The following people reported to the newsletter table:
Janice Walker,
Richard Denney,
Alice Callistro,
Edith E. Scarbrough,
In a rather general discussion we determined that we would need to wait for the information to emanate from the various committees before considering possibilities. The overall consensus was that the newsletter is a one man operation, conceived and assembled in one location, making it difficult for a committee to participate, other than submitting ideas and articles. Unless in the future we can come up with a better format for accomplishing the work.
However, I thought that committee members might submit his/her version and prospective of the 300th Anniversary Reunion, if they would like too. we could use the best of each in the newsletter. Or if one article is exceptional, use it in it's entirety? Or perhaps use them all sometime down the road?
I will accept thoughts they might have to improve the existing publication. However, "Events" will not be put under the control and auspices of the Haworth Family Association.
Janice came up with the idea that I spoke of it during the committee reports on Sunday. We would like the Web Master of the, to put in a permanent ad for our newsletter (Scarb(o)rough/Ha(y)worth Events), listing details such as price, frequency, and type articles the family might submit.
Humbly and Sincerely,
Lowell E. Scarbrough
Item 1 - When and How Often: The group thought that the next reunion should be held in five years (year 2004), on the last Saturday weekend of July. Comments were made that it takes a good deal of planning and that we need to keep our younger folks interested. This is why a five year schedule looks appropriate.
Item 2 - Where to Hold Reunion: It was recommended that we meet in the Bucks County PA area that Marilyn Winton photographed. Later reunions might consider following the migration paths discussed at this reunion.
Who ever will be in charge needs to start early; at least 18 months and sign a contract with the hotel early.
Item 3 - Subjects of Present at Reunion: The following subjects are possible topics at a future reunion;
- Children of Isabel and James Haworth-
· History of the boys of George the Immigrant should be included each time.
· Medical history or information
· Stories, legends, interesting "tib bits".
· It was suggested that we might have a tour of historic areas as part of the reunion.
Item 4 - Data Search: We need to do a data search for all Haworth/Scarbrough people located in the USA, so we can notify as many as possible.
Item 5 - Other Suggestions:
· Send items of interest, such as history, old wills, obituaries, local reunion information to Lowell Scarbrough all through out the year so he can put them in the "Events" newsletter.
· Always have caps and t-shirts (a generous supply of extra large) at future reunions.
Pencils and pins would be nice also.
· Prizes at the dinner was well received and should continue.
· Plastic badge holders would be a nice addition.
· A raffle of ($.25 - $.50 a ticket) for items brought in might be interesting.
· Keep the attendees more informed, by sending out a final/summary reunion notice just before the next reunion.
Committee members that volunteered to help at the next reunion were:
Ron Haworth,
Marilyn Winton Misch,
Ray and Carol Haworth,
Elizabeth Vause,
Charles Haworth,
Richard London,
Leota Huff
Chair: Marilyn Winton Misch
This committee met at the 300th Anniversary Haworth Reunion in Kansas City, MO, on 27 June 1999. Those present at this committee meeting, indicating their interest, were:
ADAMS, Martha
ANDERSON, Ann (Knox)
BELL, Marilynn (Weaver)
DiZEREGA, Dottie
HARMON, Mary Ann
HAUS, Shirley (Haworth)
LENNSTROM, Nancy (Knox)
NEAL, Charlotte C.
RUTHERFORD, John & Laura
TABER Dennis
WEAVER, Rosemary
WHITAKER, Jean (Knox)
Internet/Getting Connected Committee
The web address of (www) was agreed on as a suitable name.
May be general funds will be available for the $50 initial site fee expenses.
Web Master Volunteers:
Carmen Cravey
Ron Haworth, Jr.
Kathy Mills
John Haworth (for database updates)
Suggested site topics/links:
Health histories/issues
Haworth family member's geographical locator by region of the country/world
Haworth by lineage to George, Absolom, John, James, and Stephanus
Newsletter/Bulletin Board (Lowell Scarbrough)
Committee reports
Future reunion information (Next: 5 years, last weekend of July)
Family births, deaths
Minutes/reports of national/regional reunions
Create links to associated family/spousal lines (websites of other families)
Guest book, Queries, or link by which to direct queries To: ____________
Scans of family documents (i.e., letters)/legal instruments
Ad for coming events/reunions
Ad for Newsletters/costs
Haworth family stories:
Service in the Revolutionary War
Service in the War of 1812
Service in other events
Association between Quakers and Indians
Friends Associations and Meetings
Grave marker information:
Locations: dates on grave stone/cemetery register
Date grave marker/information was located
Geographical markers (highway, roads, towns, etc.)
Data Limitations:
Suggest no access to personal information for living people
Suggest minimum of 75 years elapsed time before personal data is available
Checkout other family websites for ideas, such as:
boone family connection
Wendell Haworth
****** End of Committee Reports******
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