Part 7 of 7

(3) 4. JAMES HAWORTH, JR., son of James(2) and grandson of George, the Emigrant, was the father of 13 children. In Vol. 4, #4 of The Haworth Record the last number published by Mr. Davis, he began a complete genealogy of this family. That issue gave the records of the two elder children and a part of the record of the third child. That shall be presented here as it was given in The Record with additional data found in letters scattered through previous copies of The Record. These letters give some information about four other members of James Haworth's family. Of six of the children there is no mention except their names and the dates of their births and death.  Information for the genealogy Mr. Davis would have published, had he lived, was supplied by Mrs. Sarah A. (Haworth) Carr, Rushville, Indiana; Perry Haworth, Indianola, Iowa; Miss Grace Hanson, Alexandria, Indiana; Miss Ciceily Haworth. Eldorado, Kansas; Dr. O.J. Pennington, Lindan, Iowa and other members of the family.


(3) 4. JAMES HAWORTH, JR., 4th child of James and Sarah (Wood) Haworth, was born in Fredrick Co., Virginia, Jan. 2, 1752 and died in Indiana, probably in Randolph County, Feb, 3, 1827. What motivated the move is not known. The Record states that Jemima, the eldest child, was married in South Carolina. No mention is made of any of the younger members of the family being in South Carolina and Jemima and her family evidently were in North Carolina in later years for her husband, John Wright, it is said, "John Wright died either in North Carolina or Tennessee." Richard Haworth(3), 2nd child of James and Sarah (Wood) Haworth, was a member of the New Garden Friends Meeting in Guilford Co., North Carolina at some time prior to 1781. George(3) and James(3) are first mentioned as joining Daniel Boone in his settlement on the headwaters of the Yadkin River and accompanying Boone on his second unsuccessful trip into Kentucky. The family of George Haworth was one of the six who started on that expedition, and James Haworth was one of the forty single men in the party. The opposition of the Indians to the entry of white settlers into Kentucky's wilderness forced the party to return to North Carolina. One version of the story is that the Haworth brothers remained in North Carolina until about 1785 when they made a second attempt to enter Kentucky, but still finding the Indians hostile went to Greene Co., Tennessee instead. Rees Haworth(4), son of James(3), said that before the battle of Guilford Court House men were drafted for the Colonial Army, among them George Haworth. Not for lack of courage, but because of religious scruples many of the young men of the Quaker faith fled west to the Indian country of what is now Tennessee and formed a settlement there on the Holston River in

Jefferson Co., near the present town of New Market. According to Rees Haworth George and James Haworth migrated with this group in 1781.


The New Garden Friends meeting disowned the members of their society who did participate in the Battle of Guilford Court House. Isaac Wright, a lad of 16 or 18 years old was one who did not run away. His sympathy was with the Colonial cause so he remained and hauled supplies for the Army.


William Rees and his family remained in their home near Guilford court House, within sound of the battle. His daughter, Mary. a girl of fourteen, sat on the doorstep of her father's house and saw the ambulance wagons go by with the dead and injured, a sight she was never able to forget. Whether her brothers, Moses, William, James and John participated in the battle is not told.


Mary's father, William Rees, was an emigrant from Wales, where his father lived to be 105 year old. Mary's mother was Charity Dillon, daughter of William Dillon, who was a son of Luke and Susannah (Garret) Dillon, who emigrated from Ireland to Pennsylvania along with other Quakers. William Dillon moved from Pennsylvania to Frederick Co., Virginia, where he settled near Winchester. It is probable that he died in Virginia, but his brother Daniel Dillon moved to North Carolina, settling in the neighborhood of Cane Creek Monthly Meeting in Alamance County, later moving to New Garden in Guilford County.


Sometime before 1784 the Rees family and Isaac Wright had joined the Friends in Greene County, Tennessee. Richard and Ann (Dillon) Haworth refused their consent when Isaac Wright asked to marry their daughter, Susannah. Neither did William and Charity (Dillon) Rees want thirty-two year old James Haworth(3) as a husband for their seventeen year old daughter, Mary. Then as now children had ideas of their own, and the four young people took matters into their own hands and eloped. We are told that they "were married the same day, Feb. 19, 1784, in Greene Co., Tennessee." Mary (Rees) Haworth, who was born in Virginia Apr. 12, 1767, died in Hamilton Co., Indiana Dec. 23, 1850.


The first settlers in Tennessee had been forced to live, until crops could be planted and grown, upon the fish and game the country provided. There is evidence that the wilderness had not been pushed book too far from the new colony at the time James and Mary were married, for it is told that "one winter James Haworth and Isaac Wright killed twenty-one black bears  for meat and sold the skins for $2.00 each".


By 1800 the young couples should have established homes. However, by that time the news had reached Tennessee of the rich Ohio Valley that warn to be opened for settlement. So James Haworth, his brother George and George's son Mahlon went to Ohio on a scouting trip. Finding the Indians on the warpath, they returned to Tennessee.  When the Indian War was ended in 1803, James and George moved their families to the unopened forest of Ohio, to another primitive frontier. They were among the very first of the pioneers for a year later, when Mahlon Haworth and the John and James Wright families followed them, the village of Cincinnati boasted only eighteen cabins!


James and Mary (Rees) Haworth and their eight older children settled in Highland County near Leesburg. Here their five younger children were born. "James took land on Lees Creek, cleared a farm, built a mill and raised eight boys and five girls."


By the time Ohio had become fairly well settled a new frontier was opening up in Indiana. Once more the urge to be pioneers prevailed and for a second tine James and Mary left an established home for the discomforts and privations of a new frontier. Rees Haworth said that he went with his parents in 1824. Isaac Posegate, grandson of Thomas and Charity (Haworth) Posegate, left Ohio in company with James Haworth and Family in 1822. Perhaps Rees Haworth's memory of the move was more accurate than that of his nephew.  Mr. Posegate said that they moved to "the Grand Prairie" which his uncle designates a Randolph Co., Indiana. James died here Feb. 5, 1827 at the age of 75. Mary outlived him twenty-three years. Her death occurred in Hamilton Co., Indiana, Dec. 28, 1850. Their 13 children were.


(4)          1. WILLIAM HAWORTH born Nov. 13, 1785, died Mar. 31, 1849

                 2. JAMES D. HAWORTH born Oct. 13, 1787, died Aug. 31, 1866

                 3. GEORGE HAWORTH born Apr. 1, 1790, died 1871

                 4. SARAH HAWORTH born Oct. 19, 1792, died Nov. 8, 1857

                 5. DAVID HAWORTH born Dec. 23, 1794, died Aug. 22, 1868

                 6. JOHATHAH HAWORTH born Mar. 14, 1797, died Feb. 21, 1867

                7. CHARITY HAWORTH born June 7, 1799, died Dec. 27, 1845

                8. MARGARET HAWORTH born Oc. 27, 1801, died Jan. 9, 1868

                9. REES HAWORTH born Mar. 18, 1804, died Jan. 29, 1895

                10. ELI HAWORTH born Aug. 27, 1806, died Oct. 11, 1854

                11. NANCY A. HAWORTH born Dec. 28, 1808, died May 31, 1884

                12. LEVI HAWORTH born Feb. 24, 1811, died Aug. 5, 1881

                13. ELIZABETH HAWORTH born Aug. 8, I814, died 1902

(4)          1. WILLIAM HAWORTH, 1st child of James and Mary (Rees) Haworth, was born

                Nov. 13, 1785 in Tennessee and died Mar. 31, 1849. He married Beulah Bryant and had 3 children:

                                (5)          1. JAMES HAWORTH married Sarah Bray and had 5 children:

                                                                (6)          1. HANNAH HAWORTH md. Zimeri Hunt and had 4 children:

                                                                                                (7)          1. ELLA HUNT md. Henry Cross and had 3 children:

                                                                                                                                (8)          1. ROSA CROSS

                                                                                                                                                2. ERNEST CROSS

                                                                                                                                                3. LEILA CROSS

                                                                                                (7)          2. WILLIAM HUNT md. ELLA Hunter. Had 2 children:

                                                                                                                                (8)          1. Infant died

                                                                                                                                                2. VERNEY HUNT

                                                                                                                3. JAMES HUNT Mm Sarah Oliver. Had 1 Child:

                                                                                                                                (8)          1. MARY HUNT

                                                                (6)          2. WILLIAM HAWORTH

                                                                (6)          3.  ASA HAWORTH md. Catherine Derrick. Had 6 children:

                                                                                                (7)          1. GERTRUDE HAWORTH

                                                                                                                2. WILLIAM HAWORTH

                                                                                                                3. FREDERICK HAWORTH

                                                                                                                4. ELLA HAWORTH

                                                                                                                5.  EDITH HAWORTH

                                                                                                                6. FOREST HAWORTH

                                                                                4. JOHN HAWORTH

                                                                                5. LUCINDA HAWOHTH

                                (5)          2. HANNAH HAWORTH married Henry Bray and had 2 children:

                                                                (6)          1. MARY BRAY

                                                                                2. WILLIAM BRAY

                                                3. LUCINDA HAWORTH married Albert Hunt and had 5 children:

                                                                (6)          1. IRA HUNT

                                                                                2. WILLIAM HUNT

                                                                                3. RACHEL HUNT

                                                                                4. DAVID HUNT

                                                                                5. BEULAH HUNT

                                                4. DAVID HAWORTH died in Iowa without Issue.

                                                5. MARY HAWORTH married Jabes HoDson (Note: Jabes Hodson Family Tree of

                                                      Audrey Haworth, Noblesville, Indiana.) and had 2 children:

                                                                (6)          1. DAVID HOBSON

                                                                                2. ELI HOBSON was thrown from a horse and killed. He had a wife and 1 child.


End of Family Record of William Haworth(4), James(3), James(2), George(1).


(4)          2. JAMES DILLON HAWORTH, 2nd child of James and Mary (Rees) Haworth, was born Oct. 13, 1787

                     in Tennessee and died Aug. 31, 1866 in Indiana. In 1803 he moved with his parents to Highland Co., Ohio.

                     He married Phoebe Thornburg, sister of Jane Thornburg, his brother  George's wife. Originally the Thornburg

                     family came from Pennsylvania into North Carolina, settling on Cane Creek in Alamance County. Later they

                     went to New Garden and Springfield in    Guilford County. Jane and Phoebe Thornburg's family lived near

                     Springfield Friends Church.

                    In his later years James Dillon Haworth was known as "Uncle Jimmie Howard" although his children always

                     wrote their names "Haworth". James and Phoebe had 6 children:

                                 (5)         1. EDWARD HAWORTH

                                                2. JOEL HAWORTH

                                                3. POLLY HAWORTH

                                (5)          4. ANNA or NANCY HAWORTH

                                                5. SARAH HAWORTH

                                                6. MALINDA HAWORTH

                                (5)          1. EDWARD HAWORTH, 1St child of James and Phoebe (Thornburg) Haworth,  

                                                     married Millyn Mendenhall and had 5 children:

                                                                (6)          1. CALVIN HAWORTH married Martha Plunkett. 2 children:

                                                                                                (7)          1. MARY HAWORTH md. — Cox, Had 2 children

                                                                                                                2. SARAH HAWORTH md. Leroy J. Patty. No  children

                                                                                2. JOHN HAWORTH married Fanny Homer

                                                                                                (7)          1. PAUL HAWORTH

                                                                                                                2. CARRIE HAWORTH

                                                                                3. WILLIAM HAWORTH

                                                                                4. JAMES HAWORTH

                                                                                5. MARY HAWORTH md, - Vittaugh (Note: Haworth Man. by

                                                                                      Gobbel says Claude Wittorf) and had 2 children. All of this family

                                                                                      lived near West Newton, Indiana.


                                (5)          2. JOEL HAWORTH, 2nd child of James Dillon and Phoebe (Thornburg) Haworth

                                                    married Sallie McKee. No record.

                                                3. POLLY Haworth 3rd child of James Dillon and Phoebe (Thornburg) Haworth

                                                    married - - Bailey. No children,

                                                4. ANNA or NANCY (?) HAWORTH, 4th child of James Dillon and Phoebe (Thornburg) Haworth

                                                      married William Mendenhall and had 5 children:

                                                                (6)          1. KELLY MENDENHALL married and had 5 children:

                                                                                                (7)          1. SARAH AHN MENDENHALL

                                                                                                                2. LIZZIE MENDENHALL

                                                                                                                3. LINCOLN MENDENHALL

                                                                                                                4. JANE MENDENHALL

                                                                                                                5. WILLIAM MENDENHALL

                                                                (6)          2. JOEL MENDENHALL married his cousin MARY HAWORTH(5)

                                                                                    daughter of George(4), James(3), James(2), George(1).

                                                                                                (7)          1. GEORGE MENDENHALL md. Ella Haskins(7),

                                                                                                                    Mary (Mendenhall) Haskins(6), Phoebe (Haworth)

                                                                                                                     Mendenhall(5), George(4), James(3), James(2)                                                                  

                                                                                                                                (8)          1. MARY MENDENHALL

                                                                                                                                                2. JOEL MENDENHALL

                                                                                                                                                3. ROLAND MENDENHALL

                                                                (6)          3. MAHALA MENDENHALL born 1834, married her cousin JOEL HAWORTH(5)

                                                                                     Jonathan(4), James(3), James(2). They had 2 children:

                                                                                                (7)          1. MALINDA HAWORTH md. Rev. Will Owen and lived in

                                                                                                                     Sheridan, Indiana. Had 3 children:

                                                                                                                                (8)          1. CHARLES OWEN

                                                                                                                                                2. HARRY OWEN

                                                                                                                                                3. GEORGE OWEN


                                                                                                (7)          2. LUCINDA HAWORTH married Caleb Harrison.  5 Children:

                                                                                                                                (8)          1. MYRTLE HARRISON

                                                                                                                                                2. LAURA HARRISON

                                                                                                                                                3. BENJAMIN HARRISON

                                                                                                                                                4. JOEL HARRISON

                                                                                                                                                5. PAUL HARRISON

                                                                                                                LUCINDA (HAWORTH) HARRISON md. 2nd Wm. George

                                                                                                                   and had two daughters.

                                                                (6)          4. MARY JANE MENDENHALL born 1836, married William Bingman who

                                                                                      was killed in the Civil war. 1 child:

                                                                                                (7)          1.LOU BINGMAN md. Benjamin Hibbs, 2  children:

                                                                                                                (8)          1. GRACE HIBBS md. Charles Myers. 2  children:

                                                                                                                                                (9)          1. GRAYTON MYERS

                                                                                                                                                                2.  MARCELLUS MYERS

                                                                                     MARY JANE (MENDENHALL) BINGMAN md. 2nd William Wilson

                                                                                                                (8)          2. ELLSWORTH WILSON md. Hannah  Marshall

                                                                                                                                3.  CHARLES H. WILSON md. Augusta Kunn

                                                                (6)          5 . SARAH MENDENHALL md. - Burroughs and lived in Missouri. Had 5 children:

                                                                                                (7)          1. COLUMBUS BURROUGHS

                                                                                                                2. JAMES BURROUGHS

                                                                                                                3. PHOEBE BURROUGHS

                                                                                                                4. OLIVER BURROUGHS

                                                                                                                5. CHARLES BURROUGHS

                                 (5)         5. SARAH HAWORTH was the 5th child of James Dillon and Phoebe (Thornburg) Haworth.

                                                     No record.

                                                6. MALINDA HAWORTH, 6th child of James Dillon and Phoebe (Thornburg) Haworth,  

                                                      married William Willis. Had no children.


End of the Family Record of James Dillon Haworth(4), James(3), James(2).


JAMES(3) cont. -


(4)          3. GEORGE HAWORTH, 3d child of James and Mary (Rees) Haworth was born in Tennessee April 1, 1790 and died in 1871. He married Jane Thornburg, who was born in 1795 and died in 1887.  She was a sister of Phoebe Thornburg, who married George's brother James(4). They had 16 children, 3 of them died in infancy. The beginning of this family record is given in Vol. 4, #4 of   The Haworth Record, the last number that was printed. Unfortunately Mr. Davis did not give at  the beginning of their genealogy a full list of the children's names as he had frequently done with other families. As booklet #4 of Vol. 4 gives the names of only 6 of George's 16 children 10 of them will remain unidentified. The 6 mentioned are:

                                (5)          1. PHOEBE HAWORTH

                                (5)          2. JOHN HAWORTH

                                (5)          3. EDWARD HAWORTH

                                                4. JAMES HAWORTH

                                                5. ANN HAWORTH

                                                6. SARAH HAWORTH

                                (5)          1. PH0EBE HAWORTH, 1st child of George and Jane (Thornburg) Haworth  

                                                     married Jesse Mendenhall and had 8 children:

                                                                (6)          1. JOHN MENDENHALL born 1832, died 1856. Unmarried.

                                                                                2. WILLIAM RILEY MENDENHALL born 1833, died 1877. Had 4  children:

                                                                                                (7)          1. ANNA MENDENHALL md. Amos Loy

                                                                                                                2. IDA MENDENHALL md. 1st. --- Davis, md 2nd.  

                                                                                                                     William Myers. Had children by both marriages.

                                                                                                                3. MARY MENDENHALL md. Benjamin Ramsey.   2 Children:

                                                                                                                                (8)          1. ------- RAMSEY

                                                                                                                                                2. GRACE RAMSEY

                                                                                                                4. EDDIE MENDENHALL died

                                                                (6)          3. CALVIN MENDENHALL md. Deborah Smith and had 3 children:

                                                                                                (7)          1. JESSE MENDENHALL md. Lillie Hibbs. 2  children:

                                                                                                                                (8)          1. LELAND MENDENHALL

                                                                                                                                                2. OTHO MENDENHALL

                                                                                                                2. EDWARD MENDENHALL

                                                                                                                3. PHOEBE MENDENHALL

                                                                                                                4. ELMA MENDENHALL md. Elmer Compton, 3  children:

                                                                                                                                (8)          1. LOUISE COMPTON

                                                                                                                                                2. LESTER COMPTON

                                                                                                                                                3. JESSIE COMPT0N

                                                                                                                5. EMMA MENDENHALL died

                                                                (6)          4. SARAH MENDENHALL born 1842, md. Daniel R. James

                                                                                5. JONATHAN MENDENHALL born 1846 md. Mary C. Pearson. 2 children:

                                                                                                (7)          1. JOSIE MENDENHALL died

                                                                                                                2. WILLIS MENDENHALL married and had 2  children:

                                                                                                                                (8)          1. MABEL MENDENHALL

                                                                                                                                                2. BENJAMIN MENDENHALL

                                                                                6. MARY MENDENHALL born 1847, md. Jesse Hawkins, 6 children:

                                                                                                (7)          1. CHARITY HAWKINS md. Lew Dutton, 3  children:

                                                                                                                                (8)          1. BESSIE DUTTON

                                                                                                                                                2. EVA DUTTON

                                                                                                                                                3.  GERTRUDE DUTTON

                                                                                                (7)          2.  FLORENCE HAWKINS md. John Newly and

                                                                                                                     had several children.

                                                                                                (7)          3. ELLA HAWKINS md. George Mendenhall(7,   

                                                                                                                   Joel Mendenhall(6), Anna (Haworth)

                                                                                                                       Mendenhall(5), James Dillon Haworth(4),

                                                                                                                         James(3), James(2), and had 3 children:

                                                                                                                                (8)          1.  MARY MENDENHALL

                                                                                                                                                2.  JOEL MENDENHALL

                                                                                                                                                3. ROLAND MENDENHALL

                                                                                                                4. WILLIAM HAWKINS died

                                                                                                                5. CALVIN HAWKINS

                                                                                                                6. ERNEST HAWKINS md. Abbie Mills. 2 children:

                                                                                                                                (8)          1. CLARENCE HAWKINS

                                                                                                                                                2. MARY HAWKINS

                                                                (6)          7. LYDIA MENDENHALL born 1852, md. Ira M. Baker and had 4 children:

                                                                                                (7)          1. TOWNSEND BAKER md. and had 1 child:

                                                                                                                                (8)          1. HOWARD BAKER

                                                                                                                2. REV, WARDNER BAKER md. and had 1 childs.

                                                                                                                                (8)          1. HAROLD BAKER

                                                                                                                3. ROY BAKER

                                                                                                                4. CHARLES BAKER

                                                                                8.  ELIZABETH MENDENHALL born 1854, died 1904. Harried Hilton Hanson

                                                                                       and had 4 children:

                                                                                                (7)          1. GRACE HANSON

                                                                                                                2. BLANCHE HANSON md. Earl Kirkman. Had 1 child:

                                                                                                                                (8)          1. ERNEST KIRKMAN

                                                                                                                3. MAYME HANSON

                                                                                                                4. ELSIE HANSON


End of the Family Record of Phoebe (Haworth) Mendenhall(3), George(4), James(3) James(2), George(1).


JAMES(3), GEORGE(4) cont. -


                (5)          2. JOHN HAWORTH, 2nd child of George and Jane (Thornburg) Haworth married Charity

                                     Reese and had 5 children:

                                                (6)          1. JANE HAWORTH (Note: b 6 June 1842 in Indiana (Haw. Man. by   

                                                                    Mr. Gobbel) m James Owen (Haw. Nellie Evans)

                                                                2. ELMORE HAWORTH (Note: Joel Elmore b 12 June 1840 in Ind.

                                                                     (Haw.   Man. by Mr. Gobbel) d 6 Feb 1915 (Evans)

                                                                3.  JAMES HAWORTH

                                                                4. CAROLINE HAWORTH (Note: b Sept 1844 (Gobbel) md. a Henderson  (Evans)

                                                                5. SARAH HAWORTH

                (5)          3.  EDWARD HAWORTH, 3d child of George and Jane (Thornburg) Haworth "married  Polly Hartley

                                      and Nancy Plunkett and had 3 children."

                                     The mother of the children IS not  made clear in The Record. They are listed as follows:

                                                (6)          1. ELLIS HAWORTH

                                                                2.  DANIEL HAWORTH md. Delia Denny. They had no children.

                                                (6)          3.PHOEBE HAWORTH md.  - Gamble, Had 2 children.

                                                                                (7)          1. JAMES GAMBLE

                                                                                                2. MYRTLE GAMBLE

                                                                4. SARAH HAWORTH

                                                                5.  JUDITH HAWORTH

                (5)          4. JAMES HAWORTH, 4th child of George and Jane (Thornburg) Haworth never  married.

                                5. ANN HAWORTH, 5th child of George and Jane (Thornburg) Haworth married her 1st

                                      cousin, GEORGE HAW0RTH(5), Jonathan(4), James(3), James(2), George(1). They had 4 children:

                                                (6)          1. JAMES M. HAWORTH md. Rebecca Davis (Gobbel) and had 9 children:

                                                                                (7)          1. WALTER HAWORTH

                                                                                                2. LILLIAN HAWORTH

                                                                                                3. ELEANOR HAWORTH

                                                                                                4. LOUIE HAWORTH

                                                                                                5. GEORGE C. HAWORTH

                                                                                                6. ELMA HAWORTH

                                                                                                7.  CATHERINE HAWORTH

                                                                                                8. MAHLON HAWORTH

                                                                                                9. VIDA HAWORTH

                                                 (6)         2. DR. MAHLON C. HAWORTH md. Celesta Dewey and had 3 children:

                                                                                (7)          1. MARY IOME HAWORTH

                                                                                                2. ELMA HAWORTH

                                                                                                3. GEORGE D. HAWORTH

                                                                3. MARY HAWORTH married Redd White

                                                                4. SARAH HAWORTH married John H. Comack?

                                                                (Note: The Haworth Manuscript by Mr. Gobbel also lists a dt. Elinor.)


                (5)          6. SARAH HAW0RTH, 6th child of George and Jane (Thornburg) Haworth, "married  

                                     Daniel Fisher, son of James, in Hamilton County, Indiana". Had 4 children:     

                                                (6)          1. JOHN FISHER born 1840, died i860.

                                                                2. MARGARET FISHER born 1844, died 1904, Md. David Patty

                                                                                (7)          1. VERN PATTY

                                                                                                2. HUBERT PATTY

                                                                                                3. DANIEL PATTY

                                                                                                4. THOMAS PATTY

                                                                                                3. ROSANA PATTY

                                                (6)          3. JAMES K. FISHER born 1840, md, Lydia Grill(?). 7 children:

                                                                                (7)          1. DANIEL FISHER b 1871, d 1872

                                                                                                2. ELIZABETH FISHER md. J.W. Ingeld

                                                                                                3.  FRANK FISHER

                                                                                                4. EMMA FISHER

                                                                                                5.  JAMES M. FISHER

                                                                                                6. JOHN L. FISHER

                                                                                                7. MARY FISHER


                                                (6)          4. “HARRIETT FISHER, 4th child of Daniel and Sarah (Haworth) Fisher  

                                                                     was born in 1848 and died in 1897. She married William Hawkins and had 4 children:

                                                                                (continued next month)"  

So ended the unfinished genealogy of the family of George Haworth(4) and of the family of James Haworth(3), for the above appeared on the last page of Vol. 4, #4 of The Haworth Record. Thus ended the worthwhile work of Charles B. Davis. To Mr. Julius Haworth's knowledge no other member of the Haworth Family attempted to carry on the work, nor does he know where the Davis records are at the present time.  

JAMES(3) cont. - 

Any Information about the 10 younger children of James and Mary (Rees) Haworth, in addition to the dates of their births and deaths given at the beginning of their genealogy, has been gleaned from letters and from the answers to inquiries scattered at random throughout the Haworth Record.  Incomplete as this information is, much of it is of real interest.

 (4)          4. SARAH HAWORTH, 4th child of James and Mary (Rees) Haworth, was born in Tennessee, Oct, 19, 1792,  

                     and died Nov. 8, 1857. No other mention is made of her.

                5. DAVID HAWORTH, 5th child of James and Mary (Rees) Haworth, was born in

                     Tennessee Dec. 23, 1794 and died Aug. 22, 1868. No record.

                6. JONATHAN HAWORTH, 6th child of James and Mary (Rees) Haworth was born in Tennessee Mar. 14, 1797

                      and  died Feb. 21, 1867. He had a son:

                                (5) GEORGE HAWORTH, who married his cousin, ANN HAWORTH(5), George(4),

                                      James(3), James(2), George(1), See page 62, Vol. 2.

                7.  CHARITY HAWORTH, 7th child of James and Mary (Rees) Haworth was born in Tennessee.     Listed with the other children of her family, Mr. Davis gave the date of her birth as June 7, 1799  and that of her death as Dec. 27, 1845. In two letters written to Mr. Davis by her son, Isaac Posegate of Hartum, Colorado and dated Aug. 4, 1906 and June 9, 1907, many interesting things    are told about his own parents and about his Grandfather and Grandmother Haworth. He gave the dates of Charity's birth and death as July 12, 1799 and Dec. 20, 1845. His letters make no particular mention of anyone in his family but his parents and himself so it is likely that he sent  to Mr. Davis a genealogy covering what he spoke of as "the Posgate family".

                According to him, in Hamilton Co., Ohio, when Charity was 17 years old (probably in l8l6), she married Thomas Posgate, who was born in Virginia. Thomas had a brother Eli Posgate, who married Rebecca Haworth(5), Samuel(4), George(3), James(2)j and also a brother Frank Posgate.

                Thomas and Charity( Haworth)Posgate had 16 children, 8 of whom died when young.

                                (5) ISAAC POSGATE was born in 1820 in Highland Co., Ohio, and in l822 so he says, the Posgate family

                                        in company with the family of James Haworth(3) left Ohio and "moved to the Grand Prairie".

                                       Rees Haworth, son of James(3) and brother of Charity (Haworth) Posgate, gave the date of the

                                       move as 1824 and Randolph Co., Indiana as their destination.

                                      Again the James Haworths were helping to open up another new settlement, James doing so at the

                                      age of 72. "Thomas Posegate entered Government land half prairie, half  timber. He raised corn,

                                      cattle and hogs. We made our own sugar and kept bees. Deer  and wild turkeys were plentiful, and

                                      fruit could be had for the picking. "


(4)          8. MARGARET HAWORTH, 8th child of James and Mary (Rees) Haworth, was born in Tennessee Oct. 27, 1801

                      and died Jan. 9, 1868. Margaret is mentioned once in the Record as having a daughter:

                                (5) 1. SUSANNAH HAWORTH, born Sept. 2, 1826, who married MILTON HAWORTH(6),

                                   Betty (Wright) Haworth(5), Susannah (Haworth) Wright(4), Richard(3), James(2),  George(1). Milton's

                                    mother Betty Wright married her cousin "Little Jonathan  Haworth"(5), James(4), Richard(3), James(2),

                                    George(1). Margaret Haworth evidently married one of the Haworth Clan but his name was not given.

                9. REES HAWORTH, 9th child of James and Mary (Rees) Haworth was born in Highland Co., Ohio, Mar. 18, 1804

                      and died in Rush Co., Kansas, Jan. 29, 1895.

                Mrs.  Sarah (Haworth) Carr of Rushville, Indiana, daughter of Rees Haworth, contributed the following facts that

                 wore entrusted to her by her father when he was 90 years old, one year  before his death.


                In 1824 Rees Haworth and other members of James Haworth’s family left Ohio and went across the Ohio line into Randolph Co., Indiana. In 1830 Rees went to Vermillion Co., Illinois where he married Parmelia S. Stanfield(5)  Jan. 1, 1832. Parmelia was a granddaughter of Peter and    Elisabeth (Haworth ) Dillon(3). In 1838 with four children Rees and Parmelia moved to Hamilton Co., Indiana, which he described as being "almost a wilderness".

                In I853 they moved to Howard Co., Indiana

                In 1856 they moved to Harden Co., Iowa.

                In 1885 they moved to Rush Co., Kansas where Parmelia (Stanfield) Haworth died in 1887, "after a happy union of 58 years."

                In closing Rees Haworth said, "I have now passed my 90th birthday at this time - 4th month, 1894. I have 10 children, 50 grandchildren, and 38 great grandchildren, and am today enjoying  reasonable good health. I am able to attend meetings 2 or 3 times each week and praise the  Lord for his wonderful goodness and mercy to me."


(4)          10. ELI HAWORTH, 10th child of James and Mary (Rees) Haworth, was born in Highland Co., Ohio Aug. 27, 1808 and died Oct. 11, 1854. Writing from Richland, Iowa on March 26, 1906, Rees Haworth(5) son of Eli, said, "My father with his family left Vermillion Co., Illinois in the Fall of 1840 and emigrated to what was then known as the "Black Hawk Territory". We crossed the  Mississippi River at Burlington, which was then a small village of log cabins. We moved into the township where we now reside. Our location was within three and  a half miles of the Indian  lines; being about 55 miles west of the Mississippi River. All the land west of us to the Pacific Coast belonged to the Indians. This was indeed a wild country; being close neighbors to the red   men they were at our house daily. Everything was just as nature made it. The howl of the wolf, the wildcat, the lynx and panther could be heard in the distance. The black boar was sometimes seen in the jungles or his footprints in the mud of the streams. Wild deer wandered about in droves at their will and wild turkeys were almost as common as blackbirds are now. I have seen them sit on our fence not two rods from the door.

                "I remember when about 15 years of age, going out with some men and seeing them kill a black bear. I being the youngest was sent to invite the neighbors to dine with us the next day, there  were forty who ate bear meat at our house next day. "


                ANNIS (Haworth) Stalker, daughter of Eli, contributed the following record, which was printed in the April and June numbers of the 1906 Haworth Record.



(4)          10. ELI HAWORTH on Jan. 1, 1829 married LYDIA DILLON. (Nothing is said by Mrs. Stalker or Mr. Davis to Indicate Lydia’s parentage, but it is probable that she was the Lydia Dillon who was the 5th child of Peter and Elizabeth (Haworth) Dillon(3), James(2), George(1)). Eli and Lydia had 4 children:

                                (5)          1.  SARAH HAWORTH, 1st child of Eli and Lydia (Dillon) Haworth was born

                                                      Oct. 23, 1829 and died Jan. 15, 1896, She married Augustus Crakaal. They had 12

                                                     children, only 3 of whom lived to raise families.

                                                                (6)          1. JAMES R. CRAKAAL md. Charity Hockett. Had 6 children:

                                                                                                (7)          1. ALFRED CRAKAAL

                                                                                                                2.  SARAH CRAKAAL

                                                                                                                3. JOHN CRAKAAL

                                                                                                                4. ANNIS CRAKAAL

                                                                                                                5. PEARL CRAKAAL

                                                                                                                6. ALTA CRAKAAL

                                                                                2. ELIZA A. CRAKAAL md. Benjamin Hadley, Had 3 children:

                                                                                                (7)          1. AURA HADLEY

                                                                                                                2. ETHA HADLEY

                                                                                                                3. DARREL HADLEY

                                                                                3. ANNIS CRAKAAL md Oswald Greeson. Had 2 children:

                                                                                                (7)          1. ARVIL GREESON drowned when 20 years old

                                                                                                                2. ORBA GREESON0N md. Charles Swayne

                (5)          2. JAMES DILLON HAWORTH, 2nd child of Eli and Lydia (Dillon) Haworth, was born

                                               April 12 , 1833 and died Jan. 15, 1896. He served three years in the Union Army during the

                                               Civil War. Was in the Battle of Helena July 4, 1863 and wrote a poem describing the

                                                battle. He was married 3 times and was the father of 9 children. He marrled 1st Martha

                                                Embree and had 1 child:

                                                (6)          1. CLARISSA HAWORTH married Clark Nordyke.

                                JAMES D. HAWORTH md. 2nd Emily McNeece and had 7 children:

                                                (6)          1. MARTHA HAWORTH

                                                                2. MARTHA HAWORTH

                                                                3. ALONSO HAWORTH

                                                                4. ANNIS HAWORTH

                                                                5. NELLIE HAWORTH

                                                                6. CHARLES HAWORTH

                                                                7. BERT HAWORTH

                                                                8. EMELINE HAWORTH

                                JAMES D. HAWORTH md.3d Nancy Evans and had 1 child:

                                                (6)          1. SARAH HAWORTH md. Roy Latta

                (5)          3. ANNIS HAWORTH, 3d child of Eli and Lydia (Dillon) Haworth, married Allen Stalker and

                                     had 6 children) (Annis was born Feb. 22, 1835.)

                                                (6)          1. Daughter died in infancy

                                                                2. Daughter died in infancy

                                                                3. ALBERT F. STALKER

                                                (6)          4. ASBURY STALKER md. Annie Hanson and had 3 children:

                                                                                (7)          1. ARTHUR L. STALKER

                                                                                                2. WARREN W. STAMEER

                                                                                                3. HANNAH STALKER

                                                (6)          5. ARTHUR L. STAKLER

                                                (6)          6. MILES H. STALKER

                (5)          4. REES HAWORTH, 4th child of Eli and Lydia (Dillon) Haworth, was born May 10, 1837.  

                                    Lived in Richland, Iowa, married Cynthia Lewis and 2 children:

                                                (6)          1. THEODORE HAWORTH md. Julia Stephens. Had 2 children:

                                                                                (7)          1. ETHEL HAWORTH md. Dell Chacy

                                                                                                                (8)          1. ARVIL CHACY

                                                                                                2. AMY HAWORTH

                                                                                                3. CORA HAWORTH

                                                                2. EDWIN HAWORTH md. Emma Clark and had 2 children:

                                                                                (7)          1. FREDDIE HAWORTH

                                                                                                2.  EDITH HAWORTH


(4)          11. NANCY ANN HAWORTH, 11th child of James and Mary (Rees) Haworth, was born in Highland  Co., Ohio Dec. 28, 1808 and died in Kansas May 31, 1884. She married ISAAC MARD0CK(6), Nancy Ann (Wright) Mardock(5), Susannah (Haworth ) Wrlght (4), Richard(3), James(2), George(1). See Page 81, Vol. 2.  

                Isaac and Nancy Ann (Haworth) Mardock had 6 children:   

                (5)          1. MARY MARDOCK married WILLIAM HAW0RTH(6), Mahlon(5), John(4), George(3),  

                                    James(2), George(1), See page 49, Vol. 2.

                (5)          2. WILLIAM MARDOCK married SUSAN HAW0RTH(5), Dillon(4), George(3), James(2),

                                     George(1). See page  49, Vol. 2.

                                3. JOHN MARDOCK married but had no children. He was a missionary among the   

                                     Indians in Oklahoma.

                                4. MANDY MARDOCK died in infancy.

                                5. JAMES MARDOCK died in infancy.

                                6. ELKANAH MARDOCK married SARAH HAW0RTH(6), Harmon(5), John(4), George(3),

                                     James(2), George(1). He was a minister among Friends in Kansas.

(4)          12. LEVI HAWORTH, 12 child of James and Mary( Rees) Haworth, was born in Highland Co., Ohio  Feb. 24, 1811, died Aug. 5, 1851 The only information found in The Haworth Record concerning  Levi is that he married PHEBE HAWORTH, daughter of Solomon Haworth of North Carolina. The  question of Solomon’s identity first came up in August of 1906, at which time Mr. Davis was  under the impression that he might be the son of Micajah Haworth, Jr. (4), Micajah(3), Stephanus(2), George(1}

                Later that surmise was disproved. A search of the records disclosed that there was another  Solomon Haworth in North Carolina for whom no family is listed. He was the son of George(4), George(3), Stephanus(2), George (1). Whether he was the father of Phebe is still an unanswered question.

                SOLOMON HAWORTH, the father of Phebe married Parthenia -- and had 9 children:

                1. PHEBE HAWORTH married LEVI HAWORTH(4), James(3), James(2)

                2. NANCY C. HAWORTH married Robert Manow in Indiana. Had daughter, Mrs. Mary Davenport,  Sue City, Iowa

                3. ELIZABETH HAWORTH

                4. GEORGE HAWORTH died in California unmarried

                5. WILLIAM HAWORTH

                6. SHEPHARD HAWORTH lived in Illinois

                7. RICHARD HAWORTH

                8. MARY HAWORTH

                9. SARAH JANE HAWORTH married ****** Allen in Texas

                Parthenia Haworth went to Texas after Solomon's death and married 2nd Allen Trimble. She   died in 1861.

(4)          13. ELIZABETH HAWORTH, 13th child of James and Mary (Rees) Haworth, was born in Highland Co.,

                        Ohio Aug. 8, 1814 and died in 1902. No record.


                End of Family Record of James Haworth(3), James(2), George(1).


(3)          5. ELIZABETH HAWORTH, 5th child of James and Sarah( Wood) Haworth, for whom there are no  dates of birth and death given, married Peter Dillon in New Garden Meeting in Guilford Co.,  North Carolina Aug. 11, 1773. (Note: Elizabeth b 24 Mar. 1754 Hopewell, Frederick, Va. (Archives S. L. Hinshaw - Hopewell Friends History) d 2 Oct. 1852 (Archives S.L.- Hinshaw).)


                At the time of his death Mr. Davis had ready for publication a complete history of the Dillon  family, which would have been valuable in completing the record of Elizabeth Haworth. As it is  the information about her is very limited. Whether she and Peter remained in Tennessee, as did  her brother, Richard is left to conjecture. Three of their granddaughters lived in Illinois and in  1908, a Dillon reunion was held in Georgetown, Illinois, at which the following officers were    elected:

                                Pres. George Dillon, Champaign, Illinois

                                V. Pres. Levi Dillon, Ridge Farm, Illinois

                                Secy. W. S. Dillon, Danville, Illinois

                                Tres. Mrs. Alma (Dillon) Johnson, Danville, Illinois


                Peter Dillon was the 4th generation of Dillons in  America,

                 He was born in Guilford Co., North Carolina Feb. 6, 1752.

                (1) LUKE DILLON md. Susannah Garret and came with her and 2 sons from Ireland to Pennsylvania about 1724,

                (2) DANIEL DILLON

                (2) WILLIAM DILLON born in Ireland about 1715, came to America when 9 years old. Moved from   Pennsylvania

                        to Fredrick Co., Virginia, and from there to Guilford Co., North Carolina. Of  his 2 sons and 5 daughters

                       only 1 son and 2 daughters are named in The Haworth Record.       

                                (3) DANIEL DILLON had a son

                                                (4) PETER DILLON md. Elizabeth Haworth(3), James(2)

                                (3) HANNAH DILLON md. Edward Wright. See Page 7, vol. 1

                                (3) CHARITY DILLON md. Wm. Rees

                                                (4) MARY REES md. James Haworth(3), James(2)


                A paper read at a Reunion of The Haworth Association of America gave the names of 10 children  of  Peter

                and Elizabeth (Haworth) Dillon:

                (4)          1. SARAH DILLON married John Stanfield and had a daughter

                                                (5)          1. PARMELIA S. STANFIELD md REES HAWORTH(4). Jon.(3), James(2),

                                                                      George(1). See Page 63, vol. 2.

                                2. GARRETT DILLON had 3 daughters mentioned in The Record:

                                                (5)          1. MAHALA DILLON md. Samuel Haworth(5), George(4), George(3),  

                                                                   James(2), George(1). See Page 20, vol. 2.

                                                                2. MARGARET DILLON md. Thomas Haworth(5), John(4), Richard(5),

                                                                   James(2), George(1)  Page 87, Vol. 1.

                                                3. LYDIA DILLON md. Eli Haworth(5), James(4), George(3), James(2), George(1).

                                                    See Page 26, Vol. 2.

                                                In the Family Record of James(4). it says that Eli married "Lydia Dillon of New Market,

                                                 Tennessee. As the families of all the men marrying daughters of Garrett  Dillon lived in

                                                 Illinois it is just probable that the Eli who married Lydia from New  Market  was Eli, the son

                                                 of  James(3), James(2).




(4)          3. JAMES DILLOM

                4. WILLIAM DILLON had a Son

                                (5) LABAN DILLON had a son

                                                (6) ROBERT EDMUND DILLON of Scotland, ILL, had a son

                                                                (7) DR. CARL C. DILLON of Siddell, Illinois.

                5. LYDIA DILLON

                6. PHEBE DILLON

                7. SUSANNAH DILLON

                8. JEMIMA DILLON

                9. ELIZABETH DILLON Married her cousin JONATHAH HAWORTH(4), Richard(3), James(2), George(1).

                                (5) 1. PETER HAWORTH md. Matilda Shadley and had sons

                                                (6)          3. JAMES WILSON HAWORTH md. Alverda Rice and had 6 children:

                                                                                (7)          1. ARMINTA HAWORTH died in infancy

                                                                                                2. JULIUS ROSS HAWORTH

                                                                                                3. SAMUEL ELMER HAWORTH

                                                                                                4. ALMA A. HAWORTH

                                                                                                5. JAMES R. HAWORTH died in infancy

                                                                                                6. ETTA MAY HAWORTH

                                For complete record see Pages  90 to 112, Vol. 1,

                10. PETER Dillon, Jr.


End of Family Record of Elizabeth (Haworth) Dillon(3), James(2), George(1)


(3)          6. SARAH HAWORTH was the 6th child of James and Sarah (Wood) Haworth. Aside from the name of her husband and the names of their children, The Haworth Record tells little about the  youngest child of James Haworth(3).  From records of other members of her family it is learned  to whom three of her children were married. Concerning the others no information is available.

                Sarah married James Wright, a brother of John Wright, who married her sister, Jemima Haworth. There were Wrights who emigrated to Georgia with James Edward Oglethorpe,  founder of the Georgia Colony in 1732, but Mr. Davis was not certain whether James and John Wright were of this group or not. There was a James Wright who came from New Garden  Meeting in Pennsylvania to Cane Creek Meeting in Alancence Co., North Carolina in 1732. Also there was Edward Wright who married Hanna Dillon, daughter of William Dillon in Virginia.

                SARAH(3) cont

                When and where James and Sarah Wright were married is not told, and nothing is said about   when they went to Tennessee, but they left there and went to Ohio in 1804 with Mahlon Haworth’ s family and the family of Jemima (Haworth) Wright . They had 10 children:

                                (4)          1. JOHN WRIGHT married and had triplet sons (Note: John b 17 Mar. 1774, N.C.

                                                     md. 1796 Margaret Reese (Mr. Willard Heiss) (S.L, Archives)

                                                                (5)          1. ABRAHAM WRIGHT

                                                                                2. ISAAC WRIGHT

                                                                                3. JACOB WRIGHT md. SARAH Wright(5), daughter of Isaac and

                                                                                Susannah (Haworth) Wright(4), Richard(3), James(2),George(1)

                                                                                See page 82, Vol. 1.

                                                2. PHEBE WRIGHT married her 2nd cousin, ABSOLOM HAW0RTH(4),  

                                                     Nathaniel(3), Absolom(2), George(1). They were married in Greene Co.,

                                                      Tennessee Sept. 3, 1798. Had 2 children:

                                                                (5)          1. JAMES HAWORTH md. Amelia West and had 13 children

                                                                                For complete record see Pages 45 to 48, Vol. 1.

                                                                                2. SARAH HAWORTH

                                                3. SARAH WRIGHT

                                                4. RACHEL WRIGHT (Note: b 1 Jan. 178l-a new Hope, Greene, Tenn. d 1823, md.

                                                    James Haworth 5th of James & Susannah Haworth 1800 (ibid) may have been

                                                    the Rachel Wright who married James Haworth(4), George(3), James(2), George(1) .

                                                5. JAMES WRIGHT (Note: James md. Catherine Grim l80?(?)

                                                6. ELIZABETH WRIGHT

                                                7. CHARITY WRIGHT (Note: b 10 Oct. 1790 d 23 Dec. 1837, md. 11 Mar. 1813

                                                Luke Dillon son of Daniel Dillon (S.L. Archives)

                                                                (5)          1. WILLIAM DILLON md. SARAH HAW0RTH(5), Dillon(4),

                                                                                George(3), James(2), George(1).

                                                                                2. JONATHAN DILLON md. CHARITY HAWORTH(5), Dillon(4),

                                                                                     George(3), James(2), George(1). See page 83, Vol. 1 and page 47, Vol. 2.

                                                8. ISAAC WRIGHT (Note: b 1787 md. 9 June1811-14 Abigail Dillon(?),  md. 2nd  Nancy Maulsby)

                                                9. WILLIAM WRIGHT (Note: md. 8 Aug. 1811 Hannah Dillon(?)

                                                10. SUSANHAH WRIGHT


End of the Family Record of Sarah (Haworth) Wright(3), James(2), George(1). 

End of the Family Record of James Haworth(2)


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