Willison Haworth: The following biography, dated 1887, was provided to us by John Shaffer, a transcriber for Champaign County IL. Thank You!
Willison HAWORTH. This gentleman has attained quite a reputation in Stanton Township and vicinity, as a stock-raiser and feeder, and dealer in Durham cattle. He is essentially a self-made man, provided with but limited advantages in his youth, but who, with the aid of his natural talents and industry, has secured a competency and a good position socially among his fellow men. His real estate consists of a good farm located on section 27, which is provided with a complete family residence, a convenient and substantial barn, and a proper assortment of valuable modern machinery.
Our subject is a native of this State, born at Vermilion Grove, Dec. 10, 1835. His parents, David and Miriam (MILLS) HAWORTH, were also natives of Vermilion County, where they were reared and married, and where the mother is still living on the old homestead. David HAWORTH departed this life July 25, 1876. The eleven children of the household included eight sons and three daughters, all of whom grew to mature years and present one of the finest families found in the Prairie State. Willison, the subject of this sketch, is the oldest; Clayborn married Miss Esther (WILLIAMS); Maria died Sept. 1, 1864; James W., married Miss Rose PORTER, of Vermilion County; Elvin is living in California; John married Miss Ann SIGLER, of Vermilion County, and went to Colorado, dying at Golden, that State, April 11, 1880. His wife died two years later, leaving two children, both now living. Beriah married Miss Anna LEWIS, and is farming on the old homestead in Vermilion County; Horace married Miss Dora KENNEDY; Mary J. became the wife of James JUDD; Cecelia is the wife of Joseph COOK, and Lindley married Miss Mollie HOSKINS. These are living in Vermilion County, mostly engaged in farming pursuits.
The subject of our sketch passed his early days in his native county, and chose from its daughters Miss Martha E. JUDD, who became his wife Feb. 28, 1861. Mrs. HAWORTH is the daughter of Sylvester R. and Eliza (GOWEN) JUDD, being the third of eleven children born to her parents, of whom only five are living. The mother is living and a resident of Champaign County. Her brothers and sisters are recorded as follows; James H. married Miss HAWORTH; Thomas married Carrie CLINE, and is a resident of Fulton County, Ill., Martha E. is the wife of our subject; Josephine married James MUNDY; Lorena is the wife of Eli STRATTON, of Somers Township. The father of Mrs. HAWORTH was born in Kentucky, March 7, 1812. He was a miller by trade and a man generally respected in his community, being a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and holding the various township offices. He died at Georgetown, in this State, on the 5th of May, 1877. The mother was born Sept. 27, 1818, and is still living among her children. She became connected with the Christian Church at an early day, of which she has remained a consistent member to this time. Three sons of the family served as Union soldiers in the late war, all in Illinois regiments, and afterward returned safely to their homes.
Mr. and Mrs. HAWORTH after their marriage, located first in Vermilion County, where they lived two years, and in the spring of 1863 took up their residence in Stanton Township, upon the eighty acres of land which Mr. H. had purchased, and which is now included in the homestead. He afterward purchased forty acres additional, which makes a farm of 120 acres, upon which he has effected fine improvements, setting out a good orchard, building neat fences, and in 1882 put up a residence, which, with its adjacent buildings, is not excelled by any in the county. The live-stock is of excellent quality and receives the best of care. None of the land is allowed to run to waste, being utilized either in pasturage or the growing of grain and other crops, either for market or the use of the household. Their two children are daughters. Flora E. is now the wife of Milton SIMCOX, of Stanton Township; Maria T., a music teacher, remains at home with her parents.
The grandparents of our subject, John and Cecilia HAWORTH, were natives of North Carolina. They spent their last days in Vermilion County, and their children became residents of this State, where some of them spent the remainder of their lives. The HAWORTH's were of English ancestry, and were Quakers on both sides of the family. Willison, of our sketch, cast his first presidential vote for John C. FREMONT, and his last one for James G. BLAINE, indicating that for a period of nearly thirty years he has been connected with the Republican party.
Willison's brother, Beriah Haworth was my ggrandfather, and Beriah's wife (my ggrandmother) was Anna Lewis, daughter of Mary Haworth.
To view a picture of Willison's mother, Miriam Mills Haworth, click on: Miriam
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Note: an excellent webpage on the Mills family can be found at:
To view a copy of the wedding vows of Willison's parents, click on: Vows
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Ron Haworth, editor