maybe $20.00, a sewing machine worth perhaps $50.00 and $40 in cash, father gave him the note and the deal was considered closed forever.
This sewing machine was the first to come into the neighborhood and was the object of much curiosity and comment. Many women came in to see it and mother proudly showed it off with much agility and skill. Aunt Phebe Folger thought is would not do her much good for she could not patch with it and most of her sewing was patching. Margaret Cook said it was fine because it did such nice stitching and stitching was always so hard for her. Another thought it did not amount to much because it would not quilt. Mother, quick to take advantage of every opportunity, began to take in sewing. I remember she made an overcoat for Dave Pearson, a bachelor of the neighborhood. The machine was carried with us to Kansas in 1866, where she continued to do sewing for the neighbors. She made Anna Harvey Morgan's wedding dress, stitched for Julia Lawrence and others for several years, when at last this little hand, chain-stitch machine was exchanged for a big new Singer.
But to resume my story. For about two years father and mother lived in Aunt Rebecca VanHorn's cabin in Uncle Dillon Haworth's back yard. Here it was that on 4-17-1755 was born Erasmus, named for mother's favorite brother, a big strong baby, always a big strong boy, and later a big strong man, our biggest brother in body and mind. When at his best he weighed 220 pounds, and was considered one of the leading scientific men of the United States.
In time all things being ready, the family moved to the new home. The house was a frame building, about 16x20, with a shed kitchen on the north 10 ft. wide. There was one main room below with two windows and a door in the front (south) and a fireplace in the west. The steps were in the north-west corner of this main room, leading up to the attic which was floored and had a window in the east. The kitchen had a flue in the west end for the cook stove, and two windows and a door in the north. The east end of the kitchen was cut off and made into a pantry. The county road passed us on the west. The house was set in a little from the road; and father set out cotton-wood trees, making a fine grove and windbreak on the west and north. This place was about twelve miles from Uncle Dillon Haworth's, was Bellmont Township, Warren county Iowa. It was called Hickory Grove from the name of the preparative meeting afterwards set up there.
The fall of 1857 marks the occurrence of several important events. Uncle Walter Folger, wife and four children moved from eastern Illinois and procured land adjoining father's, and built a house about one-fourth mile south of us. William Dillon, father of Luke Dillon and Dillon Haworth Dillon, lived about one-fourth mile north of us. William Dillon's first wife - Sarah Haworth - was a daughter of Uncle Dillon Haworth. She had four children: Luke, Charity, Mary, and Dillon Haworth, after which she died and William married again.
Another event was the establishing of a Friends' meeting which was held in father's house most of the time for the next six years. In emergencies like sickness in the family, the meeting would be held for a time in the house of Isaac Mardock. About 1863 a school house was built and the meetings were held in it. About this time a Post Office was established in the neighborhood called Rose Mount. Later when a Monthly Meeting was set up it was called the Rose Mount Monthly Meeting. The principal members of the meeting were the families of Uncle Walter Folger, Isaac Mardock, William Dillon, David Cook, Jemina Mills, Solomon Hodson, Uriah Hoodson, a family of Hockets and some others. Prayers and testimonies were often heard in these meetings but few long sermons. Aunt Phebe Folger often gave words of exhortation but I think was never an acknowledged minister. The voices of the Mardock boys were sometimes heard, - Elkanah, John, and Townsend Mardock.
Another event was the opening of a public school. There were a number of children in the neighborhood but no school house. So it came about that the upper room of our house was fitted up for a schoolroom, and father's brother James came from Indiana and taught the first school in that community, 1857/8. To this school went several children from David Cook family, probably three from William Dillons, three or four from Uncle Walter Folgers, - Elizabeth, Mary Ann, and Emily, and possibly Asa; some of the Mardock boys; and the Haworths, - Laura, Richard and Erasmus. The latter was only two and a half years old, but it was easy for him to climb the stairs, so when the teacher said, "Let him go," mother consented - for a few times. What more could our parents have done to show their public spiritedness, their willingness to sacrifice for the good of others. Here was a young wife with four small children, throwing open the doors of her house twice a week for public worship; giving the upstairs for a schoolroom, necessitating the downstairs room which served her for bedroom and living room, to be used as a hallway for the children to pass to and from the schoolroom, with their muddy shoes, - constantly tramping in and out as school children must. Brother Erasmus tells a story that shows something of the home life during this winter. He says:
"I still carry scars made by a burn which I received that winter. It was before I was three years old. I was wearing dresses and skirts and something else underneath. One morning I got up earlier than usual and mother put a portion of my clothes on, but left my legs bare. She had been baking bread for breakfast over coals dragged out onto the hearth of the fireplace. I was waddling around, and just after mother had taken up the skillet of bread, and before she had time to rake up the coals or to finish dressing me, Uncle Jimmie picked me up and swung me someway by the arms. I do not know how it happened but I wiggled out of his arms and sat down with my right leg over the re-hot coals. Of course he grabbed me up. I drew up my leg and held a number of live coals tight between the calf of my leg and the thigh, and was badly burned there. The next fall all of us went back to Vermilion on a visit. I have heard mother tell how Uncle Jimmie then did every thing he well could to make up with me because he still felt so bad about my burns."
On 9-4-1857 another black-haired, dark-eyed and dark skinned little girl came to make her home with Ellwood and Matilda Haworth. She was named Rosetta. I was generally called Rose or Settie; but after I can remember father always called me Little Rosie.
Our parents were both dark skinned. Mother had black hair, rather thin and short, and black eyes, altho, many of the Folgers had blue eyes. Father used to say he was the black sheep of the family, as all the others had red hair and blue eyes. He had dark eyes and an abundance of black curly hair. He became bald quite young - even before he was married. Most of his boys followed his example.
In the spring, 1858, Uncle James closed his school and returned to Indiana and a lady teacher took his place. Mother still boarded the teacher. There seems to have been no competition in the matter. How much she received for doing so has not been recorded. I presume these were subscriptions schools as it is hardly probable that the state was well enough organized to have public schools. To this school brother Erasmus went - a little tot of three years. Of this he says:
"I begged so hard to go to school with the teacher that mother finally yielded. But not until the teacher had begged for me to go. I was too young to amount to anything as a student and was in here way. She was very kind to me. After a few weeks the novelty wore off and I did not wish to go anymore, so of course, I did not."
The summer waned, - 1858. In the fall our parents planned a trip east. Of this brother Richard, under date of 4-22-1958, gives his version as he remembered it:
"I think that it was in the fall of 1858 that the family made a trip to visit relatives in Illinois and Indiana. I also think we crossed the Mississippi river on thy birthday, 9-4-1858, and thee was one year old, and mother was thirty-one the day before. In order to get a better road across the bottom on the east side we went by steam boat down the river seven miles from Burlington, but did not find this road especially good either. I remember father remarked as we journeyed east across the broad flat bottoms, that if the other road was any worse than the one we traveled it must be very bad. I remember also father bought a cat-fish before crossing the river at Burlington, and had it skinned. Father said the man cut the skin in strips lengthwise of the fish and then stripped them down one at a time. I remember we camped on the east bank of the Mississippi some hours before dark and mother was much concerned about us kids falling in, and cautioned us that in places the current had cut in under the bank and it might cave in if we walked on it. I remember also, I got sick about the time of the return trip was to have begun. I think we were at Grandmother Folger's and they were wanting chickens caught for the return trip. Some way I did not feel like running after chickens with my usual zeal. Next morning when we expected to start I was sick, and the start was delayed four days. A doctor was called. He said that I had bilious fever."
For a year nothing of importance happened. There were wars, and rumors of wars in others parts of the union, but nothing of consequence disturbed the peaceful serenity of the Quaker neighborhood of Hickory Grove. Little Rosie slept contentedly on, Ellwood cultivated and improved his farm, Matilda did her housework and made garden, also spinning, weaving, doing all the family sewing and knitting by hand.
For me the dawn of memory came when I was nearly two and one-half years old. The following event is still vivid in my mind. Father had taken me out of bed and dressed me, after which he had taken me to the bed where Mother was lying and shown me a new baby. Of course I was glad to see it. We all liked babies. But the thought of ownership never entered my cranium. This was 2-8-1860. Nancy Mardock was at our house. When she thought it was time she was going home father bundled himself up and went for the horses. As I liked horses I placed a box under the window, climbed upon it and watched. This was an Iowa winter day. A cold wind was blowing and snow was flying. Soon father appeared with team and sleigh. I was delighted to see the prancing horses throwing their heads and pawing at the snow. They were too full of life to be left and father waited beside them. When I called out "Da-ar fazzie tum, Da-ar fazzie tum." Nancy, saying "I must not keep Ellwood waiting", hurried into her wraps and slipped out the door. I watched her and father get into the sleigh and tuck the robes closely around them, then away they flew like a whirlwind. When they were entirely out of sight an idea came into my mind. Jumping off my perch and running toward the bed I exclaimed, "O muzzie, dat ummie fo'dot her baby." This was a revelation to mother. She had supposed that I understood. I shall never forget the whole world of mother love in her voice as she said, "Why Rosie, this is our baby." The baby was named Alvah. More than any other brother or sister he was my constant companion. We played together, ate together, worked together, went to school together, played tricks on each other, shared each others joys and sorrows, always looking out for each others welfare, until he was called away in 1926.
Friends were drifting into Kansas. Some may have felt the urge to "Go West", but with most of them there was a stronger, deeper motive than pioneering. For more than a score of years Friends had been showing an interest in the Indians of Kansas Territory. As early as 1833 Indiana Yearly Meeting had sent out a committee to visit the Shawnees located in Kansas. Later a mission was established.
Slavery was a burning question in these days. Many Friends came from the Carolinas, Tennessee, and the east in the interest of Free Soil. Last and perhaps not least, was the desire to establish Friends meetings in the new state that was about to be. And so it came about that in the summer of 1860, a request from Cottonwood in central Kansas, came to South River Quarterly Meeting, Iowa for a Monthly meeting to be set up. The subject was favorably received and the following named Friends were appointed a committee to attend the opening of the same, vis: John Ramsey and wife, Phebe Folger, and Ellwood Haworth. And so in the fall Ellwood with the other members of the committee, with covered wagon and camping outfit, started on their journey to the South-West, to Bleeding Kansas, into the land so recently harassed by Border Ruffians, and Bush-whackers; to the home of John Brown, and the scene of Quantrell's Raid. However this was during somewhat of a lull in business, as the Free Soil Party - Free State Squatters - had in a way gained the ascendancy and were now waiting for a Democratic Congress to adopt Kansas into the union. In due time the rather perilous journey was completed and on 10-6-1860, Cottonwood Monthly Meeting was set up. After some little time spent in visiting Friends in other parts of the state the committee returned, reaching their homes in safety after an absence of nearly two months.
And what was Matilda doing during these months? Cheerfully doing her part, staying by the stuff, with her five little ones, - Laura 10, Richard 8, Erasmus 5, Rosie 3, and baby Alvah six months. Of this Richard says:
"Brother Erasmus and I had faithfully promised to look after the stock in father's absence, the most arduous part of which was to feed and water a bunch of hogs, perhaps 35 or 40, that father wanted fattened. We were to cut the corn in an adjoining field and carry stalks and all – and throw it over the fence into the hog lot, 4 or 5 arm loads each, twice a day, hills of corn counted. We got along fine until the weather grew cool and rainy when it became an irksome task".
For the next few years the war of secession was raging. This threatened the foundation or our government. Our part of the state was never invaded by an army, but in many ways we felt the effects of the conflict. The feeling was tense and all strangers were looked upon with suspicion. One morning after father had gone to the field to work, brother Richard went to the barn and climbing into the hay-loft found a man asleep in the hay. Of course the boy was frightened and ran to the house to tell mother who scattered the children here and there to call father and near neighbors from the fields. In an incredibly short time some half dozen men were in the yard. While they were getting information and discussing the method of attack, the man came out of the barn and walked toward them. He looked peaceable and unarmed and after explaining that he was tramping through the country and went into the barn to sleep, without meaning any harm, he was allowed to pass on; but not until they had lectured him soundly, saying that in these perilous times such actions were liable to get him into trouble.
On account of the war all cotton cloth became very high priced; so mother insisted on our wearing our flannel dresses all summer. Those home spun, home woven, home made flannel dresses were very warm and made us so "itchy" on hot days. Occasionally mother allowed me to take off my dress for a while and cool.
The only soldiers I remember of seeing was at the close of the war. A company passed our house as they came marching home. Alvah and I ran out and climbed up on the gate to watch them pass. Somehow I had gotton the idea that it was proper to cheer soldiers. As we hung on the gate and listened to the steady tramp, tramp, tramp of the multitude of feet I became enthusiastic. Turning to Alvah I said "lets cheer." "All right," said he, "who shall we cheer for?" On the spur of the moment only one name came into my mind and I was too innocent to know the difference. So I replied "Jeff Davis." "Hurrah for Jeff Davis." When mother called us in to dinner, with much ado we told our exploits. The family were shocked. Big brother Erasmus scolded and scolded saying, "It's just a wonder why they didn't shoot you."
Taken from a letter written by Richard Haworth to his brothers and sisters:
"Since our father is gone I have been thinking what were his most notable characteristics; and in thinking over the events of the years gone by, two things have seemed to stand out as prominent in his character. First his trust and confidence in a higher power, and second his confidence in his fellow man.."
Toward the latter part of the war of the 60's the United States government resorted to drafting to raise men for the army. When the draft reached our township of Belmont, Warren county, Iowa there was an effort to have the township released from the draft by hiring substitutes to the number required of that township. There was a prominent man of the township came to father to talk up the matter and represented that by raising a sum the township could be released entirely from the draft. Each one subject to the draft would be expected to pay a proportionate amount of this sum. Father was asked if he would go into such an arrangement, the ides being it would be only a few dollars for each man. Father replied that he did not want to do anything to hurt his conscience. He said that he would give a reply the next day. The man replied that he would be around for an answer the next day. When he came father told him that his conscience would not allow him to go into such an arrangement. The man seemed disappointed but I think respected father's stand.
In the summer of 1862, (8-3-1862) the stork again visited the home of Ellwood and Matilda; this time bringing a little girl, thus making a well balanced family of three boys and three girls. There were different opinions as to what the girl should be named. Father zealous for his opposition to slavery, said that the baby ought to be named for noted "colored mammy", while Laura who had just read a book in which the heroine - Anzonetta Rebecca Peters - had won her especial favor, insisted on calling the baby Anzonetta. When the little one was about two week old and when father and Laura were preparing to go to South River to Quarterly Meeting, Laura urged that the question be settled before they went. "For" said she, "everybody will be asking me what the baby's name is." Still the matter dragged. Finally after she was ready to go - with bonnet on - she got the Bible and with pen and ink carried it to father. I think that she felt confident of her choice. Perhaps he thought her to insistent. Snatching the pen he wrote hurriedly, "Chloe Haworth". Laura was disappointed almost to tears. She took the book and put it away saying as she did so, "Thee may tell folks the baby's name. I'll be ashamed to."
November 1860, Abraham Lincoln was elected President of the United States.
March 1861, Lincoln was inaugurated President
August 1862, 2nd battle of Bull Run was fought
August 1862, Chloe Haworth was born
August 1862, Lincoln prepares Emancipation Proclamation
September 1862, Proclamation made public, to be effective 1-1-1863
December 1862, Battle of Fredericksburg
The spring and summer of 1863 found our nation in the gall of bitterness - in the throes of the civil war. In many homes the light of love grew dim on account of the loss of loved ones in the army.
In our home: "A cloud across the sky obscured the noon-day sun." On May 20, 1863, Laura died, aged 12 years and 10 months. Under date of 4-22-1928, referring to the event - Brother Richard makes the following comment:
" I hope thee will not forget to say something in thy history about our sister Laura. In some ways I think her a rather remarkable girl. Does thee remember the account mother wrote of her? I think that Laura requested that she be buried in a plain coffin without lining or covering and that her burial garments be made of materials manufactured by free labor, an unusual request for a girl under thirteen years. In thinking these matters over I have remembered a card that used to be around, sometimes on the mantle, sometimes in mother’s album, that dealt mainly with the horrors of the slave ships, and also advocated not using things made by slave labor, a quite common idea among anti-slavery people before the civil war. The card had one stanza something like this;
"And if our ski be black as jet,
Our hair be curled, our noses flat,
Shall we no freedom have
Until we find it in the grave."
I remember hearing Laura repeat this stanza I suppose hundreds of times, giving the long sound of a in the word at the end of the third line, and have wondered if this card did not partly account for her unusual request."
For the past few years, especially after the arrival of the second baby younger than myself, Laura had been a kind of mother to me - caring for me at night and much of the time during the day. My attachment for her had become so strong that I felt that life without her was undesirable. I said so much about it that mother became quite worried. I was sick at the time as were some other members of the family. We had the mumps. This malady was going the rounds of the community accompanied by a kind of malignant fever which gave the doctors much anxiety. From the first Laura said that she would not get well. When mother told the doctor of this he scoffed at the idea, saying that she was not seriously ill; that there was nothing alarming at all in her condition. But in a few days he changed his mind and began giving her much more and stronger medicine, but all to no avail. She talked much of her going. At first the way did not seem entirely clear, but in a few days all clouds of doubt and uncertainty seemed to be dissipated in the glorious light of the Son, and she seemed perfectly happy and willingly anxious to go and be with her lord. Her sickness was of short duration. She seemed to know when the end was near. Calling us all into the room, one by one she took us by the hand and with a few appropriate words told us farewell and asked us to so live that we might meet her in heaven. Then turning to mother she said, "I have had pains all through this body; but I am almost done with suffering now." In a few moments she was gone.
We laid the body to rest in a little country grave-yard near our home. She was dressed in white linen. All per requests were carefully carried out. After the funeral mother wrote an account of her life dwelling especially on the very unusual events and conversations connected with her last sickness, death, and burial.
Three years later father felt that the Lord was calling him to go to Kansas. But how could he leave his Laura, his dearly beloved, his first born child; how could he leave her alone in Iowa? He went to her grave and kneeling there told his trouble. On the way home Laura met him in the road; walked beside him and talked with him. Her presence seemed as real as though she were in the flesh. She told him not to grieve for her; to go on to Kansas; that she would be just as near him in Kansas as she was in Iowa. His soul was comforted. He went home and began preparation for moving.
In June and July 1863, I attended my first school. I was a little under six years of age and timid. The teacher was a first cousin of mine - Elizabeth Folger. She came to our house and asked mother if I might go. My older brothers were large enough to help with the work and were not expected to attend, thus necessitating my going alone. The school house was a little log cabin located about half a mile from our house. Mother asked me if I wanted to go. That half mile seemed a long distance to travel alone. Not until mother had promised me a new doll did I decide to undertake it. Thus my education began, and having once been enrolled as a pupil I never grew tired of going to school, but continued with much irregularity for over thirty years. As I look back over the many events of my life nothing stands out in more pleasing light than the years I spent in some institution of learning.
My teachers in Iowa were Elizabeth Folger, Lydia Craven, Martha Owen, Solomon Owen, Henry Hadley, and George Cole.
1864 Lincoln re-elected president
1-4-1865 Sylvanus was born
3-4-1865 Lincoln inaugurated
4-14-1865 Lincoln assassinated by John Wilkes Booth
4-15-1865 Lincoln died
Perhaps it was in the summer of 1864 that the new schoolhouse was built. From this on not only the school was accommodated in the new building, but also the little Friends meeting found a home there and no longer tabernacled in private dwellings.
How little politics really effects the common people. Here was the little community at Rose Mount rejoicing in peace and prosperity, while ever so much of the country - and especially at the capital, Washington politics were at a white heat. In November Lincoln was re-elected.
January 4th, 1865, another baby boy arrived at the Haworth home. The teacher who was boarding with mother also had children, twin brothers named Sylvanus and Sylvester. He begged to have the baby named for one of his twins. Mother approved, and father wrote "Sylvanus Haworth" on the page of "Births" in the Family Bible.
On March 4th Lincoln was inaugurated. On April 14th he was shot by John Wilkes Booth in Fords theater. He died the next morning.
I think father had rather unusual ability to teach boys to work. For illustrations: He had Townsend Mardock helping him harvest. Coming to the well for a fresh drink of water, and seeing Townsend's mother, Nancy Mardock, in the house, he called to her saying, "I've got Townsend cradling this morning." "Yes", replied she. "I tell Isaac our boys would never know how to work if it was not for Ellwood teaching them."
Mother was a woman much given to prayer, especially in private. One evening several of us children were in the sitting room - making some noise as children generally do. We heard some disturbance in the kitchen and thought mother was crying. Erasmus told me to go to the door and see what was the matter. As I pushed the door slightly ajar I discovered that she was praying. I quietly closed the door and reported what she was doing. I think it was the next day that she told me that she thought we had been so disobedient that day that she had taken it to the Lord, as was asking his help in the management of her little ones.
A favorite game of ours was to play "Meeting". When Alvah was about five years old and myself seven, cousins Dinah and Alice Folger were visiting at our house. Some one suggested that we play meeting, to which we all agreed. We put on our wraps and each girl had one or more dolls. All marched around the room the required number of times before reaching the meeting house, which was in the northwest corner of the room and consisted of three stair-steps below the door. I remember how Dinah sat on the outer end of the upper step, Alvah on the second, and myself on the lower step below them. Alice and Chloe were between us and the wall. Each "Mother" arranged her wraps and dolls, the larger dolls being placed on the steps beside us. Then we settled into the quiet. Presently Dinah touched Alvah in the back and whispered "Pray". He shook his head and the silence continued. Again she touched him and insisted "Pray". This time without turning his head, he whispered back, "I can't". Again we sat in silence. After a while Alvah arose and preached what we all thought was a wonderful sermon. Dinah and I each spoke some. Presently Dinah "broke meeting". We all seemed to be very happy. I remember how we all stood around and smiled into each others faces. Then I spoke. "I feed just like we had really been to meeting". "So do I", agreed Dinah and Alvah. With a feeling that the Holy Spirit was near us, we went on to other play.
In mature years I never talked to Dinah about it, but I believe now that Alvah and I were converted at this little meeting.
At home we are carefully trained against the use of impure or improper language. Probably it was in the fall of 1865, that Alvah and I went with some of the neighbor girls to gather hazelnuts. There were six of us in the company, some of whom were older than myself. Some of these girls were much given to the use of a "bad word". Alvah's eyes grew wide with astonishment. "Ah Rothy", he said "I'll tell mothah on thee". "I don't care". I bantered. "And she'll scold thee", he continued. "Scolding don't hurt" put in one of the other girls. "No", agreed I. "And she'll whip thee" he insisted. "That won't last long", said the biggest girl. At that we all laughed except Alvah who looked troubled but said no more. We filled our buckets and returned home.
That night I had gone to bed when Alvah remembered. He told mother the whole story. When he had finished she came and kneeled beside my bed. I do not remember her words, but she soon had me sobbing and I promised never to so again.
Some of the Iowan were getting the Kansas fever. I think it was the fall of 1865 that Isaac Mardock and some of his married sons made the move. They settled in the south eastern part of the state in Spring River bottom. John Littleberry Haworth and family followed with his son-in-law John Pearson and family; also Benjamen Meeker and family.
Ever since father visited the state in 1860 he had felt that some day he would make Kansas his home. Now it seemed that the time had come and he began making preparations. He and mother decided to go "back east" on a visit before going farther away. In the summer of 1866 they went, taking baby Sylvanus with them, and leaving the rest of us children at home with Dillon Haworth and wife, Emily Folger Dillon - recently married - to help us keep house.
This was a journey full of interest and adventure. It took mother several months after their return to recount all the unusual events. They went by "rail" - their first trip on the "cars". Sylvanus - or Bane as we generally called him - was so full of pep, he kept both parents busy looking after him. The car steps were open - not enclosed as we have them in after years. When the car door was left open, as it was most of the time, this being the middle of summer and very warm, a child could run to the door and jump off or fall off. Bane soon grew tired of keeping still. When ever he could wiggle out of their arms and get into the aisle he would make for the door, fast as his little legs could take him. Father would rise to the occasion. Several times during the journey he gave quite praise-worthy illustrations of his sprinting ability.
On reaching their journey's end, their first place of stop was at the home of Uncle Henry Mills. Soon after their arrival, and before the news of their coming had spread among the relatives, one of the Reynolds boys dropped in. He came to the door but at the sight of strangers hesitated. Aunt Mary called to him saying "Come in and speak to Aunt Matilda". On the contrary he turned and went home. The next day he confessed that on looking in he thought he saw his mother "dressed" up just to fool him.
Baby Bane was so full of life that he kept his parents on needles much of the time. At the home of Aunt Rachel Ellis, cousin Lilborn, for some reason called Bane "Davis". The two boys were playing in the yard when a neighbor rode up and tied his horse to the hitching post. Bane had a long stick in his hand. He marched up and struck the horse a sharp blow on the nose. Being thus suddenly wakened from a sleep of peaceful dreams the horse reared, broke his halter and ran away. Lilborn was frightened and ran into the house to tell his mother that "Davis whipped the horse and made it break the gee".
After the return from the visit "East" preparations for moving to Kansas began rapidly to materialize. At first father thought best to go alone, and after securing a home return for the family. Mother objected to what she considered this unnecessary expense. I was at Uncle Walter's one day when Aunt Phebe asked:
"Is thy father ready to start to Kansas?"
"No", I replied.
"Why, what is the matter?" she asked.
"Mother wants to go with him", said I.
"Calf", ejaculated Aunt, I hastened to explain.
"But she says we will all go anyway, and its no use to have so much trouble".
By the first week in September we were ready to travel. The farm was not sold - just rented. Father fitted up two wagons. He drove one team and Richard the other. Mother, Chloe, and Sylvanus generally rode with Richard, serving as ballast, I suppose. Erasmus, myself and Alvah generally rode with father. When we were tired of riding he permitted us to get out and run behind. At times Erasmus "spelled" the others by driving for a while.
There were four others wagons and a small drove of cattle in the company. Uncle Dillon Haworth and wife Polly had one wagon. Their son, Sam, about sixteen years old, rode a pony and looked after the cattle. William Mardock, son of Isaac Mardock, and wife Susannah, daughter of Uncle Dillon, had two wagons. Dillon Haworth and wife Emma had the fourth wagon.
We kept company with the others only a short time. The cattle moved slowly; father grew impatient; and so we separated. We had fine weather and good roads all the way.
The others were about three weeks longer. Rains came on, the roads became bad, water courses became swollen so they could not ford, and there were no bridges. When less than twenty miles from their journey's end they came to Cow creek which was out of its bank and they were obligated to wait four days for it to become fordable.
------------------------------- End of text.
Editor's notes:
As I noted above, I transcribed the paper from an original typed document. The text ends in the middle of page 21, and it is obviously not complete. I do not know why it was not completed. I know, for example that Ellwood and Matilda Haworth had two additional children in Kansas. Ellwood is listed in "Some Quaker Families - Scarborough/Haworth", by Roger Boone and Marjorie Morgan as #675. Richard Haworth and Dillon Haworth, who were brothers, are listed as #226 and #228, respectively.
As for myself, I am a direct descendant of both brothers and their first cousin John Haworth:
Ron Haworth, April 2000, editor.