Lindley Murray Haworth
Genealogy Journal
Editor's Note: This journal, which is bound and page numbered, by Lindley Murray Haworth reflects a life time of family history study. Lindley attended the 200 year reunion in Plainfield Indiana, and was an active participant in the Haworth Record publications. (see Haworth Record ) Lindley was my father's grand uncle, and my father visited Lindley in January of 1930, where he copied his portion of our family lines (see Family Chart). Lindley's direct family line is as follows: Lindley, David Haworth, John Haworth, Richard Haworth, James Haworth, and then George Haworth, the immigrant.
A copy of this journal was sent to Roger Boone, who used it in the preparation of the massive text, "Some Quaker Families - Scarborough/Haworth" (see SQF text ). That copy was given to me. However, a recent copy of the original journal was photographed in very high quality "pdf" format by a direct decendant of Lindley and given to me. The journal, itself, is 304 pages. There are, unfortunately, some missing pages that were cut out of the journal by unknown persons, after the death of Lindley. One of the missing pages contained a letter from President Lincoln. The journal starts on numbered page 8. The inside cover does reference a number of significant pages in the journal, such as the actual marriage certificate of his parents, (who are my great great grandparents,) on page 71. We have selectively included, here various pages from the journal. Ron Haworth, editor
Lindley Murray Haworth Mary Hoskins Haworth
born 29 Aug.1854 , died 1 Mar. 1938 born 25 Sept. 1859, died 6 Mar. 1936
Index to Journal
Inside Cover and Introduction letters Pages 8 - 11, 15, and 19 - 20
Page 71 (wedding vows, David Haworth and Miriam Mills, parents of Lindley)
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updated April, 2020