2014 Haworth Reunion - Washington

Hosted by Loran and Sue


When - August 9, 2014, about noon to late afternoon

Where - Sierra Country Club, Coupeville, Whidbey Island, WA   

What to Bring - Your favorite main dish or a salad or appetizer. 

  (We provide dessert) Please bring your family history information.

We will Provide - Coffee, ice tea, lemonade, pop, service ware, and

                                 the traditional ice-cream dessert.

 Location -  On Whidbey Island, turn west from Highway 20 on to Libbey Road 

                     Turn right on Hacienda and the clubhouse is on the left.

Fun - Badminton, lawn games, or walking on the beach.


Contacts: Loran and Sue: tel 360-678-7038   at [email protected]


R.S.V.P. by August 1, please, and feel free to pass this notice to

               other family  members.

 We hope to see you!

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