Help Needed
Can you identify the child in this picture?
Shelly Cardiel (March 2011) writes:
I've "rescued" an old photograph of "Minnie" which
was taken at the Watson & Estell Studio in Richmond, Indiana. The photograph
appears to have been taken in the 1860's or 1870's with Minnie appearing to be
about 1 year old at the time the photograph was taken. In addition to her name,
someone has written "With regards of Tom T. S. or L. DENNIS" on the back of the
photograph. The middle initial is difficult to read.
I am hoping to
locate someone from this DENNIS Family so that this wonderful old treasure can
be returned to the care of her family.
If you are a member of this family, or
you know someone who might be, please contact me.
Editor: You can contact me. Ron Haworth