The Haworth Association of America

Historical 1907 Genealogy Chart

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This chart surfaced first, at the year 2004 national reunion, and is owned by Cy Shearer, who said I "levitated" a foot off the floor when he asked me what I knew about the chart.  In recent months (Fall of 2011), we have seen two other copies of the same chart.  One copy was in the Indianapolis area.  The other copy was obtained by Mrs. Mildred Haworth London of Coffeyville, KS in the 1970's, and recently discovered by her daughter, Marilyn L. Winton Totten.   So now, we have four sightings of the chart, and three actual copies.

The  last reference we have to the chart, is in the minutes of the 1907 national reunion.  The following is an except from the minutes:

(see:  Reunions 1907_- Second Day  on this web page)  (you will need to use the return arrow to return)


....FOURTH: -- That we express our thanks to Miss Grace Hanson and Dr. 0. J. Pennington for the efficient manner in which they have brought the genealogical chart of the Haworth family up to its present degree of completeness.

In a paper  submitted by Grace Hanson, she states:

"...The compiling of family history, with no source of information save the memory and traditions of a scattered family is no easy task. Chas. B. Davis, of High Point, N. C. has worked industriously for seven years to complete his tables of the Haworth genealogy and his work is not yet complete. The chart before you, which contains all of his and as much more as we could gather, cost ten days of constant work besides that occupied in correspondence. "


It is believed that Grace Hanson and Dr. O. J. Pennington prepared this chart from data that had been collected by Charles Davis.

Mr. Charles Davis published the Haworth Record, a newsletter for the Haworth family, in 1906 to 1915.  We have collected and copied every issue of this newsletter and included it here on the web page.    See: Haworth Record

As to the picture above, it is a copy of a copy.   My father saw this chart  (or a portion of the chart) in 1930 and copied exactly the text shown on the middle left side of the chart, and the family tree information.  This chart is indeed a great surprise.  Ron Haworth, Editor

This page was updated, May, 2021.

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