Part 3 of 7



(4) 4. James HAWORTH, 4th child of George and Susannah (Dillon) Haworth, was born in 1785 in Greene Co., Tennessee. (Note: James b 16 Feb. 1781 Bush River, Newberry, S.C. ~ Archives S.L.  & Hinshaw’s Gen.) He went to Ohio, in all probability with his parents in 1803, settling in Clinton County near Wilmington and remained there until 1822 or 1825 when he went to Illinois with his brothers, George and William. When he made the trip he carried $1,500.00 in silver dollars in the bottom of the Virginia Wagon he drove. He and his brother, George, laid out the towns of Georgetown and Danville, but the record is not clear as to which man founded which town. James married Rachel Wright but the names of her parents were not given. Rachel Wright(4), daughter of James and Sarah (Haworth) Wright(3) would have been in the same age bracket as James, but there is no definite information as to this. (Note: A sheet in the Archives at S.L. on James Wright & Sarah Haworth list a dt. Rachel Wright b 1 Jan 1781-2 New Hope, Green Co., Tenn. Md. 1800 James Haworth. James died in Vermillion Co., Illinois, and after his death Rachel moved to Three Rivers Co., Iowa. They had 9 children:

                (5)          1. RUTH HAWORTH

                                2. GEORGE HAWORTH

                                3. JOHATHAN HAWORTH

                                4. JAMES W. HAWORTH

                                3, MAHLON HAWORTH

                                6. SUSANNAH HAWORTH

                                7. ELI HAWORTH

                                8. WILLIAM HAWORTH

                                9. SARAH WORTH

                (5)          1. RUTH HAWORTH, 1st child of James and Rachel (Wright) Haworth, married Richard Stanton

                                     and had 4 children:

                                                (6)          1. JAMES STANTON

                                                                2, MAHLON STANT0N married Selina Hockett

                                                                3. JOHN STANTON

                                                                4. HARRISON STANTON (Note: Mahlon, John & Harrison d before Oct. 1906 (Vol.  I #11)

                (5)          2. GEORGE HAWORTH, 2nd child of James and Rachel (Wright) Haworth, died in Georgetown,

                                     Illinois in 1834. He married Polly Thornton and had 9 children:

                                                (6)          1. SARAH HAWORTH

                                                                2. J0HN MILTON HAWORTH died about 1895

                                                                3. HAMILTON HAWORTH went to Oregon

                                                                4. RACHEL HAWORTH

                                                                5. HANNAH HAWORTH

                                                                6. JAMES HAWORTH died in Kansas

                                                                7. RUTH HAWORTH

                                                                8. VASHTIE HAWORTH

                                                                9. MARY HAWORTH

                                After George’s death Polly and her children moved to Iowa and from there went to  Kansas.

                (5)          3. JONATHAN HAWORTH, called "Big Jonathan", 3rd child of James and  Rachel (Wright) Haworth,

                                      married his 3d cousin, NAOMI WRIGHT the  7th child of Isaac and Susannah (Haworth) Wright(4),

                                      and granddaughter of Richard  Haworth(3),  James  (2), George(1). See Vol. I, page 86. Jonathan

                                      and Naomi had children, all of whom died before  their parents did.

                                      They lived in Tipton Co.,Indiana.                   

                (5)          4. JAMES W. HAWORTH, 4th child of James and Rachel (Wright) Haworth, was born in  1811 and

                                     died in  l842. He married Agnes Hockett and had 2 children:

                                                (6)          1. SARAH HAWORTH born 1835

                                                                2. RACHEL HAWORTH born 1837, died 1897

                                                                She and her mother moved to Iowa where she married a relative named Haworth.

                                5.  MAHLON HAWORTH, 5th child of James and Rachel (Wright) Haworth, married his  cousin, RACHEL

                                      HAWORTH(5), George Jr.(4), George(3), James(2), George(1).  They  moved from Illinois to Iowa.

                                       For complete record of their 8 children and of Rachel's   family see Vol. I, pages 66 to 70, and Vol. II,

                                      pages 20 to 24.

                                6. SUSANNAH HAWORTH, 6th child of James and Rachel (Wright) Haworth, married  Solomon Wright.

                                       Susannah and Solomon died in Southwestern Missouri. They had 4  children:

                                                (6)          1. RILEY WRIGHT

                                                                2. REBECCA WRIGHT

                                                                3. JAMES WRIGHT

                                                                4. MARY WRIGHT

                                7. ELI HAWORTH, 7th child of James and Rachel (Wright) Haworth, married Lydia Dillon of New Market, Tennessee, Lydia(5), Garrett Dillon(4), Elizabeth (Haworth) Dillon(3),  James(2), George(1). ELI and Lydia lived in Georgetown, Illinois until 1850 when they  moved to a farm six miles south of town. In 1854 they moved to another farm south of   Ridge Farm, where ELI died in 1856. Seven years later Lydia married 2nd John Flitch. (Note: Eli & Lydia buried Ridge Farm, Illinois. She d 1896 age 87 - Vol. I  #11) From   references in Vol. 2, numbers 4 and 5 of The Haworth Record it is evident that there was more detailed information about members of this family in Vol. 1, #11, which is the one                     number that Is missing from Mr. Haworth's collection. Eli and Lydia had 9 children:

                                                (6)          1. MARGARET JANE HAWORTH

                                                                2. SAMUEL HAWORTH (Note: Samuel md 1872, 2 ch - girl d in Inf., son William E. (ibid).

                                                                      His wife died in Kansas.

                                                                3. JULYANN HAWORTH (Note: Julyann md a Thompson, lived Fairbury, Neb. (Ibid)

                                                                      5 children.

                                                                4. MAHALA HAWORTH (Note: Mahala md a Fletcher, lived Ridge Farm,  Ill.,

                                                                      5 children (Ibid)

                                                                5. MARY B. HAWORTH (Note: Mary md a Pierce, 3 children, husband died

                                                                      I898, md 2nd 1900 Nathan Patton, lived St. Joseph, Ill

                                                                6. CHRISTOPHER HAWORTH

                                                                7. WILLIAM PERRY HAWORTH (Note: Wm. Perry md Abba Chawner.  

                                                                     They lived at Shawnee, Okla,, 5 children - Homer, Charles, John, Flora

                                                                        and Alice. All md by 1906 except John (ibid)

                                                                8. RACHEL ALICE HAWORTH

                                                                9. CHARLES FREMONT HAWORTH (note: Charles Fremont 50 in 0ct.

                                                                     1906 lived Georgetown, Ill, (ibid)


                                                (6)          1. MARGARET JANE HAWORTH, 1st child of Eli and Lydia (Dillon) Haworth. No record,

                                                                2. SAMUEL HAWORTH, 2nd child of Eli and Lydia (Dillon) Haworth, was  born Apr. 14, 1838 in Georgetown, Illinois. He entered the Union Army and served three years without leave of absence in Kentucky,   Tennessee, Georgia and Alabama. Returning home in 1865 he conducted a harness business and later a grocery store. In 1872 he   married and moved to Kansas in 1877. His wife died and was buried in  the churchyard at Toledo, Kansas Apr. 23, I878, leaving a two year old  child. Names of his family were given in Vol. 1, #11. About  1880 he  married a second time and lived in Thorntown, Indiana.

                                                (6)          3. JULIA ANN HAWORTH, 3rd child of Eli and Lydia (Dillon) Haworth,

                                                                married  ------ Thompson and had 8 children:

                                                                                (7)          1. ALICE THOMPSON

                                                                                                2. FRANK THOMPSON

                                                                                                3. LYDIA THOMPSON

                                                                                                4. EDGAR P. THOMPSON

                                                                                                5. ABBIE THOMPSON




                                                (6)          4. MAHALA HAWORTH, 4th child of Eli and Lydia (Dillon) Haworth,

                                                                       married Fletcher and had 8 children:

                                                                                (7)          1. OLIVE FLETCHER

                                                                                                2. JOHN FLETCHER

                                                                                                3.  ALBERT FLETCHER

                                                                                                4. MARCUS S. FLETCHER

                                                                                                5. CASSIUS C. FLETCHER

                                                                                                6. WILLIAM R. FLETCHER

                                                                                                7. LYDIA FLETCHER

                                                                                                8. OLA FLETCHER

                                                (6)          5. MARY B. HAWORTH, 5th child of Eli and Lydia (Dillon) Haworth. No record.

                                                                6. CHRISTOPHER HAWORTH, 6th child of Eli and Lydia (Dillon) Haworth. No record.

                                                                7. WILLIAM PERRY HAWORTH, 7th child of Eli and Lydia (Dillon)

                                                                     Haworth, was born in Georgetown, Illinois in 1850. He attended school

                                                                     in Bloomingdale, Illinois, Later he entered Earlham College at Richmond,

                                                                    Indiana, "Here at the age of 17 he was converted to the Quaker faith

                                                                    and began immediately to labor for the Master's cause. In 1870 he

                                                                     married Abigail C. Chawner, whom he had met at college, at the

                                                                     Chawner home  near Thorntown, Indiana. In the early days of his

                                                                     preaching he traveled considerably. About 1882 he and his family left

                                                                     Indiana and went to Kansas where he held charges at Tonganxy and

                                                                     Sterling. Next he was sent to Kansas City, Missouri. About 1895

                                                                      he went to Indian Territory teaching and preaching to the Indians. For 4 years he

                                                                     and his wife were in charge of Ottawa Mission in Indian Territory. After

                                                                     some Evangelistic work he preached for one year at Nobelsville

 ,                                                                   Indiana before being called to the Shawnee Mission in Oklahoma."

                                                                      He was in Shawnee in 1907.

                                                                      It was Perry Haworth who succeeded, at much cost of time and money,

                                                                      in calling a national Reunion of the family in Plainsfield, Indiana in 1899,

                                                                      at which time he was elected President of the Association.

                                                                      He had a family of 5 children. It would seem that the data concerning

                                                                      them is in the missing Vol. 1, #11. The only information about them in

                                                                      the rest of the Record is as follows:

                                                                                (7)          1. HOMER HAWORTH lived in Iowa

                                                                                                2. CHARLES HAWORTH was a Quaker missionary in Cuba.

                                                                                                3. JOHN HAWORTH lived in Shawnee, Oklahoma

                                                                                                4. FLORA HAWORTH lived in Colorado

                                                                                                5. ALICE HAWORTH lived in Oklahoma

                                                (6)          8. ALICE HAWORTH, 8th child of Eli and Lydia (Dillon) Haworth. No  record.

                                                                9. CHARLIE FREMONT HAWORTH, 9th child of Eli and Lydia (Dillon) Haworth was

                                                                      born Oct. 15, 1856. He conducted a department store in  Georgetown, Illinois.

                                                                      He married Mary E. Minor Jan. 19, 1888. They had   6 children: 

                                                                                (7)          1. HARRISON ELI HAWORTH born Jan. 18, 1889

                                                                                                2. NELLIE HAWORTH born Mar. 13, 1891

                                                                                                3. EDNA HAWORTH born Feb. 11, 1893

                                                                                                4. EARL SAMUEL HAWORTH born July 22, 1894 died Feb. 13, 1925

                                                                                                5.  GEORGE MINOR HAWORTH born May 12, 1895

                                                                                                6. MARY HAWORTH born May 26, 1896  

End of Family Record of Eli Haworth(5), James(4), George(3)

 GE0RGE(3) Cont.~

 (4) 5. WILLIAM HAWORTH, 5th child of George and Susannah (Dillon) Haworth, was born in Greene Co., Tennessee Jan. 5, 1786, and died in Case Co., Iowa Apr. 10, 1867. He married Ruth Wright, but the names of her parents are not given. Their son, William W. Haworth of Griswold, Iowa wrote to Mr. Davis as follows: "My father and his family were all farmers and stock raisers. When father and some of his children came to Iowa in 1850 he said, 'Now boys raise all the cattle you can, for here they will have range as long as time.' The Wright family and the Dillon family into which our family married were of the old, original stock," William and Ruth's 12 children scattered from Iowa to the Pacific Coast, but in 1906 al l of them except William W. were dead.

                (5)          1. SUSANNAH HAWORTH

                                2. SARAH HAWORTH

                                3.  MAHALETH HAWORTH

                                4. DILLON HAWORTH

                                5. CHARITY HAWORTH

                                6.  SHOBAL HAWORTH

                                7.  JAMES HAWORTH

                                8. GEORGE HAWORTH

                                9.  RACHEL HAWORTH

                               10. MARY HAWORTH

                               11. WILLIAM W. HAWORTH

                               12. JOB S. HAWORTH

                (5)          1. SUSANNAH HAWORTH, 1st child of Wm. and Ruth (Wright) Haworth, born Sept. 1,  1890 and

                                      died Aug, 28, 1870. She married Richard Golden.

                                2. SARAH HAWORTH, 2nd child of Wm. W. and Ruth (Wright) Haworth, born July 22, 1811 and

                                      died June 9, 1904. She married John Foley and had 6 children:

                                                (6)          1. MARGARET FOLEY

                                                                2. FRANCIS FOLEY

                                                                3. SUSAN FOLEY

                                                                4. WILLIAM F. FOLEY

                                                                5. DANIEL FOLEY

                                                                6. RUTH FOLEY

                (5)          3. MAHALETH HAWORTH, 3d child of Wm. W. and Ruth (Wright) Haworth, was born  Dec. 23, 1813.

                                     She died in California. She married 1st William Paine and had 1 child:

                                                (6)          1. MINERVA PAINE   Mahaleth (Haworth) Paine married 2nd ---- Todd.

                (5)          4. DILLON HAWORTH, 4th child of Wm. and Ruth (Wright) Haworth, was born Mar. 3,  1816 and

                                     died Mar. 17, 1876. He married Nancy Elliott and had 7 children:

                                                (6)          1. RICHARD HAWORTH

                                                                2. J0SEPH HAWORTH

                                                                3. RACHEL HAWORTH

                                                                4. FOSTER HAWORTH

                                                                5. PERINAH HAWORTH

                                                                6. JANE HAWORTH

                                                                7. RUTH HAWORTH

                (5)          5. CHARITY HAWORTH, 3th child of Wm. and Ruth (Wright) Haworth, was born Jan. 1, 1818 and

                                      died Jan. 13, 1854. She married Levi Wright and had 5 children:     

                                                (6)          1.  MARIA WRIGHT

                                                (6)          2. WILLIAM WRIGHT

                                                                3. JAMES WRIGHT

                                                                4. SARAH WRIGHT

                                                                5. SUSANNAH WRIGHT

                (5)          6. SHOBAL HAWORTH, 6th child of Wm. and Ruth (Wright) Haworth, was born Apr.  8,  1820 and

                                     died Sept, 1, 1897. He married Sallie Dillon and had 9 children:

                                                (6)          1.  JOHN HAWORTH

                                                                2. LEWIS HAWORTH

                                                                3. WILLIAM HAWORTH

                                                                4. MARY HAWORTH

                                                                5. JAMES HAWORTH

                                                                6. FRANKLIN HAWORTH

                                                                7. JESSE HAWORTH

                                                                8. EMILY HAWORTH

                                                                9. GEORGE HAWORTH

                (5)          7. JAMES HAWORTH, 7th child of Wm. and Ruth (Wright) Haworth, was born Apr. 7, 1822 and

                                      died in infancy.

                 (5)         8. GEORGE HAWORTH, 8th child of Wm. W. and Ruth (Wright) Haworth, was born Nov. 20, 1823 and

                                      died Nov. 1, 1883. He married Sarah Sterrup and had 4 children:

                                                (6)          1. COLUMBUS HAWORTH

                                                                2. PERRY HAWORTH

                                                                3. SARAH HAWORTH

                                                                4. JOHN HAWORTH

                                9. RACHEL HAWORTH, 9th child of Wm. and Ruth (Wright) Haworth, was born Jan. 1,  1826 and

                                      died Nov. 1, 1876. She married Riley Thornton.

                                10. MARY HAWORTH, 10th child Wm. and Ruth (Wright) Haworth, was born Jan. 10, 1828 and

                                        died in Oregon. She married A. Bogue and had 5 children:

                                                (6)          1. JOHN BOGUE

                                                                2. WILLIAM BOGUE

                                                                3. AMI BOGUE

                                                                4. LOUCETTA BOGUE

                                                                5.  GEORGE BOGUE

                                11. WILLIAM W. HAWORTH, 11th child of Wm. and Ruth (Wright) Haworth, was born Jan. 24, 1831.

                                       Was living in Griswold, Iowa in 1906, He married 1st Cytha Cox and had 8   children:

                                                (6)          1. PAMELIA HAWORTH

                                                                2. MAHALETH HAWORTH

                                                                3.  AMANDA HAWORTH

                                                                4. ANSELM HAWORTH

                                                                3. SIMON HAWORTH

                                                                6. ALICE L. HAWORTH

                                                (6)          1. PAMELIA HAWORTH, 1st child of Wm, W. and Cytha (Cox) Haworth,  was born

                                                                      Sept. 2, 1855 and died June 2, 1873. She married Fremont  Newharter and

                                                                       had one child:

                                                                                (7)          1. EMMA NEWHARTER

                                                                2. MAHALETH HAWORTH, 2nd child of Wm. W. and Cytha (Cox)  Haworth was

                                                                      born Aug. 2, 1857. She married James Jones, lived in  Maukato, Kansas and

                                                                      had 7 children:

                                                                                (7)          1. VIRGIL A.  JONES born Oct. 23, 1876

                                                                                                2. VERNARD L. JONES born Jan. 26, 1879

                                                                                                3. JAMES W. JONES born June 19, 1881

                                                                                                4. CYRENE JONES born July 29, 1883, md Albert Sweet 12/6/03

                                                                                                5. MOLLIE JONES born Sept. 9, 1886

                                                                                                6. RILEY V. JONES born Mar. 16, 1891

                                                                                                7. VIVIAN R. JONES born July 29, 1897

                                                (6)          3. AMANDA (Maudie) HAWORTH, 3d child of Wm. W. and Cytha (Cox)  Haworth,

                                                                     was born Oct. 2, 1859. She married Ed Johnson, lived in Lewis, Iowa and

                                                                     had 8 children:

                                                                (7)          1. FOREST A. JOHNSON b Nov, 29, 1878. Had 3 children:

                                                                                                (8)          1. FERN JOHNSON born Sept. 10, 1900

                                                                                                                2. LESTER JOHNSON born Sept, 1, 1902

                                                                                                                3. WILLIAM JOHNSON born May 13, 1905

                                                                                2. WILLIAM H. JOHNSON b Nov. 20, 1880. Had 2 children:

                                                                                                (8)          1. VERN JOHNSON born July 9, 1905

                                                                                                                2. LEE JOHNSON born Mar. 3, 1907

                                                                                3. LILLIE M. JOHNSON born Feb. 13, 1883 married -----    Charles and

                                                                                      had 2 children:

                                                                                                (8)          1. ILA M. CHARLES born Feb, 18, 1902

                                                                                                                2. BURN CHARLES born Jan. 5, 1907

                                                                                4. CLAUDIA B. JOHNSON born July 3, 1885, married — Parker

                                                                                       and had 3 children:

                                                                                                (8)          1. HAROLD PARKER born June 30, 1902

                                                                                                                2. CECIL PARKER born Oct. 21, 1904

                                                                                                                3. MAUDIE PARKER born Mar. 18, 1906

                                                                                5. BERT M. JOHNSON born Feb. 15, 1887, died 8-15-1904

                                                                                6. CLYDE E. JOHNSON born July 24, 1889

                                                                                7. MYRL JOHNSON born Aug. 1, 1892

                                                                                8. MYRTLE JOHNSON born June 27, 1894, died 1-6-1896

                                                (6)          4. AMSELM C. HAWORTH, 4th child of Wm. W. and Cytha (Cox) Haworth, was

                                                                     born Apr, 18, 1865. He married Clara N. Davis, lived in  Lewis, Iowa and had 2 children:

                                                                                (7)          1. CYTHA EDNA HAWORTH born May 28, 1898, died 12- 28-??

                                                                                                2. BEULAH MAY HAWORTH born Aug, 24, 1895

                                                                5. SIMON L. HAWORTH, 5th child of Wm. W. and Cytha (Cox) Haworth,   was born

                                                                      June 30, 1869 and died July 13, 1901. He married Rose Grimes  and had 2 children:

                                                                                (7)          1. VERDIA HAWORTH born Jan, 24, 1893 died Aug. 22,  1901

                                                                                                2. LETA MARTHA HAWORTH born July 29, 1899

                                                                6. ALICE L. HAWORTH, 6th child of Wm. W. and Cytha (Cox) Haworth,  was born

                                                                     June 26, 1873. She married B.S. Jones, lived at Stites, Idaho  and had 3 children:

                                                                                (7)          1. GLADYS IRENE JONES born in 1899

                                                                                                2. LENA JONES born in 1902

                                                                                3. EVA MARTHA JONES born in 1904


GEORGE(3), WILLIAM(4) cont. -


                (5)          11. WILLIAM W. HAWORTH married 2nd Martha Branghman of Pennsylvania,

                                12. JOB S. HAWORTH, 12th child of William and Ruth (Wright) Haworth, was  born July 21, 1833

                                          and died May 12, 1886. He married Julia Croft.

(4) 5. WILLIAM HAWORTH, 5th child of George and Susannah (Dillon) Haworth, after the death of his 1st wife, Ruth (Wright) Haworth, married a 2nd time and had 2 children:

                (5)          1. AMI HAWORTH born Dec, 18, 1837, died Sept. 27, 1852, unmarried

                                2. ARI HAWORTH born Nov. 23, 1839, died in infancy.


                End of Family Record of William(4), George(3),  James(2), George(1).

(4) 6. MARY HAWORTH, 6th child of George and Susannah (Dillon) Haworth, was born near Greenville, Tennessee in 1788. (Note: Mary b 19 Feb. 1788 Bush River, Newberry, S.C. - Archives S.L. - Hinshaw's) She married Daniel Bailey of Clinton Co,, Ohio. Lived and died in Ohio. Had 12 children:

                (5)          1. MARTHA BAILEY

                                2. GEORGE BAILEY

                                3. SUSANNAH BAILEY

                                4. DAVID BAILEY

                                5. SARAH BAILEY

                                6. JOSIAH BAILEY

                                7. JOANNA BAILEY

                                8. WILLIAM BAILEY

                                9. ELIZABETH BAILEY

                                10. REBECCA BAILEY

                                11. DANIEL BAILEY, JR.

                                12. MARY BAILEY


The following information regarding the Bailey family was furnished by A. I. Bailey of Wilmington, Ohio in 1909.




                (5)          1. MARTHA BAILEY, 1st child of Daniel and Mary (Haworth) Bailey, married John Osen and

                                     had 7 children:

                                                (6)          1. ELI OSEN

                                                                2. D. BAILEY OSEN died in Civil War

                                                                3. ELIZA OSEN married Samuel Speer, 1 Ch. living, 4 dead

                                                                4. ASA OSEN married and had 2 children

                                                                5. HENRY OSEN died in Civil War unmarried

                                                                6. LOUIS OSEN died in infancy

                                                                7. MARTHA OSEN married Alex H. Smith and had 5 children

                (5)          2. GEORGE BAILEY, 2nd child of Daniel and Mary (Haworth) Bailey, married Lydia Shields

                                     and had 7 children:

                                                (6)          1. DELITHA BAILEY (deceased), married Pherris Compton and had 5                                                                                                             children, 4 living, 1 dead.

                                                (6)          2. WILLIAM BAILEY (deceased), married Maria Tomlin, 2 children

                                                                3.  SYLVIA BAILEY (deceased)

                                                                4. HANNAH MARY BAILEY (deceased), married Joseph Carroll had 5                                                                                                             children, 4 living, 1 dead.

                                                                5. JOSIAH H. BAILEY married Sidney McPherson and had 3 children 2                                                                                                           living, 1 dead.

                                                                6.  ALLEN BAILEY died in infancy

                                                                7. ENOS P. BAILEY (deceased) married Lizzie Hiney and Belle Pawkett.                                                                                                       Had 2 children living in 1909.

                (5)          3. SUSANNAH BAILEY, 3d child of Daniel and Mary (Haworth) Bailey, married Thomas  Hunnicut

                                     and had 10 children:     

                                                (6)          1. CATHERINE HUNNICUT (deceased) married William Underwood,

                                                                       6  children living, 1 dead.

                                                                2. DAVID HUNNICUT (deceased), married Mattie Ross, Had 6 children,

                                                                       3  living, 3 dead.

                                                                3. OLIVER HUNNICUT died unmarried

                                                                4. DANIEL HUNNICUT married Sofia Ora and had 1 child

                                                                5. MAHLON HUNNICUT died in infancy

                                                                6. MARY HUNNICUT married John Speer and had 4 children

                                                                7. WILSON HUNNICUT married Mary Gallimore and had 3 children

                                                                8 THOMAS HUNNICUT Jr. married Anna Gallimore and had 2 children,

                                                                     1  living and 1 dead.

                                                                9. MARTHA HUNNICUT died in infancy

                                                                10. ANNIE HUNNICUT (deceased), married Henry McPherson.

                                                                         Had 8 children, 7 living and 1 dead.

                 (5)         4. DAVID BAILEY, 4th child of Daniel and Mary (Haworth) Bailey, married Mary Jenny

                                     and  had 1 child:   

                                                (6)          1. JOSEPH BAILEY was killed in the Civil war.

                                5. SARAH BAILEY, 3th child of Daniel and Mary (Haworth) Bailey, married Nathan Hunt

                                      and had 1 child: 

                                                (6)          1. DAVID HUNT married Anna Bassett,

                                6. JOSIAH BAILEY, 6th child of Daniel and Mary (Haworth) Bailey married Mary Jenkins

                                      and had 3 children:

                                                (6)          1.HANNAH BAILEY md. David A. PIdgeon. 4 children living, 1 dead

                                                                2. ALBERT I. BAILEY md Mary E. Hussey

                                                                3. MARIANA BAILEY md Wm. A. Starbuck and had 4 children:

                                7. JOANNAH BAILEY, 7th child of Daniel and Mary (Haworth) Bailey, married John A. Osen

                                        and had 9 children:

                                                (6)          1. ALFRED OSEN married Laura Nance and had 8 children

                                                                2. MARY 0SEN

                                                                3.  JAMES OSEN married Mary Wright and had 2 children

                                                                4. CHALKLEY OSEN

                                                                5. SARAH ANH OSEN married Joel Wright

                                                                6. MARGARET OSEN married Hugh McCoy and had 3 children

                                                                7. SUSAN OSEN married Charles McCoy and had 3 children

                                                                8. DANIEL OSEN

                                                                9. JOHN OSEN, Jr., married Fannie Hill

                (5)          8. WILLIAM BAILEY, 8th child of Daniel and Mary (Haworth) Bailey, died in childhood .

                                9. ELIZABETH BAILEY, 9th child of Daniel and Mary (Haworth) Bailey, died unmarried.

                (5)          10. REBECCA BAILEY, 10th child of Daniel and Mary (Haworth) Bailey, died young.

                                11. DANIEL BAILEY, Jr., 11th child of Daniel and Mary (Haworth) Bailey married Asenath  Underwood

                                        and had 9 children:

                                                (6)          1. AMOS BAILEY

                                                                2. NATHAN BAILEY

                                                                3. EDITH BAILEY

                                                                4. MILO BAILEY

                                                                5. MARIANA BAILEY

                                                                6. ELMER BAILEY

                                                                7. LOTTIE BAILEY

                                                                8. MATTIE BAILEY

                                                                9. ALBERT BAILEY

                (5)          12. MARY BAILEY 12th child of Daniel and Mary (Haworth) Bailey, married John Hornanda

                                        and had 2 children:

                                                (6)          1. ALLEN HORNANDA

                                                                2. ALBERT HORNANDA


End of family record of Mary(4), George(3), James(3), George(1)


(4) 7. SARAH HAWORTH, 7th child of George and Susannah (Dillon) Haworth, was born June 8, 1790 in Greene Co., Tennessee. She moved to Ohio with her parents in 1803 when she was 13 years old. She married Thomas Rees in 1808. They moved to Illinois in 1827 and to Iowa in 1846. She died April 19, 1850. Information relating to Sarah and her family was received by Mr. Davis from Miss Sidna Dowell of Des Moines, Iowa. Thomas and Sarah (Haworth) Rees had 6 children:

                (5)          1. ROBERT REES

                                2. JOHANNA REES

                                3. SIDNEY REES

                                4. GEORGE REES

                                5. DR. DANIEL B. REES

                                6. MARTHA REES

                (5)          1. ROBERT REES, 1st child of Thomas and Sarah (Haworth) Rees, was born Aug. 15, 1809

                                    in Ohio and died in Feb. 1869. In 1824 he moved with his parents to Indiana and to  

                                    Illinois in 1827. He married Sarah Wright in Oct. 1838. They had 5 children:

                                                (6)          1. JAMES REES

                                                                2. DAVID REES

                                                                3. ROBERT WILSON REES

                                                                4. MARY REES

                                                                5. MARTHA REES

                                2. JOHANNAH REES 2nd child of Thomas and Sarah (Haworth) Rees was born Aug 18, 1810

                                      in Ohio and died in Iowa in 1887. She married Joseph Cook in 1827 in Illinois and  had 4 children:  

                                                (6)          1. CHARITY COOK

                                                                2. THOMAS R. COOK

                                                                3. CLARINDA COOK

                                                                4. MARTHA COOK

                (5)          3. SIDNEY REES, 3d child of Thomas and Sarah (Haworth) Rees, was born Feb. 27, 1815

                                    in Ohio, died Jan. I894 in Iowa. In Illinois in March I836 she married John Pearson

                                     and  had 6 children:           

                                                (6)          1. WILLIAM PEARSON

                                                                2. BENJAMIN PEARSON

                                                                3. SARAH PEARSON

                                                                4. MARGARET PEARSON

                                                                5. HELEN PEARSON

                                                                6. ISRAEL PEARSON

                                4. GEORGE H. REES, 4th child of Thomas and Sarah (Haworth) Rees, was born in 1817 in

                                      Ohio and died in Oregon. In Feb, 1838 he married Margaret Wright and had 11 children:

                                                (6)          1. THOMAS REES

                                                                2. DANIEL BAILEY REES

                                                                3. LEVINA REES

                                                                4. SARAH REES

                                                                5.  HANNAH REES

                                                                6. TACY REES

                                                                7. MARTHA REES

                                                                8. GEORGE REES

                                                                9. MARIAM REES

                                                                10. JEFFERSON REES

                                                                11. ROBERT IDAHO REES

                                5. DR. DANIEL B. REES, 5th child of Thomas and Sarah (Haworth) Rees, was born in

                                     Indiana May 19, 1824, He married Mary Edgerton Feb. 2, 1848 in Iowa, Was living in

                                     Buena Vista, Colorado in 1908. Had six children:

                                                (6)          1. SYLVESTER CALVIN REES

                                                                2. CELISSA REES

                                                                3. WILLIAM REES

                                                                4. LEWIS REES

                                                                5. DELLA REES

                                                                6. IVA REES

                                6. MARTHA REES, 6th child of Thomas and Sarah (Haworth) Rees, was born May 17, 1827.

                                      Moved to Iowa with her parents in 1846. Was married to James W. Dowell Feb. 3, 1848.

                                       Lived in Des Moines, Iowa and had 7 children:

                                                (6)          1. THOMAS C. DOWELL

                                                                2. WILLIAM A. DCWELL

                                                                3. EVAN B. DOWELL

                                                                4. TACY F. DOWELL

                                                                5. SIDNA J. DOWELL

                                                                6. CASSIUS C. DOWELL

                                                                7. J. ALVA DOWELL


End of Family Record of Sarah(4), George(3), James(2), George(1)


To Part 4