Part three of a narrative concerning the Haworth family and directed especially to the grandchildren of William Perry and Abigail Haworth by Gerald and Helen Wood
Suggestion: To avoid confusion, due to the repeated use of certain first names in the Haworth family records, you may make reference to the genealogical chart we furnished in PART ONE of the narrative.
Included with this are: (I) map of a portion of Virginia, (2) chart showing some Haworth marriages, (3) map of a portion of Clinton County Ohio, (4) map of a portion of Vermillion County Indiana.
In the 1730's there was a migration of Friends from Pennsylvania and New Jersey to the western wilderness. In 1735, Hopewell Quaker Meeting was established in Frederick County, Virginia which served as a parent meeting for many others. Hopewell Meeting continues to the present and its records are great historical value, despite the destruction of some during the Civil War.
(Editor's note, for recent pictures of the Hopewell Meeting House, see Meeting House, Table of Contents
In 1738, Stephanus and Absalom Haworth migrated and selected land in the Shenandoah Valley, adjoining a tract owned by their uncle, Robert Scarborough. Stephanus had 400 acres, Absalom 200 acres.
The following year James (our ancestor) and John also went to Virginia. They were on Apple Pie Ridge near the Hopewell Meeting but about fifty miles from their older brothers. John remained in Virginia for eleven years, returned to Bucks County, Pennsylvania and married there. (The other three brothers were married in Virginia.) Herbert Hoover, former president , was from the lineage of John Haworth.
George and Mary, the younger children of George the Emigrant, remained in Pennsylvania. Mary married John Michener, whose parents had been house servants of the Penn family.
James (our ancestor) married Sarah Wood soon after his arrival in Virginia. Nothing is known of her family line and she may not have been a Quaker. However, the Wood family is believed to have come from Yorkshire where there was early Quaker influence.
In the 1730's, Indian raids instigated by the French, terrorized the frontier settlements and many abandoned their homes. During such an absence from home in 1758 James died, from causes not known. Sarah was left with six young children; Richard 12, Jemima 10, George (our ancestor) 8, James 6, Elizabeth 3 and Sarah 1 1/2.
Hopewell Meeting on September 5, 1757 petitioned the Meeting for Sufferings of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting for assistance naming eleven families in need. Among them was Sarah Haworth, a widow and young children. She had lost 12 cows and was allowed three pounds.
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Sometime in the I760's Sarah Haworth was disowned for marriage with Peter Ruble. However, she was reinstated and on February 1, 1768, was given a certificate of removal from Hopewell to Bush River Meeting in South Carolina. With her went her children except Richard who was married.
Jemima and Sarah Haworth, sisters, married John and James Wright, brothers. Richard and George Haworth, brothers, married Ann and Susanna Dillon, sisters. Peter Dillon, who married Elizabeth Haworth, was a cousin to Ann and Susanna Dillon. Mary Rees, who married James Haworth, was a daughter of Charity Dillon Rees, another sister of Ann and Susanna Dillon. With this generation, begin marriages between Haworth, Dillons and Wrights which continued into generations V and VI.
John and Jemima Haworth Wright were the parents of twelve children, each with a given name beginning with the letter J. There was also a dog, Jowler and a horse, Jack. This anomaly is mentioned in most Haworth records. Jemima later as a widow and with a number of her children, went to Ohio in the vicinity of Leesburg.
Richard and wife Ann caused considerable trouble for the Hopewell Friends Meeting. On February 12, 1765 Ann was disowned for contracting marriage with Richard through the ministration of a "hireling teacher" – perhaps a Methodist or Baptist preacher. (One can only wonder why Richard was not disowned at the same time and for the same reason.) However, on April 1, 1765 Richard was disowned for training with the militia and scouting Indians. Some six years later both were reinstated by condemning their previous actions. On November 4, 1771 they received certificates of transfer to New Garden Monthly Meeting in North Carolina.
George and Susanna Dillon Haworth were remarkable parents of remarkable children. Their stories emerge more clearly than for most of their contemporaries. For emphasis, he is designated GEORGE OF QUAKER POINT, to distinguish him from the numerous persons of the same name among Haworths.
George was born on Apple Pie Ridge and the farm of his father James, December 28, 1749. He was a member of the Hopewell Friends Meeting. He died at Quaker Point Indiana January 4, 1837. In 1768, when George was about 19 years of age, he went with his mother, then the wife of Peter Ruble, to settle in South Carolina at Bush River. Chronology at this time is difficult, but we know he must have married Susanna Dillon in 1772 as she was disowned by Hopewell Meeting on January 11, 1773 for "marriage contrary to doctrine."
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George and his brother James were disowned by Bush River Friends Meeting on August 29, 1772 - reason not given. (In 1794 James was reinstated by Bush River upon recommendation of New Hope Meeting in Tennessee, where the brothers then lived. We have found no record of where or when George may have been reinstated. He appears as a leader in Quaker activities in Tennessee, Ohio and Indiana-Illinois and was perhaps a recorded minister.)
On September 25, 1773 Daniel Boone (of Quaker descent) began a land hunting expedition across the mountains into western Virginia- now Kentucky. He enlisted about forty persons in the project, including the Haworth brothers, George and James, who were his neighbors in North Carolina. They met strong Indian opposition and among those slain was James Boone, Daniel's son. The expedition returned to North Carolina.
In 1785 there was another attempt to enter Kentucky, but the Indians were still menacing, so attention was directed toward Tennessee.
Most Haworth records tell of the migration to what is now Greene County, Tennessee. There were no roads, only game or Indian trails. The Smokies were crossed by pack horse. George explored the area with his two older sons; Mahlon about twelve years of age and John, ten. They found a location and built a cabin. In a list of North Carolina land grants, George Haworth is recorded as receiving 300 acres in Greene County, on the banks of the Nolachuckee, a tributary of the Holston River.
After the building of the cabin, George returned to North Carolina to bring the rest of his family, leaving his two sons with provisions to last until his return. However, they were delayed and did not reach the new home until much later than expected. "When at last the parents arrived, the boys ran to meet them with outstretched arms. The mother sprang from her horse, clasped them in her arms and they all wept together for joy."
Part three carries the story of our Haworth line to Tennessee. The next letter will give the migration to Ohio, then Indiana-Illinois. The maps of both areas will be sent later.
CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Tom Griffiths, Wichita, Kansas
John of Generation III was long considered to have "died without issue". Herbert Hoover is descended from him by the following:
(I) John Haworth (2)Rachel Haworth Toole (3) Ann Toole Wasley (4) Mary Wasley Minthorn (5) Hulda Minthorn Hoover (6) Herbert Hoover.
The former president was of the sixth generation after George Haworth the Emigrant, which is the same generation as the children of William Perry and Abigail Haworth, to whom he was a fifth cousin. Herbert Hoover took considerable pride in his Scarborough ancestry.
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In the period of agitation over slavery, entire Quaker meetings in South Carolina and Georgia migrated to the North, principally Ohio.
Many of the older and established meetings resisted the removal of Quakers to remote and frontier areas, that they might be "captivated with the love of a rambling and lazy life". However, new meetings were quickly set up in these areas.
In January we sent a special letter to the grandchildren of William Perry and Abigail Haworth in recognition of the 100th anniversary of their marriage - December 29, 1869. Alfred Haworth believes he has the original wedding certificate. If others would care for a copy of this letter, let us know.
Samuel Haworth, an older brother of William Perry Haworth, was a letter writer, story teller, traveler and collector of Haworth data. He contributed to HAWORTH IN AMERICA, also the DAVIS PAMPHLETS and attended the reunions of 1899 and 1902. From him we get much personal narrative and color. We now have his Civil War military records.
There were many disownments of young Quakers in the 17th and 18th centuries. It must have been the "generation gap" of that time. In some instances, the parents were also disowned for supporting the children, or permitting them, to act "contrary to discipline. The following are quotations from the records most of which were preceded by the statement "neglected attending meeting" and:
"Danced, but denied the charge; accused a neighbor unjustly; struck a man in anger; fought and raced horses; joined the Baptists; consented to marriage of a daughter in their home, contrary to discipline; married a woman not of our society; connived in a son's marriage by a hireling teacher; showed an unbecoming disposition in railing against Friends; hired a substitute to go to war; failed to pay a debt;
"Singing and dancing; scouted Indians; attended a marriage that was contrary to discipline; assisted a sister in a marriage contrary to discipline and danced at the wedding; killed a horse belonging to another and concealed the fact; danced in a frolic at a place of diversion; drove a military wagon in war; stole a young woman from her parents and married her; preached in other religious societies; attended muster and shooting matches;
"Brought suit against a fellow Quaker; altered a note and left the state in armed manner; encouraged gambling by lending money; held slaves; administered oaths; took a fidelity oath contrary to discipline; distilled a grain; kicked a man in a spirit of passion, with aggravated discourse; changed his name to defraud neighbors; permitted fiddling and dancing in his home; attended singing school."
Many of the above seem legitimate reasons for disownment. However, some Friends were alienated from the Society and never returned.
In the next letter we will tell of the move to Ohio.
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Map of Hopewell VA area (Please click on the thumbnail)
(Editor's note: We have extensive recent pictures of the Hopewell area on this web site. Ron Haworth)
This map represents the area into which four of the sons of George the Emigrant migrated in 1738 and 1739. At that time it was known by the general term "Virginia". However, later divisions were made and three present states are represented in the area. That area north of the Potomac River is in Maryland. A line beginning near Hagerstown then southwest would roughly divide West Virginia to the left from Virginia to the right. The horizontal line at the top of the map was, and still is, a portion of the South border of Pennsylvania.
The area called "Apple Pie Ridge" lies between Opeckon Creek and Back Creek and includes the sites of several Quaker Meetings and communities, the best known being Hopewell Meeting. This was a parent Meeting from which many other early meetings were "set off". James and John were members there and had land in the area.
The two elder sons of The Emigrant, Stephanus and Absalon, secured land about four miles south of New Market on Smith's Creek, a tributary of the North Fork of the Shenandoah River. This land is shown at the lower edge of the map.
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Some Haworth Marriage (please click on the thumbnail)
This graphical outline shows some Haworth marriages in the 100 year period from about 1740 to 1840. This principally involved the families of Dillon and Wright. Note that James and Rachel Wright Haworth were first cousins, also that their son Eli was a second cousin by one line of descent to his wife Lydia Dillon. By another line they were third cousins. A son of Eli and Lydia Haworth was William Perry Haworth .
Previous to 1800 the problems of consanguinity were not recognized. Quakers, by their discipline, were forbidden to contract marriages outside the Society. Families living in the same frontier neighborhood; worshiping together in the same Quaker Meeting and migrating together to newer frontiers; led to many intermarriages. In this research, we observed as many as five members of one family finding mates in another closely related family.
Abigail Chawner was the daughter of Chalkley Chawner and Sarah Cox, who were first cousins. The family left Bartholomew County Indiana to find a community where the children could meet and marry persons to whom they were not related. In Boone County Indiana, Abigail married William Perry Haworth no relative.
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George of Quaker Point had lived in Greene County Tennessee for about 18 years when he determined to move to Ohio. His eldest son (wife Phoebe Frazier) made an exploratory trip into the state in 1800. Encouraged by the reports of this son, Mahlon; George and all of his children migrated to Ohio in 1803 and 1804. (See map explanations) They crossed the Ohio River at what is now Cincinnati, then a small village of a dozen houses. Many of them settled in what is now Clinton County, Ohio.
In 1807 George attended Baltimore Yearly Meeting, traveling by horseback as representative of Miami Quarterly Meeting. But George did not remain in Ohio. In 1825 he moved to the Indiana-Illinois border country, near the village of Quaker Point. There he lived in a cabin built for him and his second wife on the land of son Dillon Haworth. In his 86th year, George died and was buried in the nearby "Haworth Cemetery,".
Of this generation, two remained in Ohio, eight migrated to Indiana-Illinois and are of special interest as they were the ancestors of many of the Haworths in the West. Their descendants are found in; Indiana, Iowa, Illinois, Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado, Oregon and California. Our direct ancestor in this generation was James (wife Rachel Wright). James moved from Clinton County, Ohio to the south end of Vermillion County, Illinois about 1825. He brought two four-horse teams with Virginia type wagons-high in front and rear. In the bottom of one of these wagons was his treasure, $1500.00 in silver. Also he brought cattle and a dozen lop-eared hounds.
James bought 640 acres of land in Vermillion County. He is said to have laid out the town of Georgetown, Illinois and named it for his crippled son George (wife Polly Thornton). Lacking surveying instruments, he established North by observing the North Star. His measurements were made with a length of wild grapevine. As a result, lots in Georgetown are of irregular size.
One of the nine children of James and Rachel Wright Haworth, was Eli, our great grandfather, who married Lydia Dillon.
"The first I ever knew of grandfather George Haworth was about 1830, when I was four years old. We heard some noise, and looking out saw a man driving a yoke of oxen hitched to a sled, and an old man sitting on the sled who I learned was Grandfather Haworth. My father was sick at the time. After awhile I heard something going on in the room. I looked in and saw grandfather bowed at the bed father was lying on, and praying for him. It made a deep impression on my mind that has never been erased.
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"The next memory I have of him is at the home his sons fixed for him on Uncle Dillon Haworth's place. Two log cabins were built near each other. He had a large armed chair he always sat in. He took much delight in seeing and conversing with his grandchildren. He died near his 86th year, retaining his mental faculties well until near the last.
"My father, Richard Haworth, emigrated from Ohio in 1820 and settled in what afterwards was Vermillion county, Indiana. This was before the state line was located between Indiana and Illinois in that country. He supposed that the Wabash River would be the line there, as it was farther south, and settled in what he thought to be Illinois. Later, when the line was run, it passed through his farm, leaving his house and about one third of the farm on the Indiana side."
(The foregoing is quoted from a paper by Elwood Haworth which appears on pages 47 and 48 of HAWORTHS IN AMERICA.)
Elwood Haworth (B. 8-14-1826, D. 8-29-I923) was a son of Richard and Susanna Henderson Haworth of Generation V. He was born on his father's farm near Quaker Point, Indiana. In 1854 he moved to Warren County, Iowa and in 1866 to Cherokee County, Kansas and the community called "Quaker Valley". He was a recorded minister of the Society of Friends.
About I885, in the course of his religious activities, he met a young kinsman and preacher-evangelist named William Perry Haworth. They had close fellowship in the work of Kansas Yearly Meeting and for many years labored in close proximity; one in south-east Kansas, the other just across the state line in Indian Territory.
When Elwood Haworth died, a few days past his ninety-seventh birthday, William Perry Haworth conducted his funeral service in Quaker Valley.
In 1933, William Perry Haworth died and among his papers were the notes he had used for Elwood Haworth's service. In Wichita lives a great-granddaughter of Elwood Haworth, also a genealogy enthusiast. It was our pleasure to give her these notes to add to her Haworth family memorabilia.
Some sources contend that Georgetown, Illinois was named for a George Beckwith, not George the son of James who laid out the town. Still others infer that it was named for George, a brother of James who laid out the town. You will perhaps be as confused as we are.
The name of ELI as a Haworth first name is a pleasant relief from George and James - names that had been used for five generations.
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Helen Fe Jones and her husband, Dr. Win. C. Jones, were in Europe last summer. In Manchester, England they visited a family named Morgan; parents of a Rotary Fellow whom Dr. Jones had sponsored at the University of Oregon. Manchester is some twenty miles south of Bacup, Lancashire, the site of Rockcliffe Hall. Beyond, ten to fifteen miles, are Marsden Meeting House, the village of Barley and Pendle Hill.
"We started out on a rainy morning in the Morgan's car. Fortunately, Mr. Morgan was well acquainted with the country side or we might have got lost on the roads and lanes of rural Lancashire. "The roads were laid out long before the days of automobiles and the traffic is heavy and constant. We stopped in a Country Inn at Burnley for a delightful lunch, then went looking for the Marsden Quaker Meeting House. It is a simple stone building set back from the road with a fence and gate on the street, and the grave yard at the side and back.
"A woman with children is the caretaker and she kindly unlocked the old Meeting House. We went into a large plain room with benches, tables, bookcases and a piano. After looking at the books-mostly Friends histories and biographies and an old book of Friends Sufferings, a few record books- we discovered that the Meeting Room was to the right through a door. "The Meeting Room is plain and austere; the benches are arranged so they all face toward a center area. There was an atmosphere of peace and quiet, here in this old Meeting House built about 1780 and still in weekly use.
"There are many graves with the Haworth name in the cemetery, but none of our own ancestry as far as we could tell. Many Haworths still live in Lancashire. I ran across the name on a list of students in the Bolton Grammar School and saw it on a store front. After returning to London, we read in the paper an item about the Manchester Symphony Orchestra whose chairman is Sir Geoffrey Haworth.
"After visiting the Marsden Meeting House, Mr. Morgan headed North to find the village of Barley where James and Jessie Barlow, our distant cousins, live. Now we were in the country with hills around us, and the fields with their hedges and the meadows with sheep. All must look much as they did 300 years ago. Barley is near the foot of Pendle Hill which we had been eager to see. It is a long, high hill that looms over the country side. We were on its slopes, but it was raining too hard to climb.
"We were looking for Bridge End Cottages where the Barlows live and we found them there, as the name says at the end of the bridge, in Barley. There are a half-dozen small stone cottages, all in a row and you climb some old slate steps to reach them. 'Number Two' is the Barlow home, a tiny cottage that has been there for 250 years and has been the home of the Barlows for more than thirty years. At the bottom of the hill is a small, clear, tumbling brook; there are woods on the other side and Pendle Hill is directly across from us.
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"We knocked and a small elderly man appeared at the door. Yes, he was James Barlow and they were expecting us since Gerald had written them. Jessie Barlow had just gone to Nelson, a nearby village, to do some shopping. Her daughter from Birmingham had taken her and she would return soon by bus. But in the meantime, we must come in, which we did bringing the Morgans with us. Inside the cottage everything was cosy and neat as one could imagine. James Barlow was watching the Commonwealth Track Meet on television, a cheery fire in the grate warmed the room, there were comfortable chairs and books. He showed us the Haworth coat-of-arms, the various family histories that have been written and told us about Pendle Hill.
"George Fox had-his "openings" on Pendle Hill and nearby is a well where he stopped to drink and rest. There is no memorial to mark the spot, but there is a sign which says that Robin Hood drank there.
"We wanted to know how to find Rookcliffe Hall, the traditional Haworth seventeenth-century home in Bacup, so James Barlow gave Mr. Morgan the directions. He wanted to make us a cup of tea, but it was getting late and we were a long way from Manchester, so we said our goodbye and left, just as the bus stopped and a woman got out and came toward the cottages. Of course it was our cousin Jessie Barlow, a sweet, white-haired lady with the most serene face I have over seen. She greeted us with no surprise, but with genuine pleasure as we talked for a few minutes, then left.
"Bacup is an old mill town; there is unemployment and the bleak rows of narrow houses look discouraged and dingy. We found the private road Mr. Barlow had told us about and went up a short hill toward Rookcliffe Hall. It has not belonged to the Haworth family in recent years, but portions of it are of the original building from which George Haworth came in 1699. The grounds and flower gardens are well kept. Since we had not arranged to see the house, we did not want to intrude on the owners, but stopped the car for a brief look.
"Back in Manchester and having tea with the Morgans, we were grateful for this day when we had travelled back in time to reflect upon the lives of our long-ago ancestors."
In the Notes of our last letter we listed reasons for which Quakers were disowned or otherwise punished. Jessie Haworth Barlow of England tells that her grandfather, Caleb Haworth, was required to sit at the back of the Meeting House for seven years because he had married contrary to Quaker discipline. Caleb was an elder and would otherwise have been on the facing benches at the front of the meeting.
We had hoped to introduce into Part IV of the Haworth narrative, the results of further research in Tennessee and North Carolina. With this in mind, we had planned to go there this fall, but have been unable to do
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Flora Haworth Wood, eldest child of William Perry and Abigail Haworth was born one hundred years ago, October 11, 1870.
We have noted that two of the children listed in Generation V remained in Ohio. They were Mahlon Haworth and Mary Haworth (who married Daniel Bailey). We have received a notice and invitation to a HAWORTH-BAILEY reunion for September 20, 1970, at the Dover Meeting House just north of Wilmington, Ohio. In the cemetery at Dover we have seen the grave markers for both Mahlon and Mary. Their descendants are numerous and prominent in Clinton County.
VENISON AND BEARS GREASE - " Mahlon Haworth and his brother James (our ancestor), although no great hunters, always in passing through the woods took the precaution to carry their guns with them. On one occasion when in search of their horses that had strayed away, old 'Maje' the trusty dog, treed a bear. James told his brother to stand aside and see him shoot the bear in the head. So he raised his gun, but a film came over his eyes and a tremor seized his hands, and when he fired he missed his game. Now Mahlon tried his luck; he did better; the game was wounded and came tumbling to the ground; the dog rushed upon him and the bear would soon have dispatched him, but the men advanced, when he turned upon them, and, as he reared to give his hug, they placed the gun against his breast, fired and dispatched him. On the same day they wounded a deer which came bounding past their dwelling and plunged into Todd's Fork. Mary Haworth, afterward Bailey, happened to be passing near, saw the deer become entangled in some brush, so she waded in, caught it and killed it with a stone. Then they had venison and bear fat to cook it in." Quoted from: Beers; History of Clinton County.
The water-power mill was erected on Todds Fork in an early day by George Haworth, the pioneer. It later belonged to the son Mahlon Haworth.
AN ASPECT OF THE OHIO COUNTRY (From a History of Clinton Co.)
Brown limbed and mighty were the forest trees
That lifted high their giant trunks in air;
Filled with sweet incense was the singing breeze
Which touched with soft caress, wild flowers fair;
The sunlight glanced among the foliage green
And vainly strove to pierce the gloom beneath;
Glad swelled the heart of him who viewed the scene
And breathed the fragrance of the flowery heath.
MORAL (Part of a poem by Alice Greenwood and published in "The First One Hundred Years of Vermillion County, Ind".)
Afore ye start out aroun' the world,
With yer stove-pipe hat and yer murstash curled;
Fore ye git the idee yer a big gun,
An brag whur ye've been an' tell what chuve done;
Fore ye make up yer mind yer so tarnal slick,
Jis go an' find out. WHUR'S JONATHAN CRICK ?
(End of page 26)
The township plan by which land was surveyed and divided into squares, six by six miles, was not yet established in this area. It was under heavy timber cover, so that surveys and measurements could only be made in winter when leaves were off and snow was on the ground. Much of the land was "Bounty Land" granted to veterans of the American Revolution. Shapes and sizes of grants was irregular, except that none could be longer than three times its width. George of Quaker Point (Generation IV) paid "seven-quarter" dollars per acre for 1450 acres in Survey 523.
George came to Ohio from Greene County, Tennessee in 1803. His older sons were already married and migrated about the same time. He was early associated with Miami Monthly Meeting of Friends at Waynesville from which many of the other Quaker Meetings were set off.
George was an organizer and member of the Center Meeting where he is known to have preached. In 1804 his wife Susanna died and was buried at Center, the first adult in the cemetery there. (We visited Center but were unable to locate her grave, as it was either unmarked or the stone had disintegrated. The Meeting was long inactive and the Meeting House is gone -- - burned.
The Dover Meeting is still active and the cemetery has many Haworth graves including those of the two children of George who remained in Ohio - Mahlon and Mary (who married Daniel Bailey).
Clinton, Ohio, later named Wilmington, was platted in 1810. On September 3, there was an auction sale of lots. Each of the sons of George of Quaker Point made a purchase at prices from eight to seventy five dollars.
This is a small portion of Vermillion County, based on a FIRST OWNER map, and adjacent to the Indiana-Illinois state line. (We found no comparable map for the State of Illinois.)
These lands were secured by members of the Haworth family before the State Line was surveyed; and those near the line must have extended into what is now Illinois.
All of the children of George of Quaker Point migrated to this area about 1820-1825, except Mahlon and Mary. Presumably all had land as they were farmers, but a few were located entirely within Illinois.
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Just east of Haworths, the land was rough and wooded. There was mention of prairie which must have included the Haworth land and west into Illinois. Unlike Ohio, it had been surveyed and described by sections, townships and ranges.
George of Quaker Point and his second wife, Joanna Van Horn, are buried in the Haworth Cemetery. Both graves are marked, as are those of son Richard and his wife, Susanna Henderson.
There are some farm homes in and near the site of Quaker Point, but otherwise, the village has disappeared.
IDENTIFICATION of LAND OWNERS as related to George of Quaker Point:
RICHARD - a son whose wife was Susanna Henderson. The State
Line divided his farm, leaving the house in Indiana.
DILLON - a son whose wife was Mary Wright. George had a separate cabin
built near his son.
JOHN - a son whose wife was Elizabeth Ballard.
GEORGE - a son (possibly) whose wife was Rachel Haworth
MAHLON - a grandson whose wife was also named Rachel Haworth.
REES - a nephew, son of James Haworth whose wife was Mary Rees.
JONATHAN - a grandson (possibly) son of James who married
Rachel Wright. However, he may have been a nephew,
the son of James whose wife was Mary Rees.
At Quaker Point, Indiana in 1826, Elizabeth Robson, a Quaker minister from Lancashire, England, saw an elderly man in the audience with a face of Haworths of England. It was George, a grandson of George the Emigrant. On her return to England he reported her experience to Caleb Haworth, and thus initiated a common interest and correspondence which continues to this day.
Subsequently Caleb Haworth wrote to George, a second cousin once removed, and addressed him as follows:
To George Haworth
Quaker Point, Indiana,
On the border of Illinois,
North America.
(The letter was dated 9th Month, 25th, 1826, at Halifax, Yorkshire, England and is quoted in full in HAWORTHS IN AMERICA, pages 22 and 23.)
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Page 29 Insert - Quaker Point Map (Please click on thumbnail)
Page 30 Insert - Quaker Point #2 (Please click on thumbnail)