Part 2 of  7

 (5)         8. JOHN HAWORTH, 8th child of Mahlon and Phebe (Frazier) Haworth, was born in Clinton Co.,  Ohio. Died in infancy. (Note: John F. b 1 Apr. 1812 d Apr. 1813 - Hinshaw's and/or Haworth   Man. by Mr. Gobbel)

                9. ELIJAH HAWORTH 9th child of Mahlon and Phebe (Frazier) Haworth, was born in Clinton Co.,  Ohio. Married Elisabeth Walthal and had 5 children: (Note: Elijah b Mar. 1815 md. 23 Oct. 1834  Elisabeth Walthall - ibid)

                                (6)          1. HENRY HAWORT H

                                                2. WILLIAM HAWORTH

                                                3. MARTHA HAWORTH

                                                4. MARMADUKE HAWORTH

                                                5. PHOEBE HAWORTH

                           (Note: b dates, places Archives Salt Lake son M & dates - additional M and dates  - Haworth by Nellie Evans)

                10. JAMES HAWORTH, 10th child of Mahlon and Phebe (Frazier) Haworth, was born in Clinton   Co., Ohio.   Died in infancy. (Note: James b Oct. 1817 d Aug. 1826 –Hinshaw's and/or Haworth  Man. by Mr. Gobbel)

                11. RICHARD HAWORTH, 11th child of Mahlon and Phebe (Frazier) Haworth, was born in Clinton Co., Ohio. He married Jane Jenny. Had 7 children:

                                (6)          1. THOMAS HAWORTH

                                                2. JAMES HAWORTH

                                (6)          3. SARAH M. HAWORTH

                                                4. CAROLINE HAWORTH

                                                5. HARRIET HAWORTH

                                                6. AURIA HAWORTH

                                                7.  MAHLON HAWORTH


                (Note: Richard Haworth b 1 July 1823-4 d 12 Oct, 1892 - b Haworth Man. d Haworth by Nellie Evans - Both sources mentioned contend Richard md. 12 Mar. 1843 Elizabeth West and had Thomas b 17 June 1844, James M. b 11 Apr. 1846, Isaiah b 16 Aug. 1848, Frances Emily b 23 May 1852, Caroline b 9 Sept. 1854, Harriett Ellen b 7 Sept. 1856 and Anna Elizabeth b 12 Oct. 1862 d 9 Nov. 1862.  He then md. after Elizabeth's death Jane Janney on 1 Dec. 1863. Nellie Evans work  said the 2nd md. had - Lenora b 11 Oct. 1866 and Clinton b 23 Mar. 1869. Exact date of 2nd md. from Evans only. If Elisabeth died at death of Anna Elizabeth, it is not too unlikely that a man  with this many small children would remarry very soon. Some of the dates are also confirmed by Hinshaw, but not sure which ones.)  

                End of Family Record of Mahlon Haworth(4), George(3),  James(2), George(1).  

 (4) 2. JOHN HAWORTH, 2nd child of George and Susannah (Dillon) Haworth, was born in 1778. (Note: John b 6 Aug. 1778 Bush River, Newberry, S.C. - Index Bureau S.L. says Hinshaw's Q. Gen.) Quoting from a letter written to Mr. Davis in 1906 by Judge John H. Henderson, of Indianola, Iowa. ''......... John Haworth came from Tennessee to Ohio. Whether he was born in Tennessee I cannot now definitely state". (He was probably born in North Carolina before his parents went to Tennessee if the date of his birth, 1778, is correct, RBS) Again quoting Judge Henderson, "They lived in Clinton Co., Ohio. Moved sometime prior to the Thirties to what is now known as Vermillion Co., Illinois. John Haworth moved to Keokuk Co., Iowa in 1840 and died there sometime during the Fifties. He built the first frame house in Keokuk County."  He was also the first Haworth to emigrate west of the Mississippi. He was both a farmer and a doctor. He married Elisabeth Ballard and they had 8 children:

                (5)          1. SUSANNAH HAWORTH

                                2. MOORMAN HAWORTH

                                3. GEORGE HAWORTH

                                4. MAHLON HAWORTH

                                5. JOHN LITTLEBERRY HAWORTH

                                6. MINERVA HAWORTH

                                7. ALLEN HAWORTH

                                8. HARMON HAWORTH

                (5)          1. SUSANNAH HAWORTH,

                              (Note: Susannah 2nd child b 20 Oct. l802, New Hope, Green  Co., Tenn. -  Hinshaw's Q. Gen.)

                               1st child of John and Elizabeth (Ballard) Haworth,  married her second cousin  JOEL HAWORTH.

                                Susannah(5),  John(4), George(3)., James(2), George(1)  Joel (5), John(4), Richard(3), James(2),

                                George(1)  Joel was the 3d child of John(4) and Siciley (Elmore) Haworth.    See Vol. I, page 88

                                2. MOORMAN HAWORTH,

                                 (Note: Moorman b 20 June 1801, New Hope - ibid) 2nd child   of John and Elizabeth (Ballard) Haworth,

                                  was born in 1801 and died in 1882. He married  his third cousin   ELIZABETH MARDOCK, 1st child of

                                John and Nancy Ann (Wright)  Murdock. )

                                (All of John's children changed the spelling of their name to Mardock.)

                                Moorman(5), John(4), George(3), James(2), George(1)

                                Elizabeth(6), Nancy Ann(Wright)) Murdock(5), Susannah (Haworth) Wright(4),  Richard(3), James(2),



                                Elizabeth Mardock was born April 13, 1808 in Tennessee. In 1813 she went with her  widowed mother

                                 and her grandparents, Isaac and Susannah (Haworth) Wright, to  Indiana where she grew up and

                                 married Moorman Haworth. They had 8 children: 

                                                (6)          1. JOHN M. HAWORTH born 1827

                                                                2. ASENITH HAWORTH born 1829

                                                                3. CALVIN HAWORTH born 1830

                                                                4. ISAAC HAWORTH born 1833

                                                                5. JAMIS HAWOHTH born 1835

                                                                6. MALINDA HAWORTH born 1838

                                                                7. WILLIAM HAWORTH born 1842 died 1889

                                                                8. ANGLINE HAWORTH born 1843

                                                                See Vol. I, pages 79 to 81

                                                (6)          1. JOHN M. HAWORTH, 1st child of Moorman and Elizabeth (Mardock) Haworth,

                                                                     married Anna Albert and had 10 children:  

                                                                                (7)        1. MAHIA HAW0RTH married Clark Edds

                                                                                              2. LIZZIE HAWORTH married her 3d cousin BARCLAY  DILLON,

                                                                                                 son of Jonathan and Charity (Haworth) Dillon.   Charity(3)  

                                                                                               was the daughter of Dillon Haworth (4), George (3), James(2), George(1).

                                                                                                3. MARTHA HAWORTH married Ezekiel Harris

                                                                                                4. ELLA HAWORTH married Isaac Moon. Had 2 children:

                                                                                                                (8)          1. IRENA MOOM

                                                                                                                                2. CHESTER MOON

                                                                                                5. DAVID HAWORTH

                                                                                                6. CICILY HAWOHTH

                                                                                                7. LINNIE HAWORTH

                                                                                                8. MILLIE HAWORTH

                                                                                                9. BELLE HAWORTH married Leonard Starbuck

                                                                                                10. ALBERTA HAWORTH

                                                (6)          2. ASINETH HAWORTH, 3rd child of Moorman and Elizabeth (Mardock) Haworth,

                                                                      married Evan George and had 7 children:

                                                                                (7)          1. MARION GEORGE

                                                                                                2. ELMA GEORGE md. Fry

                                                                                                3. EMALINE GEORGE md. Jesse Hadley

                                                                                                4. JESSE GEORGE

                                                                                                5. SIDNEY GEORGE

                                                                                                6. NAOMI GEORGE

                                                                                                7. CHARLES GEORGE

                                                 (6)         3. CALVIN HAWORTH, 3d child of Moorman and Elisabeth (Mardock) Haworth,

                                                                      married Rachel Haworth (names of her parents not known),  and had 9 children:

                                                                                (7)          1. MOORMAN G. HAWORTH born 1856, married Ann McConnell

                                                                                                                (8)          1. NELLIE HAWORTH born 1880 md, C.  Fraley

                                                                                                                                2. REX HAWORTH, born 1884

                                                                                                                                3. McCONNELL HAW0RTH born 1889

                                                                                                                                4. LEA REACE HAWORTH born 1891

                                                                                                                                5. MURRIL HAWORTH born 1899

                                                                                (7)          2. LAURA HAWORTH born 1858, md, J. A. Cottingham

                                                                                                                (8)          1. W.A. COTTINGHAM born 1860 md*  Linnie Henshaw

                                                                                                                                2. HARRY COTTINGHAM born 1882 md. Mamie McDole

                                                                                                                                3. MAUD COTTNGHAM born 1884 md, Albert Haughtiling

                                                                                                                                4. ROSS COTTINGHAM born 1886

                                                                                (7)          3. JAMES W. HAWORTH born 1860 married Addie Kenover

                                                                                                                (8)          1. LELIA HAWORTH born 1885

                                                                                                                                2. PERRY W. HAWORTH born 1886

                                                                                                                                3. MAY HAWORTH born 1890

                                                                                                                                4. LOTTIE HAWORTH born 1892

                                                                                (7)          4. MAHLON HAWORTH born 1862

                                                                                                5. JOHN HAWORTH born 1865

                                                                                                6. ISAAC HAWORTH born 1868

                                                                                                                (8)          1. RACHEL E. HAWORTH born 1900

                                                                                                7. WM. GOLDSMITH HAWORTH born 1871, md, Edith Marshall

                                                                                                8. CORA HAWORTH born I876

                                                                                                9. ARTHUR HAWORTH born 1879, married C. Wandling


                                                (6)          4. ISAAC HAWORTH, 4th child of Moorman and Elisabeth (Murdock)   Haworth,

                                                                       married, name of wife unknown, and had 6 children:

                                                                                (7)          1. A. LINDLEY HAWORTH md. F. Folger and had 2  children:

                                                                                                                (8)          1. LESLIE HAWORTH

                                                                                                                                2. ERNESTHAWORTH

                                                                                                2. JEREMIAH H. HAWORTH md. Mary Weeks(?) and had  2 children:

                                                                                                                (8)          1. EVAN HAWORTH

                                                                                                                                2. GEORGE I. HAWORTH

                                                                                                3. ROSETTA HAWORTH married Grant Price

                                                                                                4. MOORMAN ELWOOD HAWORTH

                                                                                                5. ARTHUR HAWORTH

                                                                                                6. CHARLES E. HAWORTH

                                                (6)          5. JAMES HAWORTH 5th child of Moorman and Elizabeth (Murdock) Haworth,

                                                                      was born in 1835. No record.

                                                                6. MALINDA HAWORTH, 6th child of Moorman and Elizabeth (Murdock)  Haworth,

                                                                       was born in 1838 She married W. Gardner.

                                                                7. WILLIAM HAWORTH, 7th child of Moorman and Elizabeth (Murdock) Haworth,

                                                                        was born in 1842 and died in 1889. He married Hannah Kenoyer and had 9 children:

                                                                                (7)          1. ESTHER HAWORTH married ALONZA  JACKSON HAWORTH(6)

                                                                                                     George S.(5), Dillon(4), George(3),  James(2), George(1)  

                                                                                                      They  lived in Indianola, Iowa, had 5 children:

                                                                                                                (8)          1. DOROTHY HAWORTH

                                                                                                                                2. GEORGE S. HAWORTH

                                                                                                                                3. HALLEEN HAWORTH

                                                                                                                                4. RAYMOND HAWORTH

                                                                                                                                5. CECIL HAWORTH

                                                                                (7)          2. EMMA HAWORTH married George North

                                                                                                3.  ALONZA HAWORTH born 1869, died 1878

                                                                                                4. ASENITH HAWORTH born 1872 married Ed Jones

                                                                                                5. MARY EHAWORTH born 1874 married Charles Beck

                                                                                                6. ANNA HAWORTH born I876 married DILLON  HAWORTH(6),

                                                                                                       George S.(5), Dillon(4), George(3), James(2), George(1)

                                                                                                      P. C. Newkirk, Oklahoma, Had 2 children:

                                                                                                                (8)          1. LECTA HAWORTH

                                                                                                                                2. LEWIS LEON HAWORTH

                                                                                                7.  MABEL HAWORTH born 1880 md. Allen Stroud

                                                                                                8. LUCY HAWORTH born 1882

                                                                                                9. CLIFTON HAWORTH born 1886

                                                (6)          8. ANGELINE HAWORTH, 8th child of Moorman and Elizabeth (Murdock) Haworth

                                                                     was born in 1843. She married William Kenoyer.

                                                                                (7)          1. CHARLES KENOYER born 1876

                                                                                                2. ERNEST KENOYER born I878

                                                                                                3, ORPHA KENOYER born I880


End of Family Record of Moorman Haworth(5), John(4), George(3), James(2), George(1) 

GEORGE(3), JOHN(4) cont.-  

(5) 3. GEORGE HAWORTH, 3d child of John and Elizabeth (Ballard) Haworth, married Betsy Hollingworth.

(5) 4. MAHLON HAWORTH, 4th child of John and Elizabeth (Ballard) Haworth, married Nancy Hockett and had 9 children:

                (6)          1. WILLIAM HAWORTH married Mary Mardock(7), Isaac Mardock(6), Nancy Ann (Wright)  Hardock(3),

                                     Susannah (Haworth) Wright (4), Richard Haworth(3), James(2), George(1)  (See Page 8l, Vol. I)

                                2. CHALKLEY HAWORTH

                                3. MAHLON HAWORTH, JR. married and had 6 children:

                                                (7)          1. EMMA HAWORTH

                                                                2. MATTIE HAWORTH

                                                                3. WILLIAM HAWORTH

                                                                4. DELIA HAWORTH

                                                                5. LENNIE HAWORTH

                                                                6. MAUD HAWORTH

                (6)          4. SARAH HAWORTH

                                5. MARY HAWORTH

                                6. JANE HAWORTH

                                7. ATLANTIC HAWORTH

                                8. JOHN HAWORTH

                                9. EMMA HAWORTH

(5) 5. JOHN LITTLEBERRY HAWORTH, 3th child of John and Elisabeth (Ballard) Haworth, married, according to Vol. 2, #3 of The Haworth record, Mary Moffitt. Vol. 3 #2 says, Susannah Mardock, 3d child of Nancy Ann (Haworth) Mardock(4), James(3), James(2) and her husband John Mardock married John Littleberry Haworth, son of John and Elisabeth (Ballard) Haworth. ????? See Vol* I, page 81. The children of John L. and Mary (Moffitt) Haworth are listed as:

                (6)          1. POLLY ANN HAWORTH married J. Pearson and had 11 children:

                                                (7)          1. MINERVA PEARSON

                                                                2. EPHRAM PEARSON

                                                                3. MARY PEARSON

                                                                4. CHARITY PEARSON

                                                                5. ELIZABETH PEARSON

                                                                6. RHODA E. PEARSON

                                                                7. BENJAMIN PEARSON

                                                                8. WILLIAM DAVID PEARSON

                                                                9. JOEL PEARSON

                                                                10. ROBERT L. PEARSON

                                                                11. JENETTE E. PEARSON

                (6)          2. ENOCH HAWORTH

                                3. JOEL HAWORTH

                                4. GEORGE HAWORTH

                                5. REBECCA J. HAWORTH

                                6. ELIZABETH HAWORTH

                                7. MAHLON P. HAWORTH

                                                (7)          1. MYRTLE

                                                                2. LAURA HAWORTH

                                                                3. CLINTON HAWORTH

                                                                4. PEARLPKA8L HAWORTH

                (6)          8. SOLOMON HAWORTH

                                9. JOHN W. HAWORTH

                                10. CHARLES N. HAWORTH

(5) 6. MINERVA HAWORTH, 6th child of John and Elizabeth (Ballard) Haworth, married Seth Brown and had 2 children:

                (6)          1.  WILLIAM BROWN

                                2. RICHARD BROWN

(5) 7. ALLEN HAWORTH, 7th child of John and Elizabeth (Ballard) Haworth, married Delilah Moffitt. They had 8 children: 

                (6)          1. SOLOMON HAWORTH

                                2. SPENCER HAWORTH

                                3. CHARLES B. HAWORTH born Nov. 13, 1834, died in Canby, Oregon Oct. 7, 1914.   Buried at Holdman,

                                      Oregon, Oct, 9. He married and had 8 children:                     

                                                (7)          1. HARVEY HAWORTH

                                                                2. COLUMBUS HAWORTH

                                                                3. ALBERT HAWORTH

                                                                4. MARY HAWORTH

                                                                5. MARTHA HAWORTH

                                                                6. RUTH HAWORTH

                                                                7. RHODA HAWORTH

                                                                8. GEORGE HAWORTH  

                (6)          4. ELIZABETH HAWORTH married 1st W.W. Harris. Had 1 child:

                                                (7)          1. ROSETT M. HARRIS

                                Married 2nd Eli Carr and had 6 children:

                                                (7)          2. ARTHUR CARR

                                                                3. ALLEN CARR

                                                                4. FRANK CARR

                                                                5. LYDIA CARR

                                                                6. LUCY CARR

                                                                7. LENORA CARR  

                (6)          5. MELVIN HAWORTH

                                6. TACY HAWORTH

                                7. JOHN HAWORTH

                                8. REBECCA HAWORTH

(5) 8. HARMON HAWORTH, 8th child of John and Elizabeth (Ballard) Haworth, married Ursula Coates and had 9 children:

                (6)          1. ROSEANNA HAWORTH

                                2. CHARLOTTE HAWORTH married _ _ Hinshaw. Had 2 children:

                                                (7)          1. ORLANDO P. HINSHAW

                                                                2. ELIZABETH HINSHAW

                                3. ELIZABETH HAWORTH

                                4. WILLIAM HAWORTH married and had 3 children:

                                                (7)          1. BERT HAWORTH

                                                                2. CARL HAWORTH

                                                                3. ELI HAWORTH  

                                5. SARAH HAWORTH married ELKANAH MARDOCK, 6th child of Isaac and Nancy Ann (Haworth)

                                      Mardock. Nancy Haworth(4), James(3), James(2), George(1).

                                     Elkanah Mardock(7), Isaac Mardock(6), Nancy Ann (Wright) Mardock(5), Susannah  (Haworth)

                                     Wright(4), Richard Haworth(3), James(2), George(1). See Vol. I, page 8l.

                                    Elkanah Mardock was a minister among Friends in Kansas where he and his wife both died.

                                6. ESTHER E. HAWORTH

                                7. JOHN H. HAWORTH married and had 4 children:

                                                (7)          1. RALPH HAWORTH

                                                                2. FLOYD C. HAWORTH

                                                                3. ELBERT HAWORTH

                                                                4. CORA C. HAWORTH

                (6)          8. THOMAS C. HAWORTH

                                9. ORILLA HAWORTH


End of the Family Record of John Haworth(4), George(3), James(2), George(1)


GE0RGE(3) cont. -


(4) 3. GEORGE HAWORTH Jr., 3d child of George and Susannah (Dillon) Haworth, "was born in the old county of Tennessee in the western part of North Carolina in 1783, which at that time was a wild and sparsely settled region". He married his second cousin, RACHEL HAWORTH, daughter of Absalom Jr. and Mary (West) Haworth. Whether they were married before George and his family moved from Tennessee to Clinton Co., Ohio is not stated. Rachel(4), Absalom Jr. (3) Absalom(2), George(1).

With his brothers James and William, George moved to Illinois. Samuel Haworth of Thorntown, Indiana said the move was probably made between 1822 and 1825 and that his grandfather, James, laid off the town of Georgetown, naming for his lame son, George: but Elwood Haworth, son of Richard(4) and nephew of George Jr. and of James, said that his Uncle George laid out the town of Georgetown and his Uncle James the town of Danville. George Jr. and Rachel Haworth had 7 children. James Riley Haworth, listed as the 7th child is the only one for whom any dates are given. If the date of his birth, 1808, is correct the question arises as to whether the children's names are listed according to their ages? They are being presented just as they were listed in The Haworth Record.

                (5)          1. ABSALOM HAWORTH

                                2. SAMUEL HAW0RTH

                                3. MARY HAWORTH

                                4. SUSANNAH HAWORTH

                                5. RACHEL HAWORTH

                                6. SARAH W00D HAWORTH

                                7. JAMES RILEY HAWORTH

                (5)          1. ABSALOM HAWORTH, 1st child of George Jr. and Rachel (Haworth) Haworth. No  record

                                2. SAMUEL HAWORTH, 2nd child of George Jr. and Rachel (Haworth) Haworth(4),  married Mahala

                                      DILL0N(5), daughter of Garrett Dillon, the son of Peter and ELIZABETH HAWORTH) DILLON (3),

                                      James(2), George(1). Mahala (Dillon) Haworth

                                       married 2nd  Robert Cockran and went to Oregon.

                                3. MARY HAWORTH, 3d child of George Jr. and Rachel (Haworth) Haworth(4), married John Pettijohn

                                      and went to Texas in 1850.

                                4.  SUSANNAH HAWORTH, 4th child of George Jr. and Rachel (Haworth) Haworth, married Dr. David

                                       Knight and went to Texas in 1850.

                                5. RACHEL HAWORTH, 5th child of George Jr. and Rachel (Haworth) Haworth married  her cousin

                                      MAHLON HAWORTH(5), James(4), George(3), James(2) George(1). They had 8 children:

                                                (6)          1. GEORGE S. HAWORTH

                                                                2. MARY HAWORTH

                                                                3. JAMES HAWORTH

                                                                4. SYLVESTER HAWORTH

                                                                5. ELLEN HAWORTH

                                                                6. ELISHA HAWORTH

                                                                7. JULETTE HAWORTH

                                                                8. MATILDA HAHORTH

                George JR.(4), md. his 2nd cousin Rachel (Haworth(4), Absalom Jr.(3), Absalom(2), George(1)   and their

                  daughter RACHEL HAW0RTH(5) married her cousin MAHLON HAW0RTH(5), James(4), George(3), James(2),


                                                (6)          1. GEORGE HAWORTH, 1st child of Mahlon and Rachel (Haworth) Haworth, was born

                                                                      May 27, 1843. He went into the Army in 1861 and  was wounded twice. He married

                                                                     1st:  Mary L. Rees in 1865.   Mary died  Jan. 27, 1882. They had 6 children:  

                                                                                (7)          1. ELIZA H. HAWORTH born Nov. 19, 1866, married  James L. Gildon

                                                                                                     and had 6 children:

                                                                                                                (8)          1. GE0RGE D. GILDON born Feb, 8, I885

                                                                                                                                2.  ZENNA A. GILDON born Oct. 20, 1886

                                                                                                                                3. ROSS E. GILDON born Jan. 21, 1892

                                                                                                                                4, R. COY GILDON born Oct. 22, 1896

                                                                                                                                5. IOLA M. GILDON born Sept. 28, 1900

                                                                                                                                6. ALICE I. GILDON born Aug. 25, 1902

                                                                                (7)          2. RACHEL M. HAWORTH, 2nd child of George W.  and Mary (Rees)

                                                                                                      Haworth, was born June 30, 1868, Married J.H. Shellery.

                                                                                                      She died Feb. 17, 1897.

                                                                                                3. MARTHA E. HAWORTH, 3d child of George W. and  Mary (Rees)

                                                                                                     Haworth, was born Jan. 10, l873.  Married George Clark.

                                                                                                     Of 5 children 2 lived:

                                                                                                                (8)          1. FLORA CLARK born Jan. 3, 1896

                                                                                                                                2.  DRAPER CLARK born Mar. 28, 1899

                                                                                                4. MARY J. HAWORTH 4th child of George and Mary (Rees) Haworth,

                                                                                                     was born June 19, l875.  Md.  A.C. Cutlip. Had 4 children:

                                                                                                                (8)          1. BLANCH CUTLIP born Apr. 29, 1895

                                                                                                                                2. DAISY CUTLIP born Mar. 30, 1900

                                                                                                                                3. MARTHA CUTLIP born Sept. 27, 1902

                                                                                                                                4. EDEN H. CUTLIP born July 29, 1906

                                                                                (7)          5. GEORGE D. HAWORTH, 5th child of George W. and Mary (Rees)

                                                                                                      Haworth, was born Nov. 2, I876.

                                                                                                6. ROSA B. HAWORTH, 6th child of George W. and Mary (Rees)

                                                                                                      Haworth, was born Aug. 29, l879. Married James  H. Welleons

                                                                                                       and had 4 children:

                                                                                                                (8)          1. MARY R. WELLEONS born July 14, 1896

                                                                                                                                2. MADGE M. WELLEONS born Dec. 15, 1900

                                                                                                                                3. LYDIA R. WELLEONS born May 14,  1903

                                                                                                                                4. RACHEL M. WELLEONS born Sept. 4,  1905

                                                (6)          1. GEORGE W. HAWORTH married 2nd Clara C, Robertson in 1883 and had 2 children:

                                                                                (7)          7. JAMES R HAWORTH born Dec. 18, 1886

                                                                                                8. FLOSSIE B. HAWORTH born Jan. 28, I890, died Oct. 7, 1897

                                                                2. MARY HAWORTH, 2nd child of Mahlon and Rachel (Haworth)  Haworth, married

                                                                     George W. Davis of Coin, Page Co., Iowa. 2 children:

                                                                                (7)          1. CLARA DAVIS married ---- Green. Had 2 children.

                                                                                                2. SEMOUR DAVIS

                                (6)          3.  JAMES HAWORTH, 3d child of Mahlon and Rachel (Haworth) Haworth,

                                                      died in the Army in 1864.

                                                4. SYLVESTER HAWORTH, 4th child of Mahlon and Rachel (Haworth) Haworth,  was born

                                                       ------------------ and died -----------.

                                                He went to California in 1871 and to Washington Co., Idaho in 1879 where he  farmed and

                                                 raised stock in Indian Valley until 1906.  At that time he went to  Alberta, Canada where he

                                                   died.   He married Susan Lindsay, They had 7 children:                    

                                                                (7)          1. IVA HAWORTH

                                                                                2. JESSIE HAWORTH

                                                                                3. MAHLON HAWORTH

                                                                                4. FRANK HAWORTH

                                                                                3. FLORA HAWORTH

                                                                                6. HILDRETH HAWORTH

                                                                                7. SYLVESTOR KELSEY HAWORTH

                                                                (7)          1. IVA HAWORTH. 1st child of Sylvester and Susan (Lindsay) Haworth,

                                                                                     was born ----. She married Jeff Anderson, They had 2 children:

                                                                                                (8)          1. EDNA ANDERSON, married Edwin Johnson.

                                                                                                                     They had 2 children:

                                                                                                                                (9)          1. LAWRENCE JEFF JOHNSON

                                                                                                                                                 2. DOYAL JEFFERSON

                                                                                                (8)          2. GERTRUDE ANDERSON, married - Patton,  had 1 child:

                                                                                                                                (9)          1. BONNIE FAY PATTON

                                                                (7)          2. JESSIE HAWORTH, 2nd child of Sylvester and  Susan (Lindsey) Haworth

                                                                                      was born ----, She married William Meech, They had 3  children:

                                                                                                (8)          1.



                                                                (7)          3. MAHLON HAWORTH, 3d child of Sylvester and Susan (Lindsey) Haworth

                                                                                     was ----- born and ----- died

                                                                                4. FRANK HAWORTH, 4th child of Sylvester and Susan (Lindsey) Haworth

                                                                                      was born ----- and died ------

                                                                                In 1906 he went to Canada but returned to Idaho and died in Boise.

                                                                                5. FLORA HAWORTH, Frank's twin sister and the 5th child of Sylvester and

                                                                                      Susan (Lindsey) Haworth, was born ---. She  married 1st ------ Cowgill and had

                                                                                      5 children:

                                                                                                (8)          1.





                                                                FLORA (HAWORTH) COWGILL married 2nd ---- Joslin

                                                (7)          6. HILDRETH HAWORTH, 6th child of Sylvester and Susan (Lindsey) Haworth

                                                                     was born ----. She married John Manning. They had 4 children:

                                                                                (8)          1. JEAN MANNING married Walt Wilant of Kew York

                                                                                                                (9)          1. 


                                                                                                                                3. LUCILE MANNING


                                                                                                                                4. LOIS MANNING


                                                (7)          7. SYLVESTER KELSEY HAWORTH, 7th child of Sylvester and Susan (Lindsey) Haworth,

                                                                     was born -. He served in World War I. Died -.  He married Inez Hutchinson and

                                                                     had 2 children:

                                                                                (8)          1. IRENE HAWORTH married David Starr

                                                                                                                (9)          1.


                                                                                (8)          2. INO HAWORTH Married Rudy Chase

                                                                                                                (9)          1.

                George JR.(4), md. his 2nd cousin Rachel (Haworth(4), Absalom Jr.(3), Absalom(2), George(1)   and their

                 daughter RACHEL HAW0RTH(5) married her cousin MAHLON HAW0RTH(5), James(4), George(3), James(2),


                                (6)          5. ELLEN HAWORTH, 5th child of Mahlon and Rachel (Haworth) Haworth,  married George

                                                     Riley and had 6 sons. They lived in Kansas.

                                (6)          6. ELISAH HAWORTH, 6th child of Mahlon and Rachel (Haworth) Haworth, went to Kansas

                                                     in 1872. He married and had one child. His wife died and in 1902 he went to Canada.

                                                7. JULIETTE HAWORTH, 7th child of Mahlon and Rachel (Haworth) Haworth,  married James

                                                      Bidwell of Coin, Iowa. They had 1 child.

                                                                (7)          1. JESSE BIDWELL

                                                8. MATILDA HAWORTH, 8th child of Mahlon and Rachel (Haworth) Haworth   married and lived

                                                     and died in Illinois. 

End of Family Record of Rachel(5), George, Jr.(4) , George(3), James(2), George(1)



                (5)          6. SARAH W00D HAWORTH, 6th child of George, Jr. and Rachel (Haworth) Haworth,  married

                                     Samuel Booker,

                (5)          7. JAMES RILEY HAWORTH, 7th child of George Jr. and Rachel (Haworth) Haworth(4), was born

                                     in 1808, died in 1898, He married 1st Catherine Stanfield and had 3 children!:                   

                                (6)          1. SAMUEL HAWORTH born l848, md. Martha Tennis

                                                2. ANGELINE HAWORTH born 1850, md. William Tennis

                                                3. CHARLES GRANT HAWORTH born  --- md. Laura Laird

                                     JAMES RILEY HAWORTH married 2nd Ruth Thornton.


End of the Family Record of Rachel (Haworth) Haworth who married George Haworth Jr.(4), George(3), James(2), George(1).


To Part 3