Document - Retyped (part 1 of 7)



Edited by

Ruth B. Smith


Revised by

Karen Hatchett


Typed by

Fort Wayne Public Library




A genealogy is a list of ancestors and their descendants. This genealogy lists in chronological order, over a period of two and a half centuries, the descendants of George Haworth, the Emigrant, who came to Pennsylvania with William Penn in 1699. Yet it is more than Just a record of generations, of births and deaths, of parents and their children. It records as well the growth of a nation, made possible by the dauntless courage of simple, God-fearing men and women. It is a panorama of the Pioneers on all of the frontiers from Pennsylvania and Western Virginia across the rivers, the plains, the mountains to the Pacific Coast. It is the story of a people drawn by magnetic force toward the land of the setting sun;  a people who entered the wilderness, subdued it, made it safe for settlement by those less hardy than themselves, and then, in their covered wagons, went to find other frontiers to conquer.

The fact that there la a recorded history of the migrating Haworths is due to the tireless efforts of two men, William Perry Haworth and Charles Bunyan Davis. William Perry Haworth was a minister among Friends.  His evangelical work took him over much of the Middle West. Everywhere among the Quakers he found descendants of George Haworth. Becoming enthusiastically interested in the history of his forefathers, he began to gather data for a genealogy. It was through his efforts that the 1st national Reunion of the Haworth Family was held in Plainfield, Indiana In 1899, two hundred years after the arrival In America of George, the Emigrant.

Present at that reunion was Charles B. Davis, a printer, of High Point, North Carolina. Listening to the saga of his people, he had an overwhelming desire to see the full story put into print. During the rest of his life his spare time and money were spent toward that end.  Mr. Davis looked upon it as a duty to preserve the history of these intrepid pioneers. He studied the Haworth traditions and sought to accumulate records to substantiate the tales that had been handed down from generation to generation. To do so he carried on an extensive correspondence with Haworths all over the United States.

In 1906 he began the publication of the Haworth Record, a monthly pamphlet in which he printed, as he received them, letters, inquiries, historical data and copies of Bible records.  Occasionally a copy of the Record contained a fairly complete genealogy of some branch of the family, but more often the make-up consisted of a collection of fragments. All of these odd bits of information were of value when sorted out and put in their proper places.

During 1911, 1912 and 1913 publication of The Haworth Record was suspended. In 1914 four numbers of Volume 4 were published before the death of Mr. Davis put an end to his work. In these last numbers he spoke of genealogies he had completed and which he expected to print later. Unfortunately no one carried on the work he had started to do. However, he can be praised highly for the contribution he made to genealogical history.

Mr. Julius R. Haworth of Weiser, Idaho is a descendant of James Haworth, son of George, the Emigrant, and is of the 7th generation of that branch of the family in America. He was a subscriber to The Haworth Record and has kept the copies he received. It has been my privilege and my pleasure to have access to these tiny booklets, and to put into chronological order the wealth of information contained in them. In the last thirty-seven years, Mr. Haworth has gathered some additional data from relatives living in the West. This is being included in the revised Record. Aside from that nothing has been added to the data accumulated by Mr. Davis years ago.

The majority of the descendants of George Haworth had large families. The use of the same first names over and over again for generations, in various branches of the family, could lead to considerable confusion. To avoid this in the revision of The Haworth Record, numbers have been used to indicate each individual's generation as well as his place, according to his age, in his own family group.

A number in parenthesis, either before or after a name denote: the generation to which the person named belongs. Thus Mahlon Haworth(4) belonged to the fourth generation.  Mahlon(4), George(3). James(2), George(1) shows at a glance that this particular Mahlon Haworth of the fourth generation was the son of George of the third generation, who in turn was the son of James of the second generation, whose father was George, the Emigrant, the first Haworth in America.


Choosing two names from the list of George(3) Haworth's ten children another use of the figures can be illustrated:

(4)          1. Mahlon Haworth



                  4. James Haworth



The 4 in parenthesis opposite the name of the first child listed in this family group applies to all of the children in the group, specifying that they were members of the 4th generation. The figure 1 before the name of Mahlon shows that Mahlon was the first and eldest child. The next in age would be number 2, etc. Thus James, whose name is preceeded by the figure 4 was the fourth child of the family.

The Record in its present form is far from being either complete or up to date. The sole purpose of compiling it has been to preserve for future generations some of the history of the pioneers.


Ruth Burnett Smith





Devoted to the Historical and Genealogical

Interest of the Family Everywhere









Subscription   -   -    12 Numbers, 50c.

Sample Copy Free.







Publication Office Four Miles Out Among

The Rich Fork Hills.





VOL. 4, NO. 3. NOVEMBER 1914.





CHAS. B. DAVIS, Printer.

High Point, N.C.






The genealogy of George Haworth and his descendants would be incomplete without mention of his English background. There have been Haworths in England for many centuries.  Robert de Haworth, who died in 1304, was a monk of the Cistertian Order and was, in 1272, elected Abbott of Stanlan in Cheshire. However, due to the imperfections in Parochial records it has been difficult to trace the true line of ancestory further back than the middle of the 17th Century.

James Haworth and his wife, Isabella, lived in Rockcliffe, near Bacup in the parish of Rockdale in Lancashire. James died there in 1684, leaving six children: 






      Another daughter, name not known (Note; Isabelle Index Bureau Salt Lake - Gerald Fuller)


The entire family  were members of the Society of Friends.

James Haworth had two brothers, Henry and William. Henry had two children, Elisabeth (Note: md James Haworth s of James & Isabella - Haworth MS. by Gobbel) and Henry (Note:  md Mary (lbid)). William had one son, James, who emigrated to America late in the 17th Century, and who lived near Philadelphia.

Mary, the daughter of James and Isabelle Haworth, married John Myers, and they emigrated to Harbills, Maryland in 1697 or 1696. In later years, after the death of her husband, Mary moved to Lewistown, Pennsylvania, where she died about 1728. She was buried in a piece of land given by her for a Friend's Burial Ground.

In 1699 Mary's brother, George, also came to America. He has come to be known as "George, the Emigrant", and today several thousand Haworths in the United States trace their lineage back to his.






In the summer of 1699 William Penn made his second trip to America. With him came a large number of Quakers, seeking religious freedom in a new country. Fourteen weeks were required to make the trip. The ship was so overcrowded with passengers that the supply of food and water was entirely inadequate. Because of lack of sanitation aboard the vessel, disease flourished. The heat was intense, which added to the suffering. Fifty-six of the passengers died at sea, twenty more after they reached shore.

Among the passengers were George Haworth and his sister, children of James and Isabelle Haworth of Lancashire, England. The sister, whose name is not recorded, gave birth to a child en route. She, the baby and her husband all died at sea. George was very ill but survived. Upon landing in America he went to the home of his sister, Mary, in Harbills, Maryland, where he remained a week before going on to Philadelphia aboard a sloop. From Philadelphia he went north to Bucks Co., Pennsylvania and

stayed with his cousin, James Haworth, until he recovered from the ill effects of his trip. He purchased 450 acres of land near the farm of his cousin. Part of his time he spent clearing and cultivating his land, the rest of the time he worked as a linen weaver.

About 1701 George married Mary (Note: Hinshaw, Index Bureau Salt Lake - I believe Comp. of Amer, Gen. says Sarah not Mary) Scarbo, a member of the Society of Friends. She was a native of Pennsylvania, but her parents had emigrated from London. George and Mary had six children:








(Note: Another child Rachel or Virginia and Elisha Hoopes (this & much on descendants held by Mr. Gerald Fuller, Mesa, Arizona)


In 1745 John Myers, husband of Mary (Haworth) Myers, the sister of George, the immigrant, wrote a letter to relatives in England. In it he mentioned the children of George as follows: Three of them, Stephanus, Absalom and James are removed to Virginia to a place called Opeckon. The first two are married among Friend.  The other three John, Mary and George live in Bucks County, Pennsylvania." (Opequon is in Fredrick County, Virginia near Winchester.)

In the last number of the Haworth Record published by Mr. Davis he stated that he had received some very Interesting facts about the members of the family of George, the Emigrant. "I intend to publish this matter in a short time.  It will, doubtless, prove very interesting to various members of the family." As the material was received from the Philadelphia Friends records it should still be available.

                George Haworth, the Emigrant died Nov. 28, 1724.



2nd Generation 

1.  STEPHANUS HAWORTH, 1st child of George(1) and Mary (Scarbo) Haworth, left Virginia, probably about 1763, and went to North Carolina, where it is thought he settled on the Yadkin River in Rowan County. For complete record of his descendants see Vol I, pages 6 to 42.


2.  ABSALOM HAWORTH, 2nd child of George(1) end Mary (Scarbo) Haworth, lived and died in Virginia, but his descendants went from there into North Carolina, Tennessee, Ohio and Indiana. For complete record of his descendants see Vol I, pages 43 to 70.


3.  JOHN HAWORTH, 3rd child of George(1) and Mary (Scarbo) Haworth, died without issue. Where he died is not stated. See Vol I, page 71. (Note:  John Haworth md 1749 Mary Garner from them descended President Herbert Hoover - Comp. of Amer. Gen., Archives SL, Hopewell Friends History. The fact that Hoover was a descendant of George Haworth and Mary Scarborough was confirmed by personal correspondence with the Hoover family genealogist in which she offered for sale a book on Mr. Hoover's ancestors including the couple, Mrs. Hatchett)


4. JAMES HAWORTH, 4th child of George(1) and Mary (Scarbo) Haworth, "lived In Fredrick County, Virginia. He married Sarah Wood and died leaving her with six children. Sarah then married Peter Ruble and had four children, one son and three daughters."


At this date it is not exactly clear why many of the Haworth family traditions centered around James(2) the son of George, the Emigrant. Several of these Mr. Davis proved to be totally without foundation. One tradition said that James and his brother George joined Daniel Boone in North Carolina, and went with him to Kentucky in 1773. There is a story of James' having been a Revolutionary soldier in the Battle of Guilford Court House in 1781.  Another report had it that he left North Carolina and went to Ohio in l800.

A logical deduction is that James was born about 1710 or 1712. With his death occurring early enough for his wife to remarry and raise a second family of four children, he could not have been in North Carolina either in 1773 or 1781, nor could he have been in Ohio in 1800. The Revolutionary War record was likely the wishful thinking of some descendant with a longing for membership in the D.A.R.   The son of James(2), James Haworth, Jr. (3) did go with his brother, George and Daniel Boone to Kentucky. He was also in North Carolina during the revolution, but his having any military record is unlikely. For generations that branch of the Haworth family adhered to the Quaker faith. The New Garden Friends Meeting of Guilford disowned its members, who participated in any military activity. The young Friends of military age did not lack courage, but so strong were their religious scruples against war that many of them sought sanctuary in the hostile Indian country of Tennessee rather than take up arms for a cause with which they were really in sympathy. Among those who fled to Tennessee in 1781 were Richard and George Haworth, brothers of James Jr., and there is every indication that James Jr. accompanied them.

Consideration of the facts would lead one to believe that James Haworth(2) not only lived in Virginia, but that he died there too. His children left Virginia and went to North Carolina, Tennessee, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and points west.

The six children of James and Sarah (Wood) Haworth were:

1. JEMIMA HAWORTH who married John Wright

For complete record of her descendants see Vol. 1, pages 73 to 75.

2. RICHARD HAWORTH, born 1744 (Note: b 31 Aug. 1745 - Haworth MS* by Mr. Gobbel), married Anna Dillon

For complete record of his descendants see Vol. 1, pages 76 to 112.

3. GEORGE HAWORTH, born 1751 (note: b 28 Dec. 1749 - Hinshaw or Index S.L.)

4. JAMES HAW0RTH, born 1752 (Note: b 2 Jan. 1731 Haworth MS* by Mr.. Gobbel)

5. ELIZABETH HAWORTH (Note: b 24 Mar. 1754 - Hopewell Friends History)

6.  SARAH HAWORTH (Note: b 1755-36 - ibid)

                (Note: All born Hopewell, Frederick County, Virginia (ibid)  

If the dates given above are correct, a difference of seven years in the ages of the brothers, Richard and George is a little puzzling. Yet nowhere in The Haworth Record was any explanation offered, not even a comment made concerning it. As no birth dates are given for Elizabeth and Sarah, it might at first glance seem that they were probably older than George, but everywhere that the children of James(3) are listed the daughters are given 3th and 6th places in the family. Peter Dillon, who married Elizabeth was born Feb. 6, 1752. It is quite likely that Elizabeth was younger than he and so younger than her brother, James, who was born the same year.


5.  In his years of research Mr. Davis found no trace of GEORGE HAW0RTH, 3th child of George(1) md Mary (Scarbo) Haworth nor of (Note: m Martha?,)

5 George md Rachel Haworth, d & m 1747 (Haworth MS* by Mr. Gobbel)


6. MARY HAWORTH, 6th child of George(1) and Mary (Scarbo) Haworth, unless it was in the unpublished record from the Friends in Philadelphia.

(Note: Mary md. 20 Sept. 1741 John Michener s of Wm & Mary Michener (Haworth MS. by Mr. Gobbel) Their s George b 15 Oct 1747 Bucks Co., Pa. md 12 Oct. 1827 Hannah Carr. He d 14 Nov. 1769 (This & ch & son ? ch in Early Friends Families of Upper Bucks)




(3) 3. GEORGE HAWORTH, 3d child of James and Sarah (wood) Haworth, was born in Fredrick County, Virginia about 1751 (Note: b 28 Dec. 1749 (Hinshaw or Index S.L.) and died at Quaker Point, Indiana in l837, aged 86 yrs. "He married Susannah Dillon of Fredrick Co., Virginia when he was about 22 years old." (For what little record of the Dillon Family is given in The Haworth Record see Page 76, Vol. I.)


George and Susannah Haworth left Virginia and emigrated to the headwaters of the Yadkln River in North Carolina, but there is some controversy as to the date of their departure. Descendants of their eldest son, Mahlon, say he was born in Fredrick Co., Virginia in 1775, yet they also confirm the tradition that George Haworth and his brother James went with Daniel Boone on his ill-fated trip to Kentucky in 1773,  which is slightly confusing.


On September 23d, 1907, John H. Haworth of Nashville, Oklahoma wrote to Mr. Davis as follows: "my father's name was Samuel, 9th child of George Haworth who, with his brother, James, went with Daniel Boone a part of the Journey to Kentucky in 1773. They went with Boone for the purpose of looking at the country with a view of moving there at some future time. George was married in Virginia and James was not married at that time. They turned back before the party was attacked by Indians."


Samuel Haworth of Thorntown, Indiana gave a slightly different version in a paper on Mahlon Haworth read at the Second Triennial Reunion of the Haworth Association of America. To quote him "Mahlon Haworth was born Oct. 23, 1775 in Fredrick Co., Virginia. In the early married life of his parents they moved to North Carolina and settled on the Yadkin River near the home of Daniel Boone. George Haworth and his brother, James, accompanied Daniel Boone on his second visit to Kentucky, their families being two of the six families that made up the party that made the first attempt ever made to settle Kentucky. They were violently attacked by Indians and were so discouraged that the Haworth brothers returned to North Carolina and remained there twelve years. Then they again went to Kentucky, but finding the Indians still hostile they, with six other families turned their course toward Greene County, Tennessee."


Rees Haworth, son of James(3), said that his father and Uncle George were among the Quakers who fled from North Carolina into Tennessee in 1781 to escape being drafted into the Continental Army, and formed a settlement there on the Holston River, in Jefferson County, near the present town of New Market.


George Haworth remained in Tennessee, engaging in the cattle and mercantile business until 1803 when he moved to Clinton Co., Ohio and settled on Todd's Fork of the Little Miami. He was a worthy member of the Society of Friends and in the latter years of his life a minister. About the year 1807 he traveled on horseback to Baltimore to attend Yearly Meeting of Friends as a representative from Miami Quarterly Meeting.


By 1826 he had moved to Indiana. A letter written by Caleb Haworth of Halifax, Yorkshire, England on Sept. 23* 1826 was addressed to "George Haworth, Quaker Point, Indiana, on the Border of Illinois. North America." Mr. Davis refers to him as "George of Quaker Point." He continued to live at Quaker Point until his death in IB37 and was buried at Quaker Grove, Indiana.


George and Susannah (Dillon) Haworth had ten children and 90 grandchildren. Their children were: 

(4)          1. MAHLON HAWORTH born Oct. 25, 1775

                2. JOHN HAWORTH born 1778 (Note: b 6 Aug (ibid)

                3. GEORGE HAWORTH born 1783 (Note: b 20 Aug (ibid)

                4. JAMES HAWORTH born 1785 (Note: b 16 Feb. 1781 (ibid)

                5. WILLIAM HAWORTH born Jan. 3, 1786

                6. MARY HAWORTH born 1788 (Note: b 19 Feb. (ibid)

                7. SARAH HAWORTH born 1790 (Note: b 20 Aug 1790 (ibid)

                8. RICHARD HAWORTH born 1793 (Note: b 13 Jan. (ibid)

                9. SAMUEL HAWORTH bon Mar. 10, 1797

                10. DILLON HAWORTH born 1800

                (Note: Haworth - Nellie Evans says 2 more died in inf.)  


(4) 1. MAHLON HAWORTH, 1st child of George and Susannah (Dillon) Haworth was, according to the records of his descendants, born in Virginia Oct. 25, 1773 and died in Clinton Co., Ohio March 23, 1830. He moved with his parents from Virginia to North Carolina and from there in the early 1780's to Eastern Tennessee. For neighbors in their new home they had hostile Indians. Until land could be cleared and crops raised it was necessary to live off of the game of the country just as the Indians did. The Holston River, on which the first settlement was made furnished the little Quaker Colony an important part of their food supply. The men built a fish dam in the river and the families took turns going to the dam of a morning to see what they had caught. It was a gala day for all of them when the first grain was harvested.


Prior to 1787 Mahlon Haworth married Phebe Frazier In Green Co., Tennessee, where they lived until 1804.


For the early settlers of Tennessee life had become less arduous by 1800. Roomy log houses had replaced the first rude cabins. Grain grew and herds grazed in fields once heavily wooded. Here was the opportunity for men of middle age to build for the security of a prosperous and comfortable old age. But real pioneers like George and James Haworth, goaded by an irresistible desire to be in the vanguard on each new frontier, could find no allure in dreams of ease and comfort. Instead in 1800 they made a scouting trip into the Ohio territory that was to be opened for settlement as soon as the Indians could be subdued. They went as far as the Little Miami and Mad Rivers.


Young Mahlon Haworth accompanied the two older men on the trip. Although they found Indian opposition to white settlement intense, Mahlon was so impressed with the country and wanted so much to possess a piece of the land that he would have been willing to risk the wrath of the Indians. His father and uncle shared his enthusiasm as far as the land was concerned but realized that it was too early to attempt establishing homes. Phebe Haworth agreed with them and vetoed the idea of making an immediate move.  


By 1803 the Government assured would be settlers that hostile Indians had been removed from Ohio, and in that year George and James Haworth and their families left Tennessee for the new frontier. Mahlon, who wanted so much to go was left behind because Phebe was still opposed to making so radical a change. A year later she had a strange dream. In it she went to Ohio where she saw an ideal location for a homesite, including a spring of crystal clear water. The dream seemed so real that she was ready to leave for Ohio as quickly as possible. So in l804 they started north. Accompanying them were the families of the two brothers, John and James Wright, who had married Mahlon's aunts, Jemima and Sarah Haworth, daughters of James(2). Thus according to The Haworth Record, in l803 and 1804 four of the six children of James Haworth(2) left Tennessee for Ohio, George, James, Jemima and Sarah. Whether Elizabeth, like her brother, Richard, remained in the south or not is one of the questions left unanswered in Mr. Davis' Record. Her children were later living in Indiana and Illinois, but when they migrated is not mentioned.


No details of the trip made by Mahlon Haworth and the Wrights are given until they reached the Ohio River, which was crossed at Cincinnati. The Cincinnati of today was at that time a village of eighteen houses. Mahlon was riding a fine horse he called "Major". For the horse he was offered 90 acres, some say 150 acres, of land where the city now stands but he refused to trade, valuing the horse too highly to part with him.


The trip was made in what were called "Old Virginia Wagons", drawn by four horses. Mahlon rode the "wheel-horse" and drove over Clinch Mountain carrying his infant daughter, Susannah, in his arms. He and Phebe had three other children with them, Rebecca, George Dillon and Ezekiel. Their progress was of necessity slow for they took with them their cattle and other livestock that had to be driven behind the wagons.


It was November when the Haworths and Wrights arrived at their new home. The land chosen by Mahlon and Phebe was on Todd’s Fork of the Little Miami, two miles north of the present site of Wilmington. The land was as Phebe had seen in her dream even to the large spring. Across the stream from them was an Indian camp but the Indians proved to be friendly.


The season was too far advanced for the erection of permanent homes so the men built temporary cabins of round logs, chinked with moss. The families moved in without floors, doors or fireplaces. Fires were built on the floors in the middle of the cabins, the smoke escaping through holes in the roofs. A two foot fall of snow came soon after the Haworths moved from their wagon into the cabin. They cut spice brush to feed the cows and wild rye for the horses. With only half a bushel of meal left to feed stock and six people, Mahlon started out on horseback for the nearest trading post at Waynesville, fifteen miles away. The trip took two days and Phebe and the children were left alone in full view of the Indian camp. Afterward they traded a horse for a hundred bushels of com, a small quantity of port and one small pig. With this food, wild turkey, bear meat and venison, and flour brought in on horseback from Waynesville they survived until they could raise crops the following year. The next fall after their arrival Phebe bought two ewes, which she kept in the house all winter so the wolves wouldn't kill them. Each ewe had two lambs. From that start at the end of four years there was a flock of forty sheep.


In the draughty cabin, with its dirt floor, and only a quilt hung over the doorway to hold in the heat of the camp fire and hold out the cold of the snow outside, Mary Haworth, fifth child of Mahlon and Phebe Haworth was born. Of the heroism of Phebe Haworth the Record has little to say. Pioneer mothers were evidently taken for granted.


Regarding Mahlon Haworth, Samuel Haworth of Throntown, Indiana said, "He was a man of strong intellectual powers, had an extraordinary memory that is said never lost aught that he had seen or heard or read. He was an active, useful man in everything that related to the advancement of the people and the good of the country. High official positions in the state were urged upon him by influential friends, but were declined because of the conscientious scruples of his wife, who was a Friend of the strictest type. He was a kind, affectionate husband, father and grandfather, esteemed by all his neighbors and enjoyed the confidence of his fellow citizens, having filled for many years after the organization of the County a very responsible County office, the duties of which he discharged with the strictest fidelity and approbation of the people, He lived to enjoy the development of the country which he had done so much to advance, and from, his old Todd's Fork home he was called to his glorious heavenly home March 23, 1850."


Mahlon and Phebe (Frazier) Haworth had eleven children:


(5)          1.REBECCA HAWORTH

                2. GEORGE DILLON HAWORTH

                3. EZEKIEL HAWORTH

                4. SUSANNAH HAWORTH

                5. MARY HAWORTH

                6. PHEBE HAWORTH

                7. MAHLON HAWORTH, JR.

                8. JOHN HAWORTH

                9. ELIJAH HAWORTH

                10. JAMES HAWORTH

                11. RICHARD HAWORTH

(5)          1. REBECCA HAWORTH, 1st child of Mahlon and Phebe (Frazier) Haworth, was born in Greene   Co., Tennessee. (Note: b 3 Dec. 1794 d 1815 - Haworth MS. by Mr. Gobbel and/or Hinshaw's).      She died while young.

 (5)         2.  GEORGE DILLON HAWORTH, 2nd child of Mahlon and Phebe (Frazier) Haworth was born in   1788 (Note: b 29 May 1798 – Hinshaw's, Haworth Man. by Mr. Gobbel and Haworth by Nellie       Evans) in Greene Co., Tennessee. He married Edith Hadley and had 8 children:

                                (6)          1. ANNA MAY HAWORTH born 1818, died in infancy (Note: b 28 May

                                                1818 Clinton Co., Ohio d 23 June 1821 - Index S.L.)

                                                2.  ELKANAH HAWORTH born Feb. 1820 died in infancy

                                                  (Note: died 26 Oct. 1820 - ibid)

                                                3. JONAH HAWORTH born June 1821 died in infancy

                                                4. MARY HAWORTH born Feb. 1824 md. Samuel Glass

                                                5. CAROLINE HAWORTH born Nov. 1826 md. Judge R.B. Harlan

                                                6. GEORGE D. HAWORTH, JR. born Apr. 1829 died Apr.  17, 1894

                                                He married Rebecca Lupton Hoge, daughter of Asa and Rebecca

                                                (McPherson) Hoge of Winchester, Va. Feb. 27, 1854 and had 7 children:

                                                                (7)          1. LAURA BELL HAWORTH b Dec. 20, 1854 md. Josiah W. Sparks

                                                                                                (8)          1. ETHEL B. SPARKS b Jan. 3, 1880, d Feb. 10,                                                                                                                        1899

                                                                                2. MARY EMMA HAWORTH b Aug. 1856 d 1857

                                                                                3. JAMES RIDGLEY HAW0RTH b June 30, 1858 md. Anna Burgess

                                                                                                (8)          1. ROBERT HAWORTH

                                                                                4. FRANK W. HAWORTH b May 6, 1864, md. Emma Curl

                                                                                                (8)          1. ETHEL LOUISE HAWORTH

                                                                                                                2. RUTH OLIVE HAWORTH

                                                                                                                3. HELEN C. HAWORTH

                                                                                5. GE0RGE D. HAWORTH III, born May 10, I869

                                                                                6. ANNA HAWORTH died in infancy

                                                                                7. CAROLINE HAWORTH died in infancy

                                (6)          7. JAMES M. HAWORTH, born Nov. I83I, md. Lizzie Smith

                                                8. EDITH E. HAWORTH, born Sept. 1838, md. L.R. Moody

(5)          3. EZEKIEL HAWORTH, 3d child of Mahlon and Phebe (Frazier) Haworth, was born in Greene Co.,  Tennessee.

                     He married Elizabeth West. They lived in Clinton Co., Ohio and had 13 children:

                                (6)          1. MALISSA HAWORTH

                                                2. REBECCA HAWORTH md. Rush

                                                3. MAHLON HAWORTH

                                                4. OWEN HAWORTH had a son E.H. HAWORTH

                                                5. FLEMMING HAWORTH

                                                6. EZEKIEL HAWORTH had 2 ch. lived in Vernon Co., MO.

                                                                (7)          1. SYLVESTER S. HAWORTH Hepler, Kansas

                                                                                2. LAURA HAWORTH


                                 (6)         7. PHOEBE HAWORTH md. Hunt

                                                8. ELIZABETH HAWORTH md Thornburg

                                                9. BERIAH HAWORTH

                                                10. ELIJAH HAWOHTH

                                                11. JAMES HAWORTH

                                                12. ISAIAH HAWORTH

                                                13. MARY HAWORTH

(Note: 14. SUSANNAH HAWORTHTH b 8 Aug. 1842 - All born Newberry, Clinton Co., 0hio - Index S.L., Hinshaw's also contains all b dates some md & d, Haworth by Nellie Evans additional dates and descendants.)

(5)          4. SUSANNAH HAWORTH, 4th child of Mahlon and Phebe (Frazier) Haworth, was born in Greene  Co., Tennessee. (Note: Susannah b 17 July 1803 - Haworth Man. by Mr. Gobbel) She married  Marmaduke Brackney and had 6 children:

                                (6)          1. MAHLON HACKNEY

                                                2. RACHEL HACKNEY

                                                3. PHOEBE HACKNEY

                                                4. GEORGE HACKNEY

                                                5. ELI HACKNEY

                                                6. MARY HACKNEY

(5)          5. MARY HAWORTH, 5th child of Mahlon and Phebe (Frazier) Haworth, was born in Clinton Co., Ohio.

                     She died when young. (Note: Mary b 5 Dec.  l804- 5, d Sept. 1820 - ibid)

(5)          6. PHOEBE HAWORTH, 6th child of Mahlon and Phebe (Frasier) Haworth, was born in Clinton   Co., Ohio.

                      She married ----- Bailey and had 6 children. (Note: Phoebe b 10 May 1807, d 14 Sep. 1843 md 28 May 1829

                      Micajah Bailey (Mr. Gobbel)

                                (6)          1. DAVID BAILEY

                                                2. SILVIA C. BAILEY

                                                3. SUSANNAH BAILEY

                                                4. REBECCA BAILEY

                                                3. MAHLON G. BAILEY

                                                6. PHOEBE BAILEY

 (note: Hinshaw's Quaker Gen. Vol. 5 gives all b dates - Haworth by Nellie Evans gives who md & dates.)

(5)          7. MAHLON HAWORTH, JR., 7th child of Mahlon and Phebe (Frazier) Haworth was born in Clinton Co., Ohio

  (Note: Mahlon b 20 Aug. 1809) where in 1830 he married Sarah J. Woolman. In 1833 they moved to   Mechanicsburg, Illinois, and in 1837 went to Decatur, Illinois where  Mahlon, Jr. died Apr. 25, 1893.  Mahlon, Jr. and Sarah (Woolman) Haworth had 10 children:

                                (6)          1. LOAMMI L. HAWORTH, 1st child of Mahlon, Jr. and Sarah (Woolman) Haworth, was born in

                                                       June 1831 in Clinton Co., Ohio and married Julia Alexander in Clinton Co. in 1852. In 1862

                                                       they moved to Decatur, Ill. Had 3 children:

                                                                (7)          1. HENRIETTA HAWORTH

                                                                                2. Annie B. HAWORTHH married Peter H. Brueck

                                                                                                (8)          1. HAWORTH BRUECK born 1888

                                                                                3. WILLIAM E. HAWORTH

                                (6)          2. URIAH HAWORTH, 2nd child of Mahlon, Jr. and Sarah (Woolman) Haworth, was born in

                                                     Clinton Co., Ohio in 1832 and died unmarried in 1852.

                                                3. GEORGE D. HAWORTH, 3d child of Mahlon and Sarah (Woolman) Haworth,  was born in

                                                       Nov. 1833 in Clinton Co., Ohio and died Mar. 1903 la Decatur, Illinois. He married 1st Lizzie

                                                       McCandless in 1863. She died in 1870 and he  married 2nd Mary E. Gruendyke in 1876.

                                                4. JAMES A. HAWORTH, 4th child of Mahlon Jr. and Sarah (Woolman) Haworth, was born in

                                                      1836 in Clinton Co., Ohio and died in 1892 in Decatur, Illinois. He married Mary Henkle.

                                                       They had a son:

                                                                (7)          1. WILLIAM E, HAWORTH born 1861. Lived in Chicago.

                                                5. JOHN W. HAWORTH 5th child of Mahlon Jr. and Sarah (Woolman) Haworth, was born in

                                                       1838 in Clinton Co., Ohio and died Feb. 1, 1880 in Decatur, Illinois.  He married Ellen Ferry

                                                         and had 1 child:

                                                                (7)          1. IRA M. HAWORTH born 1867

                                                6. ANNA MARIA HAWORTH, 6th child of Mahlon Jr. and Sarah (Woolman)  Haworth, was born in

                                                      Dec. 1839 in Clinton Co., Ohio. Dec. 1, 1863 she married  Milburn B. Roby in Decatur, Illinois.

                                                       They had 7 children:

                                                                (7)          1. FRANK CLINTON ROBY, 1st child of Kilburn H. and Annie (Haworth) Roby,

                                                                                     was born May 21, 1865. Married Ida H. Gordon in l893.  

                                                                                     Lived in Decatur,  had 3 children:

                                                                                                (8)          1. HELEN E ROBY born 1894

                                                                                                                2. MILBURN ROBY born I898

                                                                                                                3. FRANK C ROBY JR. born 1900

                                                                                2. MARY LOIS ROBY 2nd child of Kilburn H. and Annie  (Haworth) Roby,

                                                                                      was born July 29, 1867. Married Fredrick A. Brown in Jan. 1890.

                                                                                       Lived in Chicago and had 2 children: 

                                                                                                (8)          1. MILBURN R. BROWN born 1894

                                                                                                                2. MARY LOIS BROWN born 1896

                                                                (7)          3. EDNA ALICE ROBY, 3d child of Kilburn H. and Annie  (Haworth) Roby,

                                                                                     was born Mar, 14, 1869, died in infancy.

                                                                                4. KILBURN HARWOOD ROBY, JR., 4th child of Kilburn and  Annie (Haworth)

                                                                                      Roby, was born Oct. 10, 1871. Married Clara Greene in 1900.

                                                                                       Lived in Decatur. 2 children:

                                                                                                (8)          1. OLIVE GREEN ROBY born 1903, died 1906

                                                                                                                2. THOMAS GREEN ROBY born 1906

                                                                                5. LUTHER E. ROBY, 5th child of Kilburn H. and Annie (Haworth)  Roby,

                                                                                      was born Feb. 10, 1874. Lived in Peoria.

                                                                (7)          6. SARAH JANE ROBY, 6th child of Kilburn H. and Annie (Haworth) Roby

                                                                                     was born Jan. 14, 1876. May 21, 1903 she  married Capt. Charles E. Hay, Jr.,

                                                                                     Judge Advocate U.S.A* at Ft*    Sam Houston, Texas. 1 child:

                                                                                                (8)          1. JOHN LEONARD HAY born June 9, 1905

                                                                                7. ANNIE HAWORTH ROBY, 7th child of Kilburn H. and Annie (Haworth) Roby,

                                                                                       was born Apr. 10, 1878. She married Donald Vincent of Fort Dodge,

                                                                                       Iowa Oct, 1, 1904.

                                (6)          7. MARY PHOEBE HAWORTH, 7th child of Mahlon, Jr. and Sarah (Woolman) Haworth, was

                                                     born Nov. 23, 1843 in Clinton CO., Ohio. She married  George S.  Simpson  in 1865 in Decatur, 

                                                     Illinois. They had 2 children:  

                                                                (7)          1. GEORGE HAWORTH SIMPSON born in 1867.  Married 1st:  Grace Bloom

                                                                                      in 1890. Lived in Decatur.

                                                                                                (8)          1. GE0RGE B. SIMPSON born  married 2nd: Mina Matheny

                                                                                                                   in 1898.

                                                                                                (8)          2. HAWORTH M. SIMPSON born 1899

                                                                (7)          2. FREDRICK C. SIMPSON was born in 1871, died in I896.

                                (6)          8. MAHLON F. HAWORTH, 8th child of Mahlon Jr. and Sarah (Woolman) Haworth, was born

                                                      in Oct, 1845 in Clinton Co., Ohio, He enlisted in the 7th  Illinois Cavalry in the Civil War,

                                                      was taken prisoner near Colliersville, Tenn. in 1863 and died at Andersonville, Ga. in 1864.

                                                9. ALVA HAWORTH, 9th child of Mahlon Jr. and Sarah (Woolman) Haworth, was  born in Clinton

                                                      Co., Ohio. Died in infancy.

                                                10. SARAH J. HAWORTH, 10th child of Mahlon Jr. and Sarah (Woolman) Haworth, was born in

                                                        Clinton Co., Ohio. Died in infancy.


End of Family Record of Mahlon Haworth Jr. (5), Mahlon(4), George(3), James(2), George(1)

To Part 2